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Appendix B: LMI Strategic Initiative: Project Details

  • Table 1: Research and Data Development Projects

  • Table 2: New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

  • Table 3: Community Based Information Partnership Projects

  • Table 4: Implementation of New Technologies Projects

  • Table 5: Quality Standards and Training Projects

  • Table 6: Joint ACR/LMI Projects

Table 1
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Regional Forecasting

Jim Howie & Derek Brackley

Develop a model to forecast employment prospects in BC by industry and census division. Forecasts from this model are intended to be used to complement the current Canadian Occupations Projection Systems (COPS) for BC.


Draft model complete and verified as of 9/20/96. Model will be modified to capture all 3 dimensions of COPS. Completion by March 1997.

BC STATS will use the model and produce statistics for sub-provincial areas, at least Vancouver vs. rest of BC. Published in articles on BC WIN website.

Audience: Government planners of employment programs, eg FRBC, Small Business.

Significant Economic Events Database

Derek Brackley

Develop software to allow a common data base to be developed and maintained by the Federal and Provincial Governments. Data base will contain information on major economic projects throughout BC.


Will be completed by March 1997.

Dissemination: Print or electronic report on significant economic events in BC.

Audience: Researchers of LMI data.

Behavioural Characteristics

Derek Brackley

Develop descriptions of behavioural characteristics associated with employability skills, as an extension of the research on employability skills by Graham Debling.



Dissemination: Used together with the Employability Skills Report as an introductory chapter in Work Futures, and similar material to appear as a later occupational outlook in the first half of 1997.

Audience: career practitioners

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Analysis of BC Workplace Training Survey Data

Stephen Pal

To purchase data tables of the BC results of a national survey of employers and employees conducted by EKOS Associates.

The analysis and reporting of the BC data will be completed at no cost by the Centre for Education Information Studies and Services and the Centre for Policy Studies in Education at UBC.

The survey provides information on training activities, training decisions and training impacts made by firms included in the sample. This data represents the first B.C. specific information into "2nd generation" questions on workplace training which go beyond incidence and extent of training, and get into the issues of the training decision and impacts of workplace training by firms and their workers.


To be completed by September 1997.

Dissemination: Print Report.

Audience: Planners and analysts related to labour market policy and programs.

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Employer Satisfaction Survey

Greg Jones & Derek Brackley

Survey of BC employers to obtain their views on graduates of education system, including students' capabilities and skills in relation to needs of the workplace. Survey involves three stages:

• CEOs contacted to determine whether they have hired a secondary or post-secondary school graduate within the last 2 years;

• Supervisor of employee interviewed by phone to obtain their views on how well prepared the employee was and identify any skill gaps; and

• Employee surveyed by mail to obtain their views on how well prepared they were for the job and identify any skill gaps.

Second Phase: Conduct analysis to place employer survey results within broader context.

Carried out in collaboration with partners: BCLFDB, MEST, Ministry of Small Business, FRBC, BC Apprenticeship Board.


plus contributions from partners

Timing: Completion by August '97.

Dissemination: Print and/or electronic report

Audience: Post-secondary and government planners of post-secondary education, students and employers.

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English as a Second Language (ESL) Student Outcomes Research

Joseph Calado

ABE Study: A longitudinal study of ABE students to collect information on the students' reasons for enrolling, the benefits they received from ABE, challenges they face in completing their studies and the type of employment they obtain after starting ABE. Development is divided into three phases:

• Phase I: pilot of 3 institutions; ABE students surveyed 3, 6 and 13 months after registration;

• Phase II: Former ABE student from 11 institutions surveyed 6 and 13 months after registration; report produced;

• Phase III: Former ABE student from all institutions providing ABE surveyed at 6 and 13 months following registration.

ESL Study: A 3-phase study of ESL students similar to the ABE study:

Phase I: Follow-up of government funded students who leave an ESL course early;

Phase II: Pilot of longitudinal study;

Phase III: 18 month longitudinal study.


ABE: Phases I and II complete. Survey for Phase III being conducted in Fall 1996. Preliminary report available; report expected to be completed in early 1997.

ESL: Research underway now; preliminary report available.

Both ABE and ESL outcome studies will be ongoing, conducted on an annual basis.

Dissemination: Written and electronic reports.

Audience: Post-secondary and government planners of ABE and ESL programs and those responsible for student outcomes, students, student counsellors.

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Colleges/Institutes Student Outcomes Research

Joseph Calado

Survey of graduates of BC colleges and institutes and near graduates one year after leaving the post-secondary institution, to obtain views on educational experience, reasons for attending, and information on education and employment outcomes, including salary and whether or not the job is related to studies.

Survey conducted for 1994 and 1995 cohorts. Survey excluded students in ABE and ESL. In future years, ABE students will be included.


Ongoing; survey conducted once a year. Reports on 1994 cohort completed. Survey of 1995 cohort underway.

Print and on-line reports available, including: Student Outcomes Report, Summary of Results: Job Destinations Report, Student FactPac, Key Student Outcome Indicators, and a Special report on Aboriginal Student Outcomes Report (for 1994 cohort only). A different special report is produced each year.

Audience: Post-secondary and government planners of post-secondary education and those responsible for post-secondary outcomes, students, student counsellors.

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Private Training Outcomes Survey

Joseph Calado

Survey to provide information on the type of work obtained by former students of private training institutions. The survey will collect information on the employment and education outcomes of students after leaving the private training institution, satisfaction with training and reasons for not completing. Similar to Job Destinations Report (see Table 2), which deals with public institutions.


Contractor hired and test survey Complete as of 9/20/96. Survey being conducted in Fall of 1996.

Dissemination: Written reports and tables to be produced and distributed to institutions, prospective students, funding bodies and career practitioners.

Audience: Government policy and program planners, planners in private institutions, government agencies that provide funding for private sector training (eg. WCB, EI, IA), students

Link File Research Initiative

Joseph Calado

Researching student flows, transitions and performance within the BC education system to track transfers from secondary to post-secondary and within the post-secondary system.


Timing: Development on hold pending completion of re-organization of MEST.

Dissemination: Input into other research, from which reports will be produced.

Audience: Planners of secondary and post-secondary education programs.

Table 1 (continued)
Research and Data Development Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Sufficiency of Work

Greg Jones

Research on the issue of continuing shortage of jobs. Will review arguments and evidence relevant to the BC context, and will develop conclusions on security, identify possible policy solutions and data sources needed to inform policy.


Timing: Completion by June '97.

Dissemination: Report for distribution.

Audience: Labour market policy analysts and researchers.

Worker Mobility Research

Greg Jones

Research to use the new Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) and related data to explore inter occupational and geographical mobility issues.


Timing: Completion by June '97.

Dissemination: Report for distribution.

Audience: Labour market policy analysts and researchers.

Intermediate Skills Research

Greg Jones

Research on the link between education/training programs and intermediate skill occupations in the trades and tourism sectors. Will identify gaps and propose elements of a research strategy to support further policy development related to economic development, and education and training in BC.


Timing: Completion by July '97.

Dissemination: Written report.

Audience: Labour market researchers, post-secondary planners.

Table 2
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Labour Market Information Resources for Career Practitioners - a BC guide

Kathy Stephens

An annotated bibliography of available LMI resources for career counsellors and other practitioners, which includes type of resource (publication, video, etc.), a brief description, the source, cost and whether it is considered a key resource. Produced in collaboration with YES Canada BC and the LMCIA.



4,000 copies distributed to schools, libraries, social agencies, HRDC & MEST. Also available from MEST and on the Internet.

Audience: career practitioners.

Analyst's and Planner's Guide to LMI Resources in BC

Kathy Stephens

An annotated bibliography of available LMI resources, including statistics, data bases, reports and papers and key information sources. Companion to LMI Resources for Career Practitioners - a BC Guide.



Distributed to HRCCs, MEST field offices and CSCs in August 1996.

Audience: analysts, planners, consultants and decision makers, both inside and outside governments and public and private educational institutes.

Career Resources for Practitioners - An Annotated Bibliography

This is a career resources rather than an LMI resource publication. It provides an annotated bibliography of available career counselling resources in a format similar to the LMI Resources for Career Practitioners - a BC Guide (see above).

Developed through partnership of HRDC, LMCIA and YES Canada. The LMI Joint Committee provided input, but no funding. LMI provided funding to put on Internet (see On-line Publications, Table 4).

no LMI funding


Available from LMCIA or on the Internet

Audience: career practitioners

Table 2 (continued)
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Making Career Sense of LMI


Facilitator's Guide - Making Career Sense of LMI

Kathy Stephens & Valerie Ward

Making Career Sense of LMI introduces career practitioners to key socio-economic and labour market concepts, trends and issues. It reviews the effects that demographics, technology, increased competition, globalization, and structural economic change are having on the labour market. It highlights the occupations and skills required in a changing economy as well as occupational classification and forecasts which are used to describe the changes. Practical examples are provided on researching and using LMI in the job search and career development process.

The Facilitator's Guide is a companion publication used to train trainers on LMI in career development.

The Career Counselling Foundation (CCF) developed these products and is responsible for distribution in Canada, except in BC.


plus in-kind contributions from partners


Making Career Sense of LMI will form the basis for a three to five day course for career practitioners including teachers and career counsellors in the K-12 school system, and career counsellors in social agencies and government.

Training for trainers using this material is being jointly delivered by the LMI and the ACR Initiative, with training costs covered by the ACR Initiative budget.

Book and Facilitator's Guide distributed to ACR Initiative, HRDC and MEST. Copies available free to BC colleges, universities and private training institutions. Can be purchased through the Open Learning Agency in BC or through the CCF elsewhere in Canada.

Table 2 (continued)
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Guide to the BC Economy and Labour Market

Kathy Stephens

The report, prepared by BC STATS, provides an overview of the BC economy in the context of its relevance to the provincial labour market. Includes an overview of BC industries, their major issues and employment prospects. A summary version is used in the Work Futures - BC (see next project).



First printing expected November 1996

Audience: Career practitioners, secondary school counsellors, secondary and post-secondary students and people doing career exploration.

Work Futures - BC (formally Job Futures)

Kathy Stephens & Diane Alfred

Will provide detailed occupational profiles and outlooks for all occupations (at either the 2-, 3-, or 4-digit level) in the National Occupation Classification (NOC) system. Developed with input from professional associations, industry associations and unions for their perspectives on the nature of the work, technological change, educational requirements and employment prospects. The Internet version will include hypertext linkages to programs of study and student outcomes data.

To create this product, software called "Work Futures Publishing Tool" was developed, to enable people to work separately on different parts of the document, allow the work to be simultaneously collected and integrated into one product, and to update the publication from multiple remote locations.


Print version expected in late November 1996. On-line available in early November, with ongoing development of linkages continuing after implementation.

Will be available in print, and on CD and the Internet

Audience: Career practitioners, secondary school counsellors, secondary and post-secondary students and people doing career exploration.

Table 2 (continued)
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Job Destinations Report

Joseph Calado

This report reviews the labour market outcomes (ie., type of work obtained) after training at public institutions in BC. Intended for use in counselling and planning. Information organization by job and by program.

cost included in Student Outcomes Research (Table 1)


The 1994 edition was distributed in 1995. The 1995 edition was distributed in June 1996.

Audience: Career practitioners, secondary school counsellors, secondary and post-secondary students and people doing career exploration.

Education Matrix

Kathy Stephens

Matrix of post-secondary programs in all public colleges, institutes and universities in BC.

There are two versions of this product, a Detailed Matrix and a Summary Matrix. The Summary Matrix will only be available as part of Work Futures - BC (see above).



The detailed matrix was distributed through HRCCs and all educational institutions in July 1996.

Audience: Detailed matrix: career practitioners with HRDC and MEST and institutional planners; Summary matrix: secondary school teachers, career practitioners, individuals planning post-secondary education.

Work Futures Facilitators' Guide and Resources

Dennis Anderson

Facilitators' guide and resources for Work Futures and Guide to BC Economy.


Timing: Completion by June '97

Dissemination: Print and CD ROM

Audience: Career Practitioners and Instructors of ABE classes.

Table 2 (continued)
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Work Futures for youth & low literacy

Susan Chandler

Version of Work Futures for youth in grades 11 and 12 and those on income assistance. Will provide a one page summary highlights of each occupation in Work Futures.


Timing: Completion by Fall '97.

Dissemination: Print and Internet

Audience: Youth ages 19 to 24.

Research into ongoing maintenance of Work Futures

Kathy Stephens

Research on how other jurisdictions (Alberta, Ontario, National HRDC and US Department of Labour) update their LMI products that are similar to Work Futures.


Completion by April 1997.

Dissemination: Report on research findings.

Audience: Information will be used in developing a plan for the ongoing maintenance and updating of Work Futures.

LMI New Products Brochure

Kathy Stephens

Brochure that will highlight up to 25 LMI and career information resources of most interest to practitioners. Includes web address and how to obtain hard copies.



Via mail-out distribution as well as Internet.

Audience: Career Practitioners and libraries.

LMI New Products Poster

Kathy Stephens

Poster containing expanded version of product information provided in brochure (described above).


Completion by June '97

Via mail-out distribution as well as Internet.

Audience: Career Practitioners and libraries.

Table 2 (continued)
New and Enhanced Information Products Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

BC School District Career Programs: Selected Descriptions

Barb Hunter

To develop an inventory of selected career programs offered in secondary schools in BC. Inventory will include descriptions of over 200 programs, organized according to NOC skill categories. Also includes names of teachers willing to act as mentors/resource people for other career practitioners around the province.


Timing: Completion by summer '97.

Dissemination: Print and Internet.

Audience: Secondary school and post-secondary career practitioners, HRDC field workers, libraries, Chambers of Commerce.

Inventory of BC Associations

Barb Hunter

Produce an inventory of associations that provide career and labour market information resources related to occupations in a number of NOC skill categories. The inventory will also include information on services/resources provided and how to obtain them.


Timing: Completion by spring '97

Print and Internet distribution.

Audience: career practitioners, HRDC field workers, libraries.

LMI Marketing Plan

Kathy Stephens

Marketing research examining the relevance of LMI products for intended audiences. Using this research, develop a plan to market the use of LMI in general, as well a plan for the marketing of individual LMI projects.


Timing: Completion by June '97.

Dissemination: Report with recommendation on marketing.

Audience: People managing the LMI Strategic Initiative and those marketing LMI resources.

Joint Committee Newsletter

Joanne Noel

Produce 2 new issues of Joint Committee for Enhanced LMI Strategic Initiative newsletter for 1997.


Timing: Spring and late summer issues in 1997.

Dissemination: Print and Internet.

Audience: Wide audience of partners, stakeholders and users of LMI.

Table 3
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Community Consultations

Larry Warren & Jim Howie

Series of 6 community forums to identify LMI needs of intended users. Results identified:

• different users have different LMI needs, hence a variety of products are needed;

• there is a need for more coordinated development and Distribute of labour market information at the community level;

• there is a need for local information, which lead to the Community Projects (next); and

• there is a need for one-stop access to labour market information, including through the Internet, which lead to LMI Forum (see Table 4).

pre-SI (HRDC)


Dissemination: Report entitled "British Columbia Community Workshops on Labour Market Information: Objectives to Outcomes"

Audience: planners of LMI Strategic Initiative.

Community Projects

Larry Warren & Jim Howie

The Community-based Information Partnerships sub-committee developed a set of criteria and guidelines for evaluating proposals from community agencies. Criteria and guidelines are being used by the sub-committee to evaluate community submissions and recommend appropriate projects to the joint committee. Up to $300,000 is available to fund community-based demonstration projects that meet these criteria.

Individual projects funded as described below.


Audience: community-based career and labour market information providers.

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Comox Valley Database Society

Larry Warren & Kathy Stephens

Two community demonstration projects managed by the Comox Valley Data Base Society:

• Project I: The improvement of a information system with up-to-date information on local employers, such as willingness to be mentors or provide coop employment for students.

• Project II: Created and registered Comox Valley Database Society and developed Internet web site and data base containing economic, demographic, labour market and local community information, as well as links with information outside the community.

The Comox Valley Data Base Society will maintain both systems and update information as required using other sources of funding.

Project I:



Project II:


plus contributions from partners

Project I is complete. Project II will be completed by March 1997.

Dissemination: Internet web site and on-line databases.

Project I Audience: Local secondary schools, North Island College students and teachers for career planning and coordinating work experience.

Project II Audience: Intended to be used by people making career decisions, providing career counselling services, moving to the area, planning or promoting investment in the community and any other use involving the labour market.

Pacific Rim Institute of Tourism (PRIT)

Jim Howie

Conducted needs analysis of employers needs re: on line labour exchange. Developed Web page with resources on training, etc. Lead to second project (see Table 4).


plus contributions from partners


Dissemination: Internet web site

Audience: Employers, employees and people seeking employment in the tourism sector.

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Feasibility of 1-800 Career Hotline

Suzanna Klinga

Study to explore the feasibility of a 1-800 service to provide career information. Similar services in other jurisdictions will be reviewed. Cost analysis of set up, staff training and on going operating costs is included.

The Labour Market and Career Information Association of BC will oversee this project.


Timing: Completion by September '97.

Dissemination: Report

Audience: Program planners and potential funders in the area of LMI.

South Vancouver Island Training Database

Susan Phillips

To develop and implement a computerized data bank of learning opportunities in the South Vancouver Island region, focusing particularly on the needs of EI and IS clients. This database will include both educational and employment related training opportunities and will allow training service providers a place to survey programs currently available and identify gaps in the training available.

The Learning Works Society of Greater Victoria oversee this project. This is an association of educators, learners and agencies working to enhance opportunities for adult learners in the areas of academic upgrading and employment support services.


Timing: Completion by September '97.

Dissemination: Print to members of the Learning Works Society who provide career preparation and educational upgrading services.

Audience: Adult learners in the Greater Victoria area and agencies and trainers providing services to this group.

3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Entrepreneurial Adventure Centre: LMI Education Information Program

Donna Miller

Joan Richardt, Project Manager

To develop and deliver an LMI Education Information Program at the Entrepreneurial Adventure Centre in the Sooke School District. Program will include a series of workshops for target audiences in the community, noon-hour lecture series on local LMI, training in using the Internet for career planning, Cyber cafe for inexpensive access to LMI.

Project will include collecting LMI for a local web site (which is being designed outside this project).

The project is sponsored by the Entrepreneurial Adventure Centre of the Sooke School District (#62).


Timing: Completion by December '97.

Dissemination: Website report on activities.

Audience: Clients of the Entrepreneurial Adventure Centre, including small and starter businesses, secondary school and continuing education students of the Sooke School District, Royal Roads University students, the District's First Nations community, READ 2000 clients and the general public.

Central Island Employment Net Expansion

Barry Hodgson

Thomas Benjamin and Associates, Consultant

Expansion of the Central Island Employment Net (CIEN) network to redesign existing pages and add additional information on services available to the unemployed, and possibly a bulletin board for job postings. The purpose is to improve interagency communication among agencies providing serves to the unemployed.

The Nanaimo Human Resources Centre of Canada will oversee this project.


Timing: Completion by March '98.

Dissemination: Internet

Audience: Agencies providing employment and related services to the unemployed in the community.

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Role Models Brochures: Brochures on Women in Non-traditional careers

Cari Beckett

To produce 10 to 15 brochures on occupational areas in the trades and technologies to encourage women to consider a wider range of career options. Each brochure will highlight a career area, jobs that are available, training required and salary range and will profile women in these occupations.

Interior Women in Trades and Technology will oversee this project.


Timing: Completion by end of June '97

Dissemination: Mail out to government agencies, secondary schools counselling offices, SCWIST. Information will also be made available to be added to the BC WorkInfoNet site.

Audience: Young women

"Women, Science and Jobs" CD-ROM

Dr. Hiromi Matsui

To develop material for a CD-ROM with career path information for women seeking career opportunities in engineering, science and technology.

Project will be undertaken by the Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology (SCWIST).


Timing: Completion by Feb. '98.

Dissemination: CD-ROM for SCWIST programs for use in schools and communities.

Audience: Young women, parents and educators.

LMI for Film and Music Industries

Ellie O'Day

Collect LMI specific to the music, television, film, multimedia, interactive media and new media industries, including careers that are available, training required and current and projected trends within the industry.


Timing: Completion by end of Aug. '97.

Dissemination: Booklet, Open Learning Agency and BCInforNet.

Audience: Educators, guidance counsellors, government planners, industry and youth aged 15 to 25.

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Enhancing Access to LMI in the Revelstoke Community

Alan Mason

Develop a mechanism to collect and update local LMI and create a database for this information. Will collect local LMI and connect to training opportunities in Revelstoke community. Develop user friendly displays, user guides and an LMI library. Provide 2 or 3 workshops to introduce local career practitioners to the new information.

Project carried-out by the Revelstoke Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by June '97.

Dissemination: Displays, workshops and report

Audience: residents and business in the Revelstoke area.

Research will have relevance to other communities, so will be of interest to agencies with an interest in LMI, especially other Community Skills Centres

North Coast Portable LMI exhibit

Dawn Dalley

To develop an interactive, accessible and attractive LMI portable exhibit for use in the community and surrounding areas. Display will be used at trade shows, shopping malls, schools, career fairs and colleges. Will also offer a series of workshops to introduce the concept of interactive LMI to businesses, job searchers and students.

Project carried-out by the North Coast Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by July '97.

Dissemination: Portable exhibit.

Audience: Businesses, job searchers and students in the North Coast Community.

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

LMI on Cable TV in Queen Charlotte Islands

Glenn Fahlman

To cover equipment costs to provide LMI to the community via cable TV. The project will deliver a scroll channel of LMI in three communities in the Queen Charlotte Islands. The channel will also list job postings in the community and elsewhere, as well as training available at the Queen Charlotte Islands Community Skills Centre.

Project carried-out by the Queen Charlotte Islands Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by end of November, '97.

Dissemination: Cable TV

Audience: Local businesses and residents with an interest in labour market issues, especially people doing career planning.

Morice Local LMI Database & Website

Brenda Allen

To develop a comprehensive LMI database that will feature information such as hiring practices, skill requirements, employment trends, career information, job seeking sills and employer information. Will also deliver training on accessing LMI and its uses.

Project carried-out by the Morice Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by August '97.

Dissemination: Internet, workshops and displays at CSC Learning Centre and through employment services coordinator.

Audience: Residents, especially people seeking employment or those wanting to train for jobs available in the community, as well as businesses in the Morice area (Burns Lake to Hazelton).

Table 3 (continued)
Community Based Information Partnerships Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

North Island Local LMI

Noel Summers

Explore creative ways to deliver relevant LMI to all areas in this large community. Will identify what is currently in place, identify delivery options and alternatives and plan next step in meeting needs.

Delivered by the North Island Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by May '97.

Dissemination: Report

Audience: Agencies in the community with an interest in delivering local LMI.

Using Vancouver East Community Agencies to deliver LMI

Kathy Coyne

To develop a model for the delivery of LMI at the neighbourhood level using existing organizations and member resources by testing the value of providing LMI resource rooms in local community centres and training facilities. Will also explore the possibility of using community facilities to provide electronic access to LMI.

Delivered by the Vancouver East Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by August '97.

Dissemination: LMI resource rooms in community agencies in Vancouver East.

Audience: Vancouver East residents.

New Westminster Local LMI Database & Website

Vicki Renner

To enhance the New Westminster website, including making it more interactive and adding local LMI. Will also develop a method to keep information current.

Project carried-out by the New Westminster Community Skills Centre.


Timing: Completion by August '97.

Dissemination: Internet

Audience: New Westminster businesses and residents, especially those doing career planning.

Table 4
Implementation of New Technologies Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

LMI on the Internet

Jim Howie

The Open Learning Agency developed a framework and method to offer labour market information through the Internet, which was presented at the LMI Forum (next). Linked to BC Work Info Net Project (see below).



Audience: Input into LMI Forum and planning for BC Work Info Net (below).

LMI Forum

Jim Howie & Larry Warren

Forum, hosted by LMCIA, to establish partnerships and begin planning a provincial approach to the development, distribution and maintenance of on-line career and labour market information in BC through the CanWorkNet Internet site. CanWorkNet is Canada's national Internet site for career and labour market information. The Forum demonstrated 26 LMI products available on the Internet, and held 14 workshops and 3 groups discussions. (See the BC Work Info Net project, below).



Reports available on Internet.

Audience: Input into planning for BC Work Info Net (below)

On-Line Publications

Jim Howie

Production of publications of the LMI Strategic Initiative produced for on-line distribution in support of the BC Work Info Net project (see below). On-line productions costs for some products covered under other components.



Dissemination: Internet

Audience: Internet users

Table 4 (continued)
Implementation of New Technologies Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

BC Work Info Net (BC WIN)

Jim Howie

This initiative places emphasis on a collaborative approach to the management, development, distribution and maintenance of on-line labour market and career information.

LMCIA of BC coordinates this project to create a BC connection to the World Wide Web using CanWorkNet as a connecting mechanism. CanWorkNet is Canada's national Internet site for career and labour market information. WIN.BC is now a registered society with a Board of Directors. The Joint Committee has provided bridge funding to support BC WIN while it undergoes further development and finds other support. Closely linked to LMI on the Internet project (see above).


Web Site now running. Continued development ongoing.

Audience: producers, providers and users of career and labour market information.

Career Paths...On-Line

Irene Lugsdin

To place the publication "Career Paths" on line. Career Paths is a youth oriented newspaper which provides both labour market and career development related news and information for BC. Also a chat room for student to chat via Internet to career counsellors.

Developed in partnership with HRDC, MEST, LMCIA and YES Canada BC


Plus contributions from partners

Now on Internet. Development ongoing.

Dissemination: Internet

Audience: schools, social agencies, libraries and career resources centres.

Table 4 (continued)
Implementation of New Technologies Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Pacific Rim Institute of Tourism (PRIT)

Jim Howie

Research on electronic labour exchange and links to National HRDC electronic labour exchange. Pilot an industry/ community specific, on-line employment opportunity "Job Bank" for employee training and an industry specific, electronic labour exchange for members of PRIT.


plus contributions from partners

Completed by end of 1998.

Dissemination: Internet web site

Audience: Employers and people seeking employment in the tourism sector.


Irene Lugsdin

To place the publication "Motiv8" on line. Motiv8 is another youth oriented newsletter which provides both labour market and career development related news and information for BC youth.

Developed in partnership with HRDC, MEST, LMCIA and YES Canada BC.


Now on the Internet. Development ongoing.

Dissemination: Internet

Audience: schools, social agencies, libraries, career resource centres and youth looking for employment.

Explore Data Base On-Line

Ken Faris

To enhance the "Explore Data-Base" of information on post-secondary education programs. Includes a review of user information requirements and needs (including navigational aids and other helper tools), identify information sets to be included, and design and develop the on-line version of Explore.


Timing: Completion by fall 1997.

Dissemination: Internet.

Audience: Career practitioners, secondary school students, parents and adult learners.

Use of LMI for post-secondary program planning and decision making

Jim Howie

To develop a framework for the use of labour market information to support program planning and decision making at the institutional level. Will also update the publication "Labour Market Information Sources for Planners and Analysts".


Timing: Completion by December 1997.

Dissemination: Print and Internet.

Audience: Researchers and planners supporting planning and development of post secondary programs

Table 5
Quality Standards and Training Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

LMI Resource "Mobilization" Project (Phase I)

Philip Stoochnoff

Contractor identified key organizations and governments who might be interested in using Career LMI products. Report identifies 7 government and 10 non-government organizations whose mandate includes delivery of career planning and who would use "Making Career Sense of LMI" (see Table 2).



Report entitled "Training for Career Practitioners: Implementation Project, Phase I."

Audience: Joint Committee and Coordination sub-committee for planning.

LMI Resource "Mobilization" Project (Phase II)

Philip Stoochnoff

A contractor explored the long term training needs within the context of career development and developed an outline of a strategy for training career practitioners/counsellors.



Report entitled "Towards A Career Development Strategy for BC."

Audience: Joint Committee and Coordination sub-committee for planning.

Virtual LMI Tool Kit

Rob Henderson

Tool kit of core LMI resources for career practitioners in secondary schools, including a guide to the use of the LMI resources and sample lesson plans for the resource Making Career Sense of LMI (see Table 2). Lesson plans include purpose, learning outcomes, suggested time allotment, assessment, preparation and planning procedures and instructional strategies.


To be completed in May 1997, with in-service training to be provided in fall of 1997.

Available through Internet and CD-ROM, which will be distributed to schools.

Audience: career practitioners in secondary school settings.

Table 5 (continued)
Quality Standards and Training Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Inventory of Training Programs

Philip Stoochnoff

An inventory of current training for career practitioners in BC and Alberta and through distance education. This includes professional development, certificate, diploma and degree programs. The inventory contains information on the amount of labour market information content in the current program.

funded through the ACR Strategic Initiative


A catalogue of training programs will be produced in both print and on-line versions.

Audience: career practitioners.

Practitioner Training Needs Analysis

Philip Stoochnoff

A needs assessment with respect to practitioner training in use of LMI, as Phase II of the Inventory of Training Programs (described above). This project will link closely with the consultation process for the guidelines and standards for career development practice, described next.

Not determined

(funding will be through the ACR Strategic Initiative)

In the planning phase now.

Guidelines and Standards for Career Development Practice: A Consultation Process for BC

Philip Stoochnoff

This project will link closely with BC's participation in the National consultation process on standards for career development practice, being led by the Canadian Career Development Foundation. LMCIA and CES will coordinate the consultation process on standards and guidelines for BC.

Not determined

In the planning phase now.

Table 5 (continued)
Quality Standards and Training Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Standard and Guidelines for Development and Delivery of LMI Resources

Jim Howie

The Joint Committee for Enhanced LMI is supporting the Canadian Labour Force Development Board in establishing national standards and guidelines for the development and delivery of LMI products and services. An initial set of voluntary guidelines has been developed and is being reviewed by developers, suppliers and consumers of LMI in Canada. BCWorkInfoNet is managing BC's consultation on the guidelines.


Preliminary guidelines will be disseminated in June '97.

Dissemination being planned.

Audience: developers and users of LMI being disseminated through electronic media.

Table 6
Quality Standards and Training Projects

Project & Contact


LMI Budget

Timing & Dissemination

Portable LMI Kits

Dennis Anderson

Travel kits containing labour market information resources, in a suitcase with wheels.



Dissemination: Distributed to selected field staff of HRDC and MEST.

Audience: HRDC and MEST field staff.

"What Works" for Youth

Dennis Anderson

Production of a newsletter for youth looking for work. A separate issue is produced for each region and contains information of local relevance.


Timing: Issue #3 issued in May 1997.

Dissemination: Print

Audience: Secondary school students.

Knowledge Network Offerings: Learning a Living

Dennis Anderson

To produce 10 episodes dealing with labour market issues, for viewing on the Knowledge Network.


Timing: March to July 1997.

Dissemination: Knowledge Network

Audience: General public

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