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The evaluation of the Integrated Training Centres for Youth pilot project was governed by a set of evaluation questions established by program sponsors at the time the pilot was launched. The evaluation plan called for both a Process Evaluation and an Outcome Evaluation to be conducted.

The Process Evaluation component was completed in March of 1996. The results of the Process Evaluation are contained in a Technical Report entitled, Integrated Training Centres for Youth: A Process Evaluation, and a companion Final Report prepared to summarise the main findings, conclusions and recommendations for purposes of wider dissemination.

The Outcome Evaluation component was conducted in two phases:

  1. Qualitative Investigation — involving the collection and analysis of qualitative information taken from interviews with clients, project staff and other government and community stakeholders familiar with the ITCY programs.

  2. Quantitative Investigation — involving the collection and analysis of quantitative information taken from Baseline, Exit and Follow-up surveys of program participants and members of a comparison group.

Qualitative results are contained in a report entitled, Integrated Training Centres for Youth — Interim Evaluation Report: Qualitative Findings, prepared in May of 1997.

This report presents detailed results of the quantitative investigation of outcomes. Major qualitative findings from the Interim Report are also brought forward in drawing conclusions relating to the major outcome evaluation issues investigated and in reporting overall "Lessons Learned" from the ITCY pilot project.

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