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This evaluation was conducted by CS/RESORS Consulting, Ltd., of Vancouver. The evaluation team consisted of: team leader: Marylee Stephenson, Ph.D., senior research associates: Brian McGowan, Jill Cory, John Kafka and Danny Foster (the latter two from the Cornerstone Planning Group); database manager/statistical analyst: David Groden; telephone survey team: Points of View Research.

We would like to thank the following:

Evaluation Steering Committee, with its British Columbia and Ottawa members, and the three contract managers;

Board and staff of all of the CSCs, and in particular those eight that we visited for several days for the case studies;

The many individuals in the CSC communities across the province who gave their time and thoughts to the study;

The past participants who were interviewed by phone.

This has been a long and complex process, but it would have been more so without the good will and assistance of all of the above.

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