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Welcome to
One of the main functions of the AMM is to lobby on issues that affect Manitoba Municipalities. Many of our issues are raised by our members through resolutions or correspondence, which we then bring to the attention of the Manitoba or Federal government.

What's New
For all events, visit the AMM Events Calendar


Municipal Election Officials: Salaries & Benefits Survey - click here to download
Federal Gas Tax Funding Agreement
2005 to 2010

On February 9, 2006 the AMM mailed each municipality the Federal Gas Tax Funding Agreement - 2005 to 2010. For Q & A's and other information, click here.

2006 Mayors, Reeves and CAOs Meetings
March 13 - 24, 2006

The annual Mayors, Reeves and CAOs meetings are a series of meetings held over a two week period in each of the AMM's seven districts. This year's meetings will be held between March 13 and 24.

For dates and locations, click here


Municipal Officials Seminar & Trade Show -
February 27 & 28, 2006

Click here for Trade Show information, sponsors, and the preliminary agenda.


Manitoba Planning Conference
Forging New Paths Together
March 15 - 17, 2006

For program and registration information, click here

AMM 7th Annual Convention - November 21 - 24, 2005

The AMM 7th Annual Convention was truly a TEAM effort! Visit our wrap-up page for details.

Convention Recap>>


AMM Member Advisories

November 18, 2005 - AMM Member Advisory - Update on New Deal
November 15, 2005 - AMM Member Advisory - Update on New Deal Discussions
October 7, 2005 - AMM Member Advisory - Update on New Deal Funding


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