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Annex 1

Impacts on Participants by Program Type Descriptive Result38

This appendix contains data tables pertaining to the outcomes of PBPMs on clients. Sub-group results that are significantly different from the participant total at the five per cent level or better are labelled with an asterisk. It is important to bear in mind that a true assessment of program impacts can only be made through the modelling of survey results, whereby various potentially confounding factors can be taken into account to provide accurate estimates of PBPM impacts. For example, the fact that one PBPM appears to be more successful than another may have more to do with the characteristics of the PBPM participant (e.g., greater education or motivation) than the PBPM itself. It is those kinds of factors that multivariate analyses can potentially control for, the results of which appear in Section 5.5 of this report. Thus, the presentation of bivariate results in this appendix should be used for descriptive purposes only.

Table D.1 Selected Weighted Employment Outcome Indicators
Among PBPM Participants by Intervention Type and EI/Reachback Status, and Among Comparison Group Members1
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
Total Empl. Partnership (EP) SE Wage Subsidies (WS) EAS SLG/Fee Payer POT Apprenticeship PBT EI Claimant Reach-back EI Claimant Reach-back
1. Ever Had a Job Since End of Program/Reference Date (per cent)
Yes 86 95 93 96* 81* 89 92 91 92 87 85 81 78*
No 13 4 7 3* 19* 9 7 6 8 12 14 19 22
DK/NR 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 0
n** 1,393 167 166 160 262 270 133 185 172 754 529 130 335
2. Worked 12 Consecutive Weeks Since Completed Program/Reference date (per cent)
Yes 89 87* 94 95 85* 91 95 93 96* 92* 86* 83 93
No 10 13* 6 5 15* 9 5 6 4* 7* 14* 17 7
DK/NR 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
n** 1,255 157 153 154 210 238 123 173 160 691 467 103 280
3. Number of Employers Since End of Program/Reference Date (per cent)***
One 60 77* 88* 79* 57* 59* 49* 72 48* 56 58 77 78*
Two 26 15* 7* 14* 30* 23 28* 17 30* 27 23* 12 16
Three or more 13 8 4* 6* 13 15* 23* 8 22* 16 18** 11 6
DK/NR 1 1 1 1 0 2 1 3 0 1 1 0 0
Mean 1.6 1.4* 1.2* 1.3* 1.6 1.7* 1.9* 1.4 1.8* 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.4
n** 1,193 146 145 145 201 229 115 161 156 658 442 91 263
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Groups Surveys
1 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age;
Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted participant totals and not the overall participant total presented here.
** Analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.
*** Excludes respondents who have not had a job in the post-program period.


Table D.2 Employment Status Outcomes: Weighted Percentage Distribution by Employment Status in First Week Following Intervention and at the Time of the Survey1,2
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
Total Employment Partnerships Self-Employment Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/ Fee Payer POT App PBT EI Claimant Reach- back EI Claimant Reach- back
1. Employment Status Week After End of Program (per cent in status)
Employment 56 65 66 84 45 49 57 80 66 54 54 ** **
Self-employed 3 7 44* 1* 2* 1* 1* 0* 1* 3 3 ** **
Employed full-time year round 29 38 15* 57* 13* 29* 26* 77* 44 33* 29 ** **
Employed part-time year round 11 2* 4* 17* 15* 7 18* 1* 6 4* 10 ** **
Employed full-time seasonal 6 9* 1* 2 9* 3 6 1* 4 6 4 ** **
Employed part-time seasonal 1 1 0 6* 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 ** **
Employed on a contract 3 7* 1 1 2 3 1 1 9* 4 3 ** **
Employed casual 3 1 1 0 3 6* 3 0* 2 4 2 ** **
Unemployed and looking for work 34 27 15* 10* 42* 39* 30 10* 27 36 34 ** **
Student/in program 5 2 4 2 4 6 4 7* 1* 6* 3 ** **
Out of labour force 4 4 8* 1* 4 5 8 4 5 4 4 ** **
DK/NR 3 2 7 1 4 1 0 0 0 1 3 ** **
n*** 1,393 167 166 160 262 270 133 185 172 754 529 ** **
2. Employment Status at Time of Survey (per cent in status)
Employment 70 74 90 84 61 76 79 76 71 70 67 69 72
Self-employed 5 7 48* 4* 3* 3* 3* 2* 4* 4 7 1 7
Employed full-time year round 46 48 23* 55 37* 52 43 71* 48 51* 41* 29* 44
Employed part-time year round 10 3* 14 22* 12 8 23* 2* 10 8 11 13 15*
Employed full-time seasonal 5 6 2 1* 7* 3 5 1* 3 3 2 13 2
Employed part-time seasonal 0 2* 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 1
Employed on a contract 2 5* 2 2 0* 6* 2 0* 5 3 1 4 2
Employed casual 2 3 1 0 2 3* 2 0 1 1 4 6 1
Unemployed and looking for work 18 19* 3* 11 23* 15 14 5* 20* 19 23* 19 7
Student/in program 8 2* 3 3 9 5 6 18* 1* 7 5* 1 0
Out of labour force 3 4 3 2 6* 3 2 1* 9* 2 4 9 19
DK/NR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 754 529 131 336
n*** 1,393 167 166 160 262 270 133 185 172 70 67 69 72
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Groups Surveys
1 Wage Subsidies and Employment Partnership participants who reported that their wage subsidies employment had continued beyond the funded period were assigned an employment status of "full-time employed". Self-Employment participants whose business was still in operation at the time of the survey were assigned an employment status of "self-employed".
2 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significant at the five per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
** Question not on comparison group questionnaire.
*** Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Furthermore, analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.


Table D.3 Pre and Post-Intervention Employment Status for Participant and Comparison Groups by Claimant Status1,2
  Participant Total Participants Comparison Group
  EI Claimant Reachback EI Claimant Reachback
Pre Post Change Pre Post Change Pre Post Change Pre Post Change Pre Post Change
Employed 33 70 37 33 70 37 27 67 40 71 69 -2 75 72 -3
Self- employed 1 5 4 0* 4 4 2* 7* 5 4 1 -3 5 7 2
Full-time year-round 16 46 30 22* 51* 29 13* 41* 28 42* 29* -13 47* 44 -3
Part-time year-round 6 10 4 4 8* 4 6 11 5 12 13 1 14* 15 1
Full-time seasonal 4 5 1 5* 3 -2 1* 2 1 5 13* 8 4 2 -2
Part-time seasonal 3 0 -3 1* 0 -1 3 1 -2 4 3 -1 3 1 -2
Contract 0 2 2 0 3 3 0 1 1 1 4 3 1 2 1
Casual 3 2 -1 1* 1 0 2 4* 2 3 6 3 1 1 0
Unemployed and looking 47 18 -29 52 19 -33 51 23* -28 14* 19* 5 10* 7* -3
Student/in program 6 8 2 2 7 5 3 8 5 2 1 -1 2 0 -2
Out of Labour Force 9 3 -6 9 2 -7 13 5 -8 10 9 -1 11 19* 7
DK/NR 2 0 -2 2 0 -2 4 0 -4 2 0 -2 1 0 -1
Unweighted n** 1,393     754     529     146 131   354 336  
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Groups Surveys
1 Pre-intervention employment status refers to the week prior to starting their intervention/reference date and post-intervention employment status refers to respondents' employment status at the time of the survey.
2 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted participant totals and not the overall participant total presented here.
** Analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.
Since very low proportions of "unknown" cases were found in certain categories, such as "unemployed and looking", the overall proportion of cases in some employment categories was lower than the proportion of claimants or reachbacks in their categories.


Table D.4 Pre and Post-Intervention1 Employment Status by Program Type2
  PBPM Participants by Program Type
Participant Total Employment Partnerships Self- Employment (SE) Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/Fee Payer POT Apprenticeship PBT
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Employment 33 70 18 74 23 90 41 84 26 61 32 76 31 79 82 76 23 71
Self-employed 1 5 3 7 7* 48* 1 4* 0 3* 2 3* 1 3* 0 2* 0 4*
Full-time year-round 16 46 4* 48 7* 23* 11* 55 6* 37* 14* 52 16 43 74* 71* 10* 48
Part-time year-round 6 10 1* 3* 3* 14 18* 22* 6 12 7 8 7 23* 2* 2* 5 10
Full-time seasonal 4 5 4 6 2 2 6 1* 4 7* 4 3 2 5 5 1* 3 3
Part-time seasonal 3 0 0 2* 0 0 4* 0 5* 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 0
Contract 0 2 4* 5* 1 2 1 2 0 0* 1 6* 0 2 0 0* 2 5
Casual 3 2 2 3 3 1 0 0 5* 2 3 3* 4 2 0 0 1 1
Unemployed and looking 47 18 76* 19* 54 3* 42* 11 52 23* 51 15 56 14 12* 5* 65* 20*
Student/in program 6 8 0 2 3 3 2 3 6 9 4 5 1 6 1 18 1 1
Out of labour force 9 3 5 4 17 3 5 2 10 6 12 3 11 2 6 1 11 9
DK/NR 2 0 1 0 4 0 6 0 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0
Unweighted n** 1,393   167   166   160   262   270   133   185   172  
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant Survey
1Pre-intervention employment status refers to the week prior to starting their intervention/reference date and post-intervention employment status refers to respondents' employment status at the time of the survey.
2 Overall results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age.
* Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparison with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
** Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.


Table D.5 Retention: Weighted Percentage of Job Placement Program Participants Hired by Host Employer Following the Intervention, and Other Retention Measures, by Program Type and Claimant Status1
  Participant Total Program Type Claimant Status
    Wage Subsidies Employment Partnerships EI Claimant Reachback
Percentage of participants hired by host employers** 60 72 48 48 62
Percentage of those hired by host employer who were hired into same job as wage-subsidy job 59 67* 50* 56 51
Percentage distribution of those hired back by host employer, by type of job hired into:
Full-time year-round 58 66* 41* 73* 68
Part-time year-round 13 20* 6* 4 5
Full-time seasonal 14 8* 24* 5* 10
Part-time seasonal 3 2 3 6 3
Casual/contract 8 0* 21* 1 8
DK/NR 5 3 6 10 5
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100
Unweighted n*** 191 122 70 62 104
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant Survey
1 Overall results are weighted program type, region, claimant status and age; Results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age.
*Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent or better level. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted participant totals and not the overall participant total presented here.
**Only Wage Subsidies and Employment Partnership participants were asked this question; those who left the program before completion of the wage subsidy were coded as "not hired".
*** Analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.


Table D.6 Characteristics of Current or Most Recent Job Among Participants and Comparison Group by Intervention Type1 and Claim Status
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
  Total Employment Partnerships (EP) Self- Employment Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/ Fee Payer POT App PBT EI Claimant Reach- back EI Claimant Reach- back
1. Same Job as One Year Before Intervention (Among those with a job before)**(per cent)
Yes 26 12* 11* 11* 18* 21* 27 75* 26 28 25 53 53
No 73 88* 89* 89* 81* 79* 72 23* 74 72 72 47 40
DK/NR 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 8
Unweighted n*** 964 126 115 104 149 186 96 141 121 564 396 82 232
2. Hours Per Week (Less DK/NR) (per cent)
1-30 21 8* 26* 35* 30* 14* 30* 7* 14* 10 29 37 27
31-40 58 69* 31* 50* 48* 68* 56 72* 69* 69 54 40 50
>40 21 23 43* 14* 21 18 14* 22 17 21 18 23 24
Mean 37.8 40.6* 42.0* 34.7* 35.7* 38.6 36.5 40.7* 40.6* 40.3 36.2 37.5 37.4
Unweighted n*** 1,134 138 139 138 195 214 108 149 152 606 523 91 257
3. Type of Job (per cent)
Year round 75 66* 80 92* 71* 71* 82 89* 73 78 73 61 83
Seasonal 14 28* 11 6* 18* 8* 12 9* 16 11 12 28 10
Casual/Contract 10 6 8 2* 11 16* 5 2* 11 11 12 12 5
DK/NR 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
Unweighted n*** 1,169 143 147 139 199 224 113 152 154 623 541 91 261
4. Weekly Earnings (Less DK/NR and Outliers)
<$250 11 13 11 37* 14 7* 21 6 13 6 19 10 13
$251-$500 57 51 43* 47 64* 55 54 50 56 59 53 44 36
$500+ 32 37 46* 16* 23* 39 25 44* 31 34 28 47 51
Mean ($) 469 498 638 334 419 495 436 536 484 489 449 532 547
Unweighted n*** 1,013 127 99 128 181 198 102 131 136 534 474 81 226
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Groups Surveys
1 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
** Among those with a job following their intervention/reference date.
*** Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Furthermore, analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.


Table D.7 Jobless and Job Search Outcomes: Weighted Percentage Distribution by Duration of Jobless Spell and a Job Search as a Proportion of Time Since Intervention among PBPM Participants and Comparison Group Members by Intervention Type and EI/Reachback Status1
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
  Total Employment Partnerships Self-Employment Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/ Fee Payer POT App PBT EI Claimant Reach-back EI Claimant Reach-back
1. Number of Weeks Not Working Since End of Program/Reference** Date as a Percentage of Time Since Program/Reference Date (per cent)
0% 39 45 61* 53 27* 39* 38 70* 31 40 40 37 63*
1-25% 37 41 19* 33 38 39 52* 25* 46* 37 35 32 18
26-50% 13 8 5 8 14 14 7 3 15 13 13 19 5
51-100% 11 6 15 6 21* 8* 3 2 8 10 12 12 14
Mean (%) 17.6 13.5* 15.7 10.6 26.8* 15.3 9.5 4.7* 16.5 16.6 20.0 20.7* 15.7*
Unweighted n*** 1,249 153 151 148 230 243 112 171 163 692 476 134 334
2. Number of Weeks Looking for Work Since End of Program/Reference Date**** as a Percentage of Time Unemployed Since Program/Reference Date (per cent)
0% 17 11 24 19 13* 17 20 44* 16 15 17 38 60
1-25% 4 4 4 8 9 3 2 1 2 2 8 6 5
26-50% 5 3 3 3 4 2 6 5 2 4 5 3 5
51-100% 74 82 69 60* 73 78 72 50* 80* 79 70 53* 30*
Mean (%) 75.1 81 70.2 67.1 75.1 77.9 72.8 48.9* 79.7 79.4* 69.6* 54.7* 31.5*
Unweighted n*** 745 93 58 73 170 167 74 49 117 387 295 81 106
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Group Surveys
1 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparison with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
** Excludes miscodes where weeks jobless exceeds weeks since intervention.
*** Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Furthermore, analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.
**** Includes those who were not unemployed since the interventions; excludes miscodes where weeks looking for work while jobless exceeded weeks since intervention.


Table D.8 Job Search Activities:1 Weighted Percentage Distribution by Job Search Activities Among PBPM Participants by Intervention Type and EI/Reachback Status, and Among Comparison Group Members2
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
  Total Employment Partnerships Self- Employment Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/ Fee Payer POT App PBT EI Claimant Reach- back EI Claimant Reach- back
What were you doing to find a job?
Sent resumes, application 74 75 64 59* 76* 75* 63 39* 70 72 78 44 55
Resource centre/checked job bank 51 46 36 33* 57* 41 43 18* 39 53* 39* 47 31
Word of mouth/ friends/relatives 47 38 37 38 48* 47 50 38 37 52* 45* 42 44
Made telephone inquiries with employers 47 31* 39 37 54* 38 46 20* 39 48* 39* 26 16
Made personal visits to employer 47 43 43 43 50* 41 41 19* 43 46 42 47 30
Newspapers/ magazines 26 15* 25 41* 30* 23 23 16 14* 24 17* 50 38
Employment agency 17 24* 25* 12 19 17 12 2* 11* 19 17 11 4
Appointment with employment counsellor 16 11 12 9 19* 7* 15 2* 15 16 12* 7 0
Went to a job search workshop 13 14 8 19* 16* 5* 8 3* 11 13 9*
Internet 5 5 11* 4 6 4 2 3 6 7* 4 14 9
N** 828 113 82 74 205 186 85 39 120 431 324 83 97
Source: Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Group Surveys
1 Among those who looked for work in the post-intervention period. Responses given by two or fewer per cent of respondents are not reported.
2 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
*Differences statistically significant at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparison with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
**Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Furthermore, Analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.


Exhibit D.1 Interest in Entering Labour Force
Exhibit D.2 Interest in Entering Labour Force

Table D.9 Utilization of Income Support: Weighted Percentage Distribution by Use and Weeks of Income Assistance (IA) Among PBPM Participants and Comparison Group by Intervention and EI/Reachback Status1
  PBPM Participants by Program Type PBPM Participants by Claim Status Comparison Group by Claim Status
  Total Employment Partnerships Self- Employment Wage Subsidies (WS) Employment Assistance Services (EAS) SLG/ Fee Payer POT App PBT EI Claimant Reach- back EI Claimant Reach-back
1. Ever Collected Income Assistance Since End of Program/Reference Date**
Yes 8.6 7 2.6* 6.7 15.3* 5.6 9.7 3.1* 13.6 9 9 14.2* 2.7*
No 91.4 93 97.4 93.9 84.7 94.4 90.3 96.9 86.4 91 91 85.8 97.3
Unweighted n*** 1,373 165 164 158 261 267 131 178 171 743 521 129 329
2. Proportion of Weeks Since Intervention in which IA Collected****
Mean (%) 44 59.2 57.6 25.1 63.7* 53.4 54 15.1 17.2* 39.4 49.9 21.1 50.1
Median (%) 31.2 17.2 50.2 16 50.9 54.9 45.5 15.1 11 24.5 50.9 11.1 49.9
3. Ever Collected Employment Insurance Since End of Program/Reference Date*****
Yes 28.9 40* 9.7* 34.6 30.2 19.6* 40.4 30.1 44.3* 27* 39* 76* 12*
No 71.1 60 90.3 65.4 69.8 80.4 59.6 69.9 55.7 73 61 24 88
Unweighted n*** 1,393 167 166 160 262 271 133 185 172 754 529 146 351
4. Number of Weeks in which Employment Insurance Collected**** as a Percentage of Weeks Since Intervention
Mean (%) 15.9 12.6 12.8 17.4 21.7* 11.3 20* 10* 15 13.5* 16.6* 25.3* 9*
Median (%) 12.9 7.6 7.3 14.3 15.8 7.7 17.7 8.7 15.3 10.2 15.6 23.9 5.3
Source: HRDC administrative data and Canada/Manitoba LMDA Participant and Comparison Group Surveys.
1 Overall participant results are weighted by program type, region, claimant status and age; Participant results by program type are weighted by region, claimant status and age; Participant results by claimant status are weighted by program type, region and age; Comparison group results by claimant status are weighted by region and gender.
* Differences statistically significantly at the 5 per cent level or better. Significant differences are based on comparisons with similarly weighted totals and not the overall total presented here.
** Income Assistance figures computed from survey data.
*** Respondents who have participated in multiple interventions are counted for each program in which they have participated. Thus, the sum of n's for each program will be higher than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column. Furthermore, analyses by claimant status exclude respondents whose claimant status is unknown, thus the sum of claimant and reachback cases will be lower than the total number of cases presented in the leftmost column.
**** Based only on those who received EI or IA.
***** Employment Insurance figures computed from HRDC Administrative data.


38 Annex 1 also appears under separate cover — Formative Evaluation of the Canada/Manitoba Labour Market Development Agreement, Appendices, Final Overview Report — as Appendix D, Impacts on Participants by Program Type — Descriptive Results. [To Top]

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