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Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) - Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) Program?

The Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) provides funding to Canadian organizations to expand innovative learning opportunities through technology. The opportunities facilitate adult learning and skills development in order to enable Canadians to fully participate in the workplace and their community.

Do you offer training for individuals?

The Office of Learning Technologies does not offer training opportunities to individuals.

What is the Community Learning Networks (CLN) Initiative?

CLN is OLT's funding initiative. It supports community-based pilot projects that demonstrate innovative and sustainable uses of existing network technologies to upgrade skills and knowledge in Canadian communities. These community-based approaches help individuals to prepare for and keep employment and to participate in a culture of lifelong learning.

Community Learning Networks:

  • Use technology as a tool to support and enable learning, skills development and networking;

  • Have a thorough understanding of skills and learning opportunities and needs gained through the creation of a community-based inventory of learning assets and gaps;

  • Demonstrate strong community participation through partnerships with the public, university/college, voluntary and/or private sectors;

  • Promote individual and community development.

What funding is available?

The maximum amount of funding assistance for CLN projects is $600,000 over three years. Financial support will be provided on a cost-shared basis. Projects submitted under this initiative must be collaborative efforts and meet OLT funding criteria. OLT can provide up to 60% of total project costs and the sponsoring organization (applicant) and its partners must contribute at least 40% of the direct project costs, in the form of cash or in-kind contributions. OLT funding cannot exceed $250,000 in any given year. Total funding from all levels of government, including OLT, must not exceed 75% of eligible resources for the project, either as cash or on an in-kind basis.

What are Community Learning Networks (CLNs)?

CLNs are community-managed, Internet-based networks aimed at furthering approaches to acquiring new knowledge and skills, including those required for the labour market.

  • Community is a group of people that share important characteristics, such as living in the same geographic region, speaking the same language, or sharing interests.
  • Learning means improving individual skills and knowledge in an interactive and informal way, rather than in an educational institution with an established curriculum. Some formal learning with links to educational institutions may be included as determined by community-identified needs, interests and priorities.
  • Networks refer both to the technology that connects individuals and groups, and to the patterns of communication and relationships involving multi-point access within a community or communities.

What are the objectives of CLN projects?

CLN projects must: 

  • Research and test innovative approaches that help adult learners to find and keep employment in the knowledge-based economy, and

  • Increase the use and effective adoption of technology supported learning for the workplace.

Projects should also:

  • Stimulate the exchange of knowledge and the enhancement of individual capabilities through peer-to-peer learning or a community of practice (CoP); and/or
  • Increase knowledge about creative and interactive uses of learning technologies; and/or
  • Promote the inclusion of individuals and groups facing barriers to participation in the knowledge-based economy; and/or
  • Support lifelong learning using information and communication technologies (ICT).

How do we apply for funding?

Proposals are accepted following a call for proposals. Applicants must follow guidelines, complete the appropriate funding application form and provide all relevant supporting documentation. Please refer to the appropriate section on this web site.

Who can apply?

For the purpose of the 2004 Call for proposals, eligible recipients must be not-for-profit national organizations/associations with a mandate in the area of socio-economic development and/or learning.

Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of the OLT?

OLT funded projects must benefit:

  • Workers affected by the shift to a knowledge-based economy (for example, older workers);

  • The unemployed or underemployed;

  • New immigrants;

  • Persons with disabilities;

  • Women; or

  • Aboriginal.

How often does the Office of Learning Technologies launch a Call for Proposals?

There is no set number of times during a year Call for Proposals are launched. The frequency of a Call is dependant on the current priorities at the Office of Learning Technologies and on funds available.

What is the date of the next Call for Proposals?

The dates for Call for proposals are announced on the HRSDC web site. Refer to the section – Office of Learning Technologies - Call for Proposals.

How are projects selected?

Eligible proposals are assessed by HRSDC officials and independent advisors. Proposals are assessed on a combination of meeting CLN objectives, OLT priorities, applicant's eligibility and experience, strength of partnerships and the overall quality of the proposals. A complete set of criteria is provided in the program guidelines.

How long does it take for my application to be processed and reviewed?

It may take up to 6 months for a proposal to be processed and reviewed following the closing of a call for proposals.

What conditions are attached to this funding?

The CLN Initiative provides funding to organizations through contribution agreements, which are contracts that spell out the mutual obligations of the parties. Funding is not  provided as a grant. Funding recipients are required to provide HRSDC with financial and activity reports at specified intervals.

Will there be more opportunities for funding under the New Practices in Learning Technologies (NPLT) and Learning Technologies in the Workplace (LTW) initiatives?

The Office of Learning Technologies has focused its programming on the CLN initiative in order to better support the Government of Canada's Innovation Strategy.

What is community learning asset mapping?

Community learning asset mapping is a type of inventory that identifies and locates the learning assets that exist in your community. Learning assets include the knowledge, wisdom or expertise of individuals as well as places where community residents go for formal and informal learning opportunities.

Why is community learning asset mapping important?

Community learning asset mapping is a major step in preparing for an Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) pilot phase project. Identifying and laying out the existing learning assets and capacities in a community makes possible connections easier to see when developing a learning and skill development action plan. Using and building on these existing resources is an important aspect of OLT projects that work for community transformation.

How do we carry out a community learning asset mapping?

The Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) has prepared a guide for organizations to follow in mapping their community's learning resources and presenting and analysing the results. "Community Learning Asset Mapping - A Guidebook for Community Learning Networks" is available the HRSDC Web site.

What is evaluation?

Evaluation is the systematic collection and analysis of information on the progress of the project against its objectives, and planned results of a project against actual results. Evaluation is a project management tool that identifies the impact and outcomes of the project in order to learn from it and to improve upon it.

Why should we evaluate our project?

Evaluation is a tool for project success. It offers an objective analysis of the progress of a project and ensures an optimal relationship between the goal to be achieved, at a reasonable cost, and the resources (human, technical and financial) that are used. Annual evaluation reports are required for Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) funded projects.

How do we evaluate our project?

The Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) has prepared a guide to planning and conducting formal project evaluation. Guide for the Development of a Project Evaluation Plan is available on the HRSDC  Web site. Although project staff plays an important role in ensuring that a proper evaluation is conducted, Office of Learning Technologies (OLT) funded projects must be evaluated by an independent third party that is not associated with the project, the project staff or project partners.


Last modified :  2005-03-08 top Important Notices