The Pacific Streamkeepers Federation
A non-profit society helping streamkeepers take action through support, education, and building partnerships
Last Update - Dec. 13, 2005
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Cheakamus River Spill near Squamish BC - August 5, 2005

Home Show 2005
Storm Drain Marking page and information
British Columbia's streams, lakes, and wetlands are valuable natural resources. Stream corridors are particularly important. They support more species of plants and animals than any other habitats and provide important refuges and migration routes for birds and wildlife. Streams are also essential for maintaining our renowned salmon and trout runs.
Mountain Stream Chipmunk Sockeye Salmon

Streams respond rapidly to the pressures of residential and industrial activity in surrounding drainage areas or watersheds. Streams are good indicators of watershed health. Since we all live within a watershed, be it coastal rain forest or interior dry land, we all share the responsibility of maintaining the quality of the natural resources within them.
Streamside Salamander Urban Stream

Pressures from development will continue to increase as our population expands in many areas of the province. Habitat will continue to be lost when we do not appreciate fully the value of our aquatic resources. Plant and animal populations which depend on undisturbed land will be threatened.
Volunteer Streamkeeper Volunteer Streamkeeper Volunteer Streamkeeper

The growing number of volunteers committed to working to protect and restore aquatic habitats in our province will find support and information in the Streamkeepers Program
© 2003 Pacific Streamkeepers Federation

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