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Annex A: FCP Evaluation Issues and Questions

Annex A: FCP Evaluation Issues and Questions
Relevance of FCP mandate and objectives: Is there a continuing need and relevance for the FCP in encouraging employers to achieve fairness and diversity in the workplace? Is the rationale for the program still valid? Are the mandate and objectives still relevant?
Targeting of FCP: Is the FCP properly targeted in terms of DGs, and size and type of firm? Do some DGs and/or employer areas require lesser or greater attention? Should any other groups be considered to be added? Should any of the current 4 groups be deleted? Are the benefits/services provided consistent with the needs of the DGs? For which of the 4 DGs, if any, are other services needed?
Unique role of FCP relative to other programs: Is there a need for Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) to maintain all its activities under the FCP? To what extent does FCP complement, supplement, or overlap, duplicate or work at cross purposes with other similar programs? (e.g., provincial EE activities). Does FCP offer particular services/supports not available elsewhere? What is the comparative capacity of FCP activities to influence change in workplace equity practices relative to other players? What is the appropriate role for FCP?
Adaptability of FCP to labour market needs: Is the FCP able to deal flexibly with labour market fluctuations?
II. IMPLEMENTATION: Are FCP design and delivery features consistent with the stated objectives? (operational guidelines, regulations); Is the present FCP model the most effective way of achieving the intended impacts and effects?
The FCP EE Model: are the 11 steps for the FCP EE model effective and appropriate?
FCP thresholds and exemptions: Thresholds: Should FCP be extended to cover more employers? Should the rules for the two thresholds be changed? (e.g., reduce levels from current 100 employees or more, and $200,000 contract value or more; also consider changes to $200,000 cumulative in one year). Exemptions: Should the list of current program exemptions be reconsidered to include all, some or none of these: Contractors having a combined work force of less than 100 employees (headquarters and branches included); offshore suppliers conducting and executing work outside Canada; Construction contracts: Contracts on behalf of provincial governments and agencies; Contracts for the acquisition of real property; Legal service contracts: and subcontractors?
FCP Equivalence to LEEP. Have key features of FCP been adjusted to match aspects of LEEP and thus to reflect the 1996 Employment Equity Act?
Involvement and Clarity of roles of FCP partners: (a) Are the roles & responsibilities of various partners and service providers clearly enunciated & understood? (employers, unions, program administrators, compliance review officers, regional consultants.) (b) Are union and employee representatives consulted and involved in all stages of FCP process? (c) Are the roles of other federal departments, Treasury Board, etc. clear?
Reporting Goals and Timetables: Is there a need or place for mandatory goals or timetables or annual reporting within FCP?
Adequacy of FCP Compliance Strategy: Are current compliance guidelines and program assessments clear to employers and feasible to implement? How well is the Compliance Review Process Working? Is there a need for changes to the data capturing system? To what extent does compliance-monitoring of FCP firms increase the level of their workplace equity initiatives? How effective is it in promoting supporting, and enforcing compliance with workplace equity principles?
FCP Enforcement: What are the enforcement issues around implantation of work plans? Is the principle of "good faith efforts" working or is there a need for increased accountability? (e.g. audits, significant fines)
Costs to employers and government departments: Another issue posed was does the program imposes undue costs on participating employers and participating departments?
Value of the Merit Awards Program: Do the benefits of the Merit Awards Program outweigh the costs? To what extent does it: (a) further the goals and objectives of EE? (b) enhance awareness and increase knowledge of EE? Is it a useful tool to promote best practices?
Adequacy of FCP resources and deployment: Are the FTE resources for supporting and monitoring FCP sufficient to fulfil its mandate? Adequacy of data, software etc? (if not, where should additional resources be targeted?) Are roles and relationships supportive?
Adequacy of FCP information systems/monitoring: Are appropriate information systems in place and/or other mechanisms to coordinate, track, monitor and report on employer activities under FCP? Are these (and employer reports) adequate to measure progress/program impacts?
Administrative Obstacles to FCP success: Have any constraints been identified — operational (Departmental organization), legislative, regulatory, provincial, etc. — which impede the ability of the FCP to achieve its objectives? (e.g. support from other federal departments)
Usefulness of FCP supports and tools (e.g. brochures, EECRS, availability statistics, regional consultants) utilized by the program?
Efficiency of communications and information strategies: Does the program communicate effectively and efficiently with employers? Do communications build relationships and partnerships, and broader support for EE goals?
General impacts on EE: Does the FCP advance EE generally?
Impacts on representation: (a) Is representation of DGs in FCP firms better, worse or the same as uncovered workers (in terms of hiring, retention, promotion, income? (b) Do specific employment equity initiatives work best for each group? (b) Are there differential Impacts on the various designated groups? (d) what is the impact of compliance monitoring?
Impact of FCP on awareness, and barriers: To what extent has FCP contributed to (1) awareness and reduction in barriers, (2) increased employment, improved representation; and (3) the development and implementation of effective measures in FCP firms for the DGs since the amended legislation?
Relation to labour market fluctuations: Is the FCP flexible enough to deal with the fluctuations in the labour market? (both downturns and upturns)
Impact of FCP on business efficiency and competitiveness: To what extent has FCP aided firm's ability to draw from a broader labour pool, gain more experienced staff etc.? Gain other economic advantages, such as international competitiveness?
Participant satisfaction with FCP: How satisfied are various participants and stakeholders with the design and results of FCP activities? (employees, employers, program administrators, other federal departments and Treasury Board, designated group organizations)?
Impact of FCP on the Federal Suppliers Pool: Have FCP requirements discouraged employers from becoming or continuing as federal suppliers?
24a. Strengths and weaknesses of FCP: What are the particular strengths and weaknesses of FCP?
  Is the present FCP model the most effective way of achieving the intended impacts and effects? Or, are there other most cost effective program approaches to achieve the same objectives?
Possible changes in the EE model: Are changes needed in the FCP EE model (11 key program steps)?
Possible Changes in Coverage of the Designated Groups: Is there any need to change coverage of the designated groups?
Possible changes to coverage of employers: Are Changes desired in thresholds and exemptions?
Possible Changes to FCP Monitoring and Enforcement: Are changes needed in the monitoring and enforcement mechanisms? Should the program mandate be changed to institute significant fines or to allow CHRC to monitor FCP employers' actions?
Possible Changes in Staffing, Information Systems, Organization (see issues 2.13, 2.14, 2.15).
Possible Changes/improvements in Tools/Educational Materials
Notes: Some issues noted in the original RFP have been addressed throughout, rather than in one specific Section. For example, the original RFP evaluation question: "What are the strengths and weaknesses of the FCP program structure and organization?"

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