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Strait of Georgia Programs
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Lingcod (Ophiodon elongatus) are an important component of both the commercial and recreational groundfish fishery off British Columbia, Canada.lingcod

Stock Assessment

In 2003, we created a stock assessment framework for lingcod (2003/062).  The framework reviewed sources of historical lingcod data and recommended the development of fishery-independent sources of relative abundance data to monitor changes in the Strait of Georgia lingcod population.  In addition, the framework recommended research to augment lingcod assessment and management concerns.

In 2001 data available from SCUBA surveys and creel surveys were reviewed and presented in a stock assessment research document for lingcod in the Strait of Georgia (2001/132).

The 2000 stock assessment (2000/164) reviewed the available catch and biological data from the commercial and recreational lingcod fisheries in British Columbia. Interpretation of stock condition was based on recent trends in catch statistics and limited age composition data from the commercial trawl fishery.

These stock assessment research documents are available in electronic form from the Canadian Stock Assessment Secretariat (CSAS) or from the Pacific Scientific Advice Review Committee Secretariat (PSARC).  The Adobe Acrobat Reader (available free of charge from the Adobe website) is required in order to download the complete versions of these documents.

  • 2005 Strait of Georgia Lingcod Management Framework (2005/048)
  • 2003 Strait of Georgia Lingcod Stock Assessment Framework  (2003/062)
  • 2001 Strait of Georgia Lingcod Stock Assessment (2001/132)
  • 2000 BC Lingcod Stock Assessment (2000/164)

Current Research

We are currently focusing research on Strait of Georgia lingcod, including studies on seasonal migrations of lingcod using archival tags, recreational recapture rate bias, larval dispersal, and nesting behaviour. More information on these and our stock monitoring program are available on the Strait of Georgia Lingcod Program page.

Looking for more information?

For more information about ongoing work on lingcod at the Pacific Biological Station, please contact Dr. Jackie King.  For more information about groundfish fisheries management or the stock assessment review process in the Pacific Region, please visit the Groundfish Management Unit homepage and the PSARC homepage.

Lingcod program staff:

Dr. Jackie King
Dana Haggarty
Maria Surry


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Updated: 2005-01-13