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Appendix 2

Description of the Cluster
Analysis Methods Used

Cluster analysis attempts to group together data points (in this case individuals), by the characteristics that they have in common. In the case of two variables, this is akin to drawing circles around clusters of data points on a graph. The first step in the procedure is to re-scale all of the variables on a 0 to 1 scale. This means that all of the variables are weighted equally. Without this, a ten dollar difference in TAGS rate, for example, would be considered a larger difference than a five year age difference.

The variables that were used in the clustering process were:

Child Care
Elder Care
Family responsibilities
Lack of formal education
Moving away from the local area
No jobs on the local area
Not knowing if the plant was closing
Obtaining training
Empbon Received TAGS employment bonus funding
EmpPrg Participated in a TAGS employment program
Fish Qualified for TAGS as a fisher
FW95 Number of fishing weeks in 1995
FSHPAY Earnings from the fishery in 1995
IncPren Pre-TAGS taxable income
Moved The participant has moved since starting to receive TAGS benefits
Plant Qualified for TAGS as a plant worker
Retired Exited from TAGS under a retirement option
Education Formal education level
Rate TAGS rate
TrnCATS CATS system records client as have taken training
X2kfish Participant expects to be fishing in the year 2000
X2kout Participant expects to be working outside the fishery in the year 2000
X2kplant Participant expects to be working in a plant in the year 2000
X2kret Participant expects to be retired in the year 2000

Where multiple sources for particular information existed (for example on the expectations variables), the most recent answer to the question was used in the analysis.

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