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Pacific Science
Groundfish Section
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sablefish overview
sablefish life history
sablefish fishery
sablefish publications

Sablefish are one of the most valuable single species on Canada’s west coast. The stock assessment and related biological studies as well as management and enforcement activities are funded entirely through cost recovered funds generated by the sablefish "K" license fishery. Research is co-ordinated by a joint DFO and industry body, the Sablefish Finance Committee, as defined by a collaborative agreement between the Canadian Sablefish Association (CSA) and DFO. The overall aim of the research is to produce accurate assessments of the status of the population and to develop fishing strategies that meet Departmental goals of conservation and economic return. Research in 2001 was conducted by staff of DFO and others under direct contract to the Canadian Sablefish Association. The majority of fishery monitoring and biological sampling is conducted by Archipelago Marine Research, under contract.

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Sablefish Program Staff
Rob Kronlund
Wendy Mitton
Malcolm Wyeth

Other Sablefish Researchers
Sandy McFarlane (Groundfish Section, DFO)
Jackie King (Groundfish Section, DFO)
Richard Beamish (DFO)

Canadian Sablefish Association Science Staff
Sean Cox (Simon Fraser University)


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Updated: 2005-01-13