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Management Response

The Ministry of Education, Skills and Training and Human Resources Development Canada recently released a report entitled, The Formative Evaluation of Community Skills Centres, as part of the Strategic Initiatives Agreement. The formative evaluation report assesses the Community Skills Centre (CSC) initiative's rationale, impacts and effects, and objectives achievement. In addition, the report identifies a number of recommendations, which focus on policy development and CSC operations, to address management challenges for the CSC initiative. A management response to each of these recommendations is provided below.

Policy Development

A. CSC Mandate/Objectives

Evaluation Recommendation

Federal and provincial governments should clarify the CSC mandate and objectives in relation to those of public and private sector training providers in order to eliminate actual or potential inconsistencies concerning duplication, competition, the right of first refusal, and certain CSC objectives.

Management Response

CSCs are mandated to identify training needs in their respective communities and work in partnership with public and private training providers to meet these needs. The Ministry of Education, Skills and Training is currently reviewing the mandate and objectives of CSCs and will communicate any policy changes to key stakeholders of the CSC initiative.

B.Selection of Future CSC Sites

Evaluation Recommendation

Federal and provincial governments should ensure that an "arm's length" local needs assessment is completed and reviewed prior to selecting future sites.

Management Response

At this time, there are no plans to establish any new Community Skills Centres during the 1997/98 fiscal year.

CSC Operations

A. Funding Arrangements

Evaluation Recommendation

Both governments should clarify and communicate their funding commitments to CSCs and indicate whether they will assist CSCs in upgrading their electronic technologies.

Management Response

Human Resources Development Canada and the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training will each contribute $20.13 million to CSCs over the duration of the five year Strategic Initiatives Agreement (1994-99), pending the availability of funds and receipt of the necessary budget approvals. Both governments communicate their annual funding commitments for CSCs at CSC Board and Consortium meetings. As well, both governments are committed to provide the necessary funds to keep CSC technologies current.

B. CSC Communications

Evaluation Recommendation

The federal and provincial governments should clarify the status of the Consortium and communicate it in writing to CSCs.

Management Response

Human Resources Development Canada and the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training support the CSC Consortium's role in establishing and maintaining effective contacts and working relationships with CSCs, public and private sector organizations in order to help develop and promote the services of CSCs. Both governments have committed a total of $124,200 to support the operations of the CSC Consortium in fiscal 1997-98.

Evaluation Recommendation

Both governments should support periodic working meetings or video conferences that promote the sharing of expertise and information among CSCs.

Management Response

The CSC Consortium has primary responsibility for enhancing communication among individual CSCs. Moreover, the federal and provincial governments have and will continue to support meetings, such as Consortium Annual General Meetings and Consortium Executive Meetings, which promote the sharing of information and expertise among CSCs.

C. CSC Board Development

Evaluation Recommendation

Human Resources Development Canada and the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training should make funds available on a periodic basis for board development activities.

Management Response

Both governments have provided the CSC Consortium with funds to develop a policy manual that addresses board development and operational issues and will sponsor board development activities through the Consortium in fiscal 1997-98.

We hope that this letter clarifies the commitment of both governments to help ensure the effective operation of CSCs. Should you require any further information, please contact Dawn McKay of the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training at (250) 356-7700 or Myrna Partridge of Human Resources Development Canada at (604) 666-9555.

The Formative Evaluation of the Community Skills Centres

The evaluation of the Community Skills Centres was a large-scale, intensive project and the report of findings was commensurately lengthy and detailed. After the draft report was delivered, it was decided that it would be useful to have an "overview report" of the findings which would be more easily accessible to a wide range of readers. The report below is the response to that decision. It encompasses all of the main points of the full report, but focuses on highlights of both the descriptive findings and the evaluative conclusions. The complete draft report is provided as the Technical Report, which is not attached to this overview.

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