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This study summarizes lessons learned from the Department of Human Resources Development Canada’s (HRDC) disability programs, as well as from disability programs in other countries. Burt Perrin of Burt Perrin Associates was largely responsible for the development of the methodological approach and the analysis of the existing information on disability programs.

The project team conducted the study to respond to a need for information from Evaluation and Data Development and various other stakeholders.

The study benefited from the contributions of David Baker, Harry Beatty and Patti Bregman. Mr. Baker wrote the major part of the chapter on barrier removal legislation; Harry Beatty drafted much of the chapter on disability income systems; and Patti Bregman was principally in charge of writing the chapter on independent living and community support systems.

The project team also included a working group from HRDC. This group included Marie Lemieux from the Office for Disability Issues (ODI), Joan Johnson from the Income Security Policy (ISP), and Frank Yam from Evaluation and Data Development (EDD). We are grateful to the many people who assisted the evaluation team.

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