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This study was conducted by Goss Gilroy Inc., under the direction of and for the Evaluation and Data Development (EDD) Directorate of the Department of Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC). The Goss Gilroy Inc. team was largely responsible for the development of the methodological approach, the collection of information and data, and the analysis.

EDD officials would like to thank all those who contributed to the study, especially the participants of Youth Internship Canada, Youth International, and Internships in Science and Technology, as well as their employers and sponsors, who spent a considerable amount of time sharing information about the internships. We would also like to thank all individuals who participated by giving interviews to the evaluators, for similarly taking the time to provide the qualitative information necessary for this formative evaluation.

We are grateful to the managers and staff of Youth Initiatives Directorate of HRDC at the national headquarters who assisted in the completion of this formative evaluation.

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