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3.0 Recommendations

The following recommendations were identified as immediate priorities for the W/S program.

  1. Identify best practices of the pilot projects as soon as possible following completion and develop a plan that outlines how the successful innovations will be integrated with future and ongoing education, training, and skills development programs in Saskatchewan.
  2. Continue efforts to refine reporting and monitoring forms to streamline the process and increase consistency.
  3. Continue to monitor requirements for administrative resources and allocate funding as required for efficient and effective service.
  4. Ensure that the SI Database/Tracking System is functioning properly and meeting its mandate to provide activity reports for timely decision-making. Provide appropriate staff training to increase the Database/Tracking Systems' effectiveness.

Recommendations: Future Work/Study Programs

  1. Identify opportunities, including participation in focus groups or workshops, for increased involvement of industry, community-based organisations, and other government departments in the development of future training and employment programs. Determine appropriate funding for non-government partners to participate in workshops and other activities.
  2. Incorporate a pre-operational design and development phase with timelines and appropriate resources (human and financial) for the following activities:
    • development of partnerships;
    • use of focus groups with stakeholders to provide input in program design;
    • development of common visions and objectives;
    • development of detailed but flexible policies, procedures, and processes;
    • identification and implementation of a Database/Tracking System and monitoring requirements;
    • development of an appropriate communication strategy; and
    • development and implementation of an appropriate training program for staff.
  3. Utilise program criteria that are transparent and appropriate to definable outcomes and that provide a minimum framework for applicants.
  4. Develop clear and concise written material outlining the program vision, objectives, criteria, roles, responsibilities, policies, procedures, and expected timelines.
  5. Require signed letters from partners, outlining their commitments to projects.
  6. Provide presentations and written material regarding new programs prior to program implementation to community service level staff, even if they are not directly involved in administering programs.
  7. Involve funding and training partners in the developmental stage of individual projects to improve co-ordination of activities.
  8. Allocate appropriate administrative resources to meet client expectations for timely and quality service.
  9. Ensure significant time and resources (human and financial) are provided to establish true partnerships and to develop relationships at the community level and between federal/provincial government departments and agencies, industry, and community-based organisations.
  10. In future programs, if the focus is on innovation and innovative approaches to encourage and test training and employment alternatives, the manner in which innovation is defined should not be restricting or limiting in nature.

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