Welcome to Recreational Fishing in the Pacific Region
Photo Montage - Recreational Fishing Scenes

Button - Recreational Licensing Information: Fees, License Purchase, Vendors
Button - Fish Species Identification and Information: Salmon, Finfish, Shellfish, Atlantic Salmon Watch, Invasive Species
Button - Restricted Fishing Areas: Rockfish Conservation Areas, Marine Protected Areas
Button - On the Water: Tide Tables, Marine Charts, Boating Information Links
Button - Fishing and the Law: Restrictions, Canning, Transporting & Consuming Your Catch, Fisheries Act
Button - Tagging & Test Fishing: Creel Surveys, Head Recovery Program, Halibut, Sturgeon, Lingcod
Button - DFO Offices
Button - Glossary & Acronyms
Button - Pacific Region Recreational Fishing Home Page

Contest - Salmonid Sport Head Recovery Program
Win with Salmon Sport Head Recovery!

Click on this Map Button to see BC Tidal Waters Species Maps and Fishing Opportunities

Click on this Map Button to see BC Freshwater Salmon Maps and Fishing Opportunities

Where can I fish? What can I catch? Where can I fish and what can I catch?

Openings and Closures 24 Hour
Toll Free Line : 1-866-431-FISH

UPDATES - Recreational Fisheries Openings & Closures

Area 1: Harvest prohibition for razor clams and weathervane scallops effective Jan. 20, 2006

Area 2: Harvest prohibition lifted for Geoducks and Horse Clams effective Jan. 19, 2006

Area 14: Sanitary closures effective Jan. 17, 2006

For a complete list of Recreational Fishing Notices click here

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Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Pacific Region
Contact the Department

Important Notices and Disclaimers
Questions Contact: Webmaster
Updated: 2006-01-17