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This report summarizes the findings from a Mid-Term Review conducted by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and Regional Bilateral Agreements (RBA)-holder organizations during 1997-1998. It is based on findings from studies of 15 RBAs. This report also includes an assessment of the initiative's accountability framework, a comparison of HRDC and mid-term review client data, and the strategic evaluation plan for the RBA initiative.

The study benefited from the contribution of numerous participants. In particular, the dedication of Sheila Dohoo Faure and Céline Pinsent from Goss Gilroy Inc. and Francine Whiteduck from Whiteduck Resources Inc. made this project possible.

The Assembly of First Nations, The Inuit Tapirisat of Canada and the Métis National Council provided guidance by serving on an advisory committee.

The Aboriginal Relations Office (ARO) within Human Resources Development Canada supported the evaluation team by facilitating meetings, responding quickly to information requests and providing timely feed-back. The project also received much support from HRDC's regional offices evaluation officers and program coordinators.

Following is a list, by region, of the 15 RBA-holders organizations that participated in the reviews. Special thanks are due to them and the local consulting firms who conducted the studies.


  • Miawpukek First Nation
  • Federation of Newfoundland Indians


  • Kativik Regional Administration
  • Assembly of First Nations of Labrador and Quebec


  • London District Chiefs Council
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • Métis Nation of Ontario
  • Six Nations Onkwehon:we


  • Federation of Saskatchewan Indians
  • Métis Nation of Saskatchewan


  • Métis Nation of Alberta
  • Métis Settlements General Council
  • Confederacy of Treaty 6
  • Treaty 7 Economic Development Corporation
  • Treaty 8 First Nations Human Resources Development Board

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