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Technical Report: Appendix B

Employers and Work Force Representatives

Interview Protocol

Hello, my name is ________________________ and I am calling on behalf of Beaubear Management Consulting Ltd. We have been engaged by the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training in conjunction with Human Resources Development Canada to conduct an evaluation of the Quick Response Training and Adjustment Program. I believe you may have by now received the letter introducing the evaluation and indicating that we would be calling to ask you some questions about your perceptions of the program.

I have a series of questions about aspects of the Quick Response Training and Adjustment Program that will take approximately thirty minutes to complete. The information that you provide is important to our evaluation of the program. It will be combined with that of other people we are interviewing and will be reported only in aggregate. No specific comments will be attributed to any one individual and in that way, the information that you provide will remain confidential.

Are you prepared to conduct the interview at this time?


If Yes, continue to interview.

If No: What would be a good time to call back?

This evaluation is focused on the period between August of 1995 and March of 1996 when the program was jointly administered by the Adjustment Programs Branch, Skills Development Division of the Ministry of Skills Training and Labour and Human Resources Development Canada.

Interview Schedule

  1. What, in your opinion, was the purpose of the QRTA Program?

  2. What procedures did an employer need to follow in order to receive funding under the program?

  3. In your opinion, how well did those procedures work?

  4. How would describe the consistency of communication between the two levels of government that were jointly administering the program and the potential candidates?

  5. Were the aspects of the program such as application, contracting and funding provided within the time that was expected?

  6. Were the objectives of the contracts for service described in sufficient detail to determine whether or not they had been accomplished?

  7. Were you aware of any performance related problems that occurred in carrying out contracts?

    If Yes, go to question 8.

    If No, go to question 9.

  8. How were those problems addressed?

  9. In your opinion, was there a continued need for the program?

    If Yes, go to question 10.

    If No, go to question 11.

  10. Please describe your perception of that level of need for the program.

  11. To what extent did the program provide what you expected of it?

  12. Did the services provided under the program meet your needs at the time?

  13. What, in your opinion, can be learned from this Initiative that will improve future efforts?

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