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Appendix C — Bibliography

Canadian Research

Avard, Denise and Louise Hanvey, Canadian Institute of Child Health. The Health of Canada's Children: A CICH Profile, 1989.

Cameron, Gary et al. "Resident Participation in the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Prevention Project: Part II—Factors that Facilitate and Hinder Involvement". in Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 13(2), Fall 1994, pp. 213-227.

King, Alan J.C. et al. Canada Youth and AIDS Study. Kingston: Queen's University, 1988.

King, Alan J.C. and Beverly Coles. The Health of Canada's Youth. Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, 1992.

Laidlaw Foundation. Children and their Prospects. Issue I, Fall 1993.

Laidlaw Foundation. Improving the Life Prospects of Children and Youth: The Children at Risk Programme, 1994.

Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario. Better Beginnings, Brighter Futures: An Integrated Model of Primary Prevention of Emotional and Behavioural Problems. Toronto: Queen's Printer of Ontario, 1989.

Ministry of Community and Social Services. Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project. Request for Proposals: Research Sites. Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1990.

Ministry of Community and Social Services. Better Beginnings, Better Futures, Request for Proposals: Research Coordination Unit.

Ministry of Community and Social Services. Better Beginnings Better Futures: An Integrated Model of Primary Prevention of Emotional and Behavioural Problems. Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1989.

Ontario Child Health Study: Summary of Initial Findings, Queen's Printer, 1986.

Ontario Child Health Study: Children at Risk. Queen's Printer, 1989.

Pancer, Mark and Gary Cameron. "Resident Participation in the Better Beginnings, Better Futures Prevention Project: Part I—The Impacts of Involvement". in Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 13(2), Fall 1994, pp.197-211.

Pence, Alan et. al. Canadian National Child Care Study: Introductory Report. Statistics Canada, February 1992.

Peters, Ray. "Better Beginnings, Better Futures: A Community-Based Approach to Promary Prevention". in Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 13(2), Fall 1994, pp.183-188.

Peters, Ray and Carol Crill Russell. Better Beginnings, Better Futures Project: Model, Program and Research Overview. Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1994.

Peters, Suzanne. Surveying Canada's Children: Opportunities and Challenges Posed by the National Longitudinal Survey of Children. January 1995.

Ross, David and R. Shillington. "Child Poverty and Poor Educational Attainment: The Economic Costs and Implications for Society" in Children in Poverty: Toward a Better Future. Senate Committee on Child Poverty, 1991.

Sylvestre, John C. et al. "The Planning and Implementation of Government-Sponsored Community-Based Primary Prevention: A Case Study". in Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 13(2), Fall 1994, pp.189-195.

Wilkins, Russel, Canadian Centre for Health Information, Statistics Canada. Child Health and Low Income: Data for Canada. February, 1990.

Other Research

Baert, Andre E. "Longitudinal Research in the WHO European Region Program" in Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science. by Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981, pp. 271-276.

Baker, Paula C. and Canada K. Keck, Frank L. Mott, Stephen V. Quinlan. NLSY Child Handbook — Revised Edition —: A Guide to the 1986-1990 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth Child Data. Columbus, Ohio: Center for Human Resource Research, 1993.

Baker, Reginald P. and Norman M. Bradburn. CAPI: Impacts on Data Quality and Survey Costs, Paper no. 10 in Information Technology in survey Research: Discussion Paper Series. Chicago: National Opinion Research Center, 1992.

Bergman, Lars R. and David Magnusson. "General Issues about Data Quality in Longitudinal Research" in Data Quality in Longitudinal Research by David Magnusson and Lars Bergman (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp. 1-31.

Borus, Michael E. Youth and the Labor Market: Analyses of the National Longitudinal Survey. Kalamazoo: W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 1984.

Bradburn, Norman M. and Martin R. Frankel, Reginald P. Baker, Michael R. Pergamit. A Comparison of Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) with Paper and Pencil (PAPI) Interviews in the National Longitudinal Study of Youth. A paper presented at the AAPOR Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, May 16-19, 1991.

Brambring, Michael, Fridrich Losel and Helmut Skowronek. Children at Risk: Assessment Longitudinal Research and Intervention. New York: De Gruyter,1989.

Bradburn, N.M. and M. Frankel, E. Hunt, J. Ingels, A. Schoua-Glusberg, M. Wojcik and Michael R. Pergamit. A Comparison of Computer-Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI) with Personal Interviews in the National Longitudinal Survey of Labor Market Behavior-Youth Cohort. Prepared for presentation at the 1991 Annual Research Conference, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Arlington, VA, March 17-20, 1991.

Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne and Erin Phelps and Glen H. Elder Jr. "Studying Lives Through Time: Secondary Data Analyses in Developmental Psychology", in Developmental Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 6, 1991. pp. 899-910.

Chase-Lansdale, P. Lindsay and Frank L. Mott, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Deborah A. Phillips. "Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: A Unique Research Opportunity", in Developmental Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 6, 1991. pp. 918-931.

Cherlin, Andrew. "On Analyzing Other People's Data", in Developmental Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 6, 1991. pp. 946-948.

Colby, Anne and Erin Phelps. "Archiving Longitudinal Data" in Data Quality in Longitudinal Research by David Magnusson and Lars Bergman (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp. 249-262.

Davie, R. and N. Butler and H. Goldstein. From Birth to Seven: A Report of the National Child Development Study. London: Longman, 1972.

Douglas, J.W.B. "The Value of Birth Cohort Studies" in Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science by Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981, pp.176-186.

Duncan, Greg J. "Made in Heaven: Secondary Data Analysis and Interdisciplinary Collaborators" in Developmental Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 6, 1991. pp. 949-951.

Emde, Robert N. and Robert J. Harmon. Continuities and Discontinuities in Development. New York: Plenum Press, 1984.

Farrington, David P. and Bernard Gallagher, Lynda Morley, Raymond J. St. Ledger, Donald J. West. "Minimizing Attrition in Longitudinal Research: Methods of Tracing and Securing Cooperation in a 24-Year Follow-up Study", in Data Quality in Longitudinal Research by David Magnusson and Lars Bergman (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp.122-147.

Fogelman, Ken. Growing Up in Great Britain: Papers From the National Child Development Study. London: Macmillan for the National Children's Bureau, 1983.

Fogelman, Ken and Peter Wedge. "The National Child Development Study (1958 British Cohort)" in S.A. Mednick and A.E. Baert, Prospective Longitudinal Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Friedman, Sarah L. and H Carl Haywood (eds.). Developmental Follow-up: Concepts, Domains, and Methods. San Diego: Academic Press, 1994.

The Future of the NLS: A Report from the NSF Conference on the Future of the NLS and the NLS Technical Review Committee. Columbus, Ohio: Center for Human Resource Research, 1989.

Greenbaum, Charles W. and Judith G. Auerbach (eds.). Longitudinal Studies of Children at Psychological Risk: Cross National Perspectives. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1992.

Griffith, John J. and Sarnoff A. Mednick, Brigitte R. Mednick. "Problems with Traditional Strategies in Mental Health Research" in Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science. by Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981, pp. 3-15.

Haveman, Robert and Barbara Wolfe. Succeeding Generations: On the Effects of Investments in Children. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1994.

Janson, Carl Gunnar. "Some Problems of Longitudinal Research in the Social Sciences" in Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science by Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981, pp. 19-55.

Kellmer Pringle, M.L., N.R. Butler and R. Davie. 11,000 Seven-Year-Olds. London: Longmans, Green & Co. Ltd., 1969.

Loeber, Rolf and David P. Farrington. "Problems and Solutions in Longitudinal and Experimental Treatment Studies of Child Psychopathology and Delinquency", in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 62, No. 5, October, 1994. pp. 887-900.

Magnusson, David and Lars Bergman (eds.). Data Quality in Longitudinal Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Magnusson, David and Paul Caesar. Longitudinal Research on Individual Development: Present Status and Future Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

McCall, Robert B. and Mark I. Appelbaum. "Some Issues of Conducting Secondary Analyses", in Developmental Psychology. Vol. 27, No. 6, 1991. pp. 911-917.

McMahon, Robert J. "Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Externalizing Problems in Children: The Role of Longitudinal Data", in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 62, No. 5, October, 1994. pp. 901-917.

Mednick, S. A. and A. E. Baert (eds.). Prospective Longitudinal Research: An Empirical Basis for the Primary Prevention of Psychosocial Disorders. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981.

Menard, Scott. Longitudinal Research. Sage Series: Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences. Newbury Park California: Sage Publications,1991.

Mott, Frank L. The NLSY Children 1992: Description and Evaluation. Columbus, Ohio: Centre for Human Resource Research, 1995.

Murphy, Michael. "Minimizing Attrition in Longitudinal Studies: Means or End?" in Data Quality in Longitudinal Research by David Magnusson and Lars Bergman (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990, pp. 148-156.

NCDS User Support Group. The National Child Development Study: An Introduction, its Origins and the Methods of Data Collection. London: Social Statistics Research Unit, City University, May 1995.

NCDS User Support Group. Publications arising from the National Child Development Study. Social Statistics Research Unit, City University, May 1995.

NLS Handbook 1985: The National Longitudinal Surveys. Columbus, Ohio: Center for Human Resource Research, 1995.

Ollendick, Thomas H. and Neville J. King. "Diagnosis, Assessment, and Treatment of Internalizing Problems in Children: The Role of Longitudinal Data", in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 62, No. 5, October, 1994. pp. 918-927.

Olsen, Randall J. The Effects of Computer Assisted Interviewing on Data Quality. Columbus Ohio: Centre for Human Resource Research. 1993.

Pergamit, Michael R. NLS Discussion Paper: How the Federal Government Uses Data from the National Longitudinal Surveys. Paper prepared for presentation at the conference on the Australian Longitudinal Survey: Social and Economic Policy Research held in Canberra, Australia, December 10-11, 1990.

Pilling, Doria. Escape From Disadvantage. London: Folmer Press, 1990.

Power, Chris and Roly Manor and John Fox. Health and Class: The Early Years. London: Chapman and Hall, 1991.

Rudinger, George and Phillip Karl Wood. "N's, Times, and Number of Variables in Longitudinal Research" in Data Quality in Longitudinal Research by David Magnusson and Lars Bergman (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990. pp. 157-180.

Research Using NLSY Data on Fertility, Child Care, and Child Development: A Bibliography. Columbus, Ohio: Center for Human Resource Research, 1994.

Schneider, Wolfgang. "Problems of Longitudinal Studies with Children: Practical, Conceptual, and Methodological Issues" in Children at Risk: Assessment Longitudinal Research and Intervention by Brambring, Michael, Friedrich Losel and Helmut Skowronek. New York: De Gruyter,1989, pp. 313-335.

Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981.

Shepherd, Peter. The National Child Development Study: An Introduction to the Background to the Study and The Methods of Data Collection. NCDS User Support Group, Working Paper No. 1, London: Social Statistics Research Unit, City University, 1989.

Svalastoga, Kaare. "Sequential Research with Special References to the Scandinavian Project Metropolitan" in Longitudinal Research: Methods and Uses in Behavioral Science. by Schulsinger, Fini, Sarnoff Mednick and Joachim Knop. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishing,1981, pp. 187-191.

Uncles, M. D. (ed.) Longitudinal Data Analysis: Methods and Applications. London: Pion Limited, 1988.

Waterton, J. and D. Lievesley. "Attrition, Conditioning, and Attitude Change: Some Findings from the Social Attitudes Panel Study" in Longitudinal Data Analysis: Methods and Applications by M. D. Uncles (ed.). London: Pion Limited, 1988, pp.73-88.

Werner, Emmy, et al. The Children of Kauai: A longitudinal study from the perinatal period to age ten, Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1971.

Western Australian Health Promotion Foundation. Healthway. Issue 1, Fall 1993.

Wierson, Michelle and Rex Forehand. "Introduction to Special Section: The Role of Longitudinal Data With Child Psychopathology and Treatment: Preliminary Comments and Issues", in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 62, No. 5, October, 1994. pp. 883-886.

Young, C. H. and K.L. Favola and Erin Phelps. Inventory of Longitudinal Studies in the Social Sciences. Newbury Port, CA: Sage Publications, 1991.

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