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Appendix B: List of Informants

CCIF Staff and Other Individuals Knowledgeable about CCIF

Director General Don Ogston
Director Ron Yzerman
Regional Consultants Francine Knoops, Natives (on-reserve)

Penny Hammell, Atlantic

Helene Cloutier, Quebec

Begona Llames, Ontario and National

Janice Durston, Manitoba and Saskatchewan

Marg Shawana, Alberta and B.C.

Marie McCue, Territories and Off-reserve Natives

Child & Family Task Team Lynn Westlake, Policy Analyst

Provincial/Territorial Government Representatives

Vivian Randall, Department of Social Services, Newfoundland

Carole de Gagna, Direction de la Recherche, Quebec

Trish Baynham, Director, Child Care Branch, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Ontario

Gisela Rempel, Director, Child Day Care Branch, Dept. of Family Services, Manitoba

Dennis Maier, Director, Day Care Programs, Alberta Family and Social Services

Jane Beach, Director, Child Care Branch, Ministry of Women's Equality, B.C.

Non-Government Organization Representatives

Cathy McCormack, President, Canadian Child Care Federation

Jocelyn Tougas, Executive Director, Canadian Child Day Care Advocacy Association

Lee Dunstar, Ottawa/Carleton In-Home Child Care Providers' Association

Maria deWit, Executive Director, Family Day Care Services

Debbie Jette, Off-Reserve Issues Consultant

Simone St. Germain, Femmes Autochtones du Quebec

Deanna Leon (informal national network spokesperson) Spallmucheen First Nation

Linda Archibald, Inuit, Paukuntit

Penny Coates, Child Care Coordinator, City of Vancouver, Social Planning Department

Trudy Norton, President, Early Childhood Educators of B.C.

Pat Bragg, Coordinator of Child Care Training Project, Yukon College.

Case Study Project Representatives

Cathy Letendry, Splats'in Daycare Centre

Jerry Arshinoff, Plains Indian Cultural Survival School

Elaine Brosnihan, Child Care Resource Development Centre

Irma Grandon, Maggie's Teen Parent Child Care Centre

Tanya Wanio, Hilda Young Child Care Centre

Jane Wilson, Lakeview Children's Centre

Linda Thériault, Club 6-12

Mary Ann Bird, West Coast Child Care Resource Centre

Nicole Menzies, Well Beings

Jocelyn Tougas, Le Garde au domicile du parent

Elaine Ferguson, Child Care Connection

Sharon Hope-Irwin, SpeciaLink

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