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AUDENRODE M. V. and Storer P. (1998), "Long-term Employment Outcomes", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

BETCHERMAN G. and Leckie N. (1995), "Employer Responses to UI Experience Rating: Evidence from Canadian and American Establishments", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

BROWNING M. (1998), "Income and Living Standards During an Unemployment Spell", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

CHRISTOFIDES Louis and McKenna Chris (1995), "Employment Patterns and Unemployment Insurance", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

CORAK M. and Pyper W. (1995), "Firms, Industries and Cross-subsidies: Patterns in the Distribution of UI Benefits and Taxes", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

CRÉMIEUX P., Fortin P., Storer P. and Audenrode M. (1995), "The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on Wages, Search Intensity and the Probability of Re-employment", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

FORTIN P. and Audenrode M. (1999), "The Impact of Experience Rating of Unemployed Worker", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

FRIESEN Jane and Maki Dennis (1999), "The Effect of Bill C-12 on Weekly Hours of Work", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

GREEN David and Riddell Craig (1995), "Qualifying for Unemployment Insurance: An Empirical Analysis of Canada", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

GREEN David and Riddell Craig (1999), "The Effects of the Shift to an Hours Based Entrance Requirement", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

GREEN David and Sargent Timothy (1995),"Unemployment Insurance and Employment Durations: Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Jobs", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

HRDC (2001a), "EI Reform and Seasonal Workers", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

HRDC (2001b),"The Impact of EI Reform on Gappers", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

LEMIEUX Thomas and MacLeod Bentley (1995),"State Dependence and Unemployment Insurance", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

LIN Zhengxi (1995), "Jobs Excluded from the Unemployment Insurance System in Canada: An Empirical Investigation", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

MARSHALL, Katherine (1999), "Seasonality in employment", Perspectives (Spring 1999 pp. 16-22), Statistics Canada.

RYDZEWSKI L. G., Deming W. G., and Rones P. L. (1993), "Seasonal employment falls over past three decades", Monthly Labor Review (July 1993 pp. 3-14), U.S. BLS.

TATTRIE D. (1999), "A Financial Incentive to Encourage Employment among Repeat Users of EI: The Earnings Supplement Project", Applied Research Branch, Human Resources Development Canada.

WESA, Lesle. (1995). "Seasonal Employment and the Repeat Use of Unemployment Insurance", Evaluation and Data Development, Human Resources Development Canada.

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