Pêches et Océans Canada - Fisheries and Oceans Canada
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Fishing results 2004

Supreme Court of Canada decision in the marshall Case

Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review
Marine Mammal Regulation Consultations

Welcome to DFO

The Quebec Region falls within the borders of the province of Quebec, and encompasses 6000 kilometres of coastline. It is one of the six administrative regions managed by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.The other regions are Newfoundland, Maritimes, Gulf, Central & Arctic and Pacific.

Our Vision

Our mission is to work toward safe, healthy, productive waters and aquatic ecosystems for the benefit of present and future generations by maintaining the highest possible standards of service to Canadians and:

Conservation & Substainable Resource Use

Scientific Excellence

Marine Safety & Environmental Protection

Our Mandate

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), on behalf of the Government of Canada, is responsible for policies and programs in support of Canada's economic, ecological and scientific interests in the oceans and freshwater fish habitat; for the conservation and sustained utilization of Canada's fisheries resources in marine and inland waters; and for safe, effective and environmentally sound marine services responsive to the needs of Canadians in a global economy.

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Last Updated : 2005-02-08 Haut de page Important Notices