Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

DFO Geoportal

The public version of the DFO GeoPortal web map server (GeoBrowser) can be accessed at:

For DFO staff, the GeoPortal provides a window into the world of geospatial data and services within the department (beyond that which is publicly available):

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), in partnership with other marine organizations and GeoConnections, is leading the establishment of a marine geospatial data infrastructure (MGDI) for Canada. The DFO GeoPortal Project, initiated by the DFO Science sector, is providing key services forming the DFO open geospatial infrastructure, which is a key component of the evolving MDGI.

The DFO GeoPortal comprises numerous tools and services to address the requirements of a broad audience, both internal and external to DFO. Tools available on this site provide pre-defined dynamic views of DFO which are made up of DFO data combined with data from other government and private organizations. These tools get their data from numerous web map servers, therefore all data seen in the views on this site can also be accessed directly by applications that can connect to web map servers compliant with the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) specifications. The GeoPortal Project Team is endeavoring to work with all sectors of DFO to help them organize and package their geospatial data for inclusion in the GeoPortal for internal DFO use and wherever possible to also make it available to the general public through the DFO GeoBrowser.

As described in earlier announcements, the GeoPortal is also an enabler that is facilitating the inclusion of geospatial contents and geospatial services into business applications and specific community portals. However, due to licensing restrictions and/or confidentiality of the data, the use of the GeoPortal has to be limited to DFO staff, but to make some of this geospatial information available to the general public, a simplified version of the GeoPortal was developed (the GeoBrowser).

Enhancements include improvements to the browsers, new functionality, and access to more DFO data. DFO staff are encouraged to explore these tools and see how they may be integrated into their own work.

Please address any concerns or questions to the project manager:

Don Vachon Chief, Engineering Development and Geomatics Services
Tel: (613) 995-4524


Page last updated : 2005-5-12 10:36

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