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The Assessment

Welcome and Introductions

Once participants are assembled, it is important to let them know:

  • Who you are - some personal characteristics such as name, nation, experience
  • The purpose of the meeting - The role of AHRDA and the relationship to HRDC
  • What you want to accomplish over the next two days
  • What you expect from their participation


Introductions have always been and are a very important part of most Aboriginal people’s way of doing things. Elders say that traditionally, hours were spent on introductions before a meeting could start. The significance of person’s name, family, clan or nation was given the utmost respect. Many times, one whole day was set aside for introductions. To respect this traditional practice, emphasis should be made on the introductions as it signals the starting point of something important for which people are being asked to provide their thoughts, opinions, experience.

Some individuals in the RBA environment work together all the time. Others may work together occasionally or have only spoken on the telephone to each other. Some individuals may not know each other at all and it may be the first opportunity that they have meet other people working in the RBA environment. Whatever the case, the introductions will be important. It is important that people say their names at least one time. In addition, they should be asked to talk about the role that they have within the community they are working.

Overhead Presentation to Participants

At this point the participants should be given the opportunity to get settled before the overhead presentation begins.

Slides should be presented with a brief explanation. The presentation should not take any longer than 15 to 20 minutes.

Why Assess Capacity?

1) The Mid-Term Review of the RBA program undertaken in 1998 found that:

  • Some RBAs needed to build their organizational capacity to deliver labour market programming.
  • In particular, RBAs needed to increase their capabilities to:

    • perform functions,
    • solve problems and achieve objectives; and
    • understand and deal with labour market needs in a broad context and in a sustainable manner.


There was a need to develop tools that lead to improvements in program design, delivery and results.

2) RBAs held a conference in February 1999; “Thinking of Evaluation: RBAs and Beyond” where the participants discussed evaluation and the accountability needs of various stakeholders:

  • HRDC is accountable to Parliament for the program it sponsors,
  • RBAs have to be accountable to their chiefs and councils,
  • Community accountability is important but is not receiving sufficient attention,
  • Self-evaluation is one element of the review strategy for the AHRDS and
  • Many RBA holders lack the capacity and skills needed to undertake effective evaluation to be accountable to all stakeholders.


There are many stakeholders in the RBA process and each have different evaluation needs and accountabilities. All those needs can be addressed, as will be seen in the following illustrations.


The evaluation capacity of RBAs is unknown. There is need to assess the capacity of RBAs to measure the performance of their programs. There is a need to provide tools to strengthen their evaluation capacity.

View Program Performance Components - Hierarchy of Importance to Stakeholders

View Program Performance Components - Hierarchy of Importance (Stakeholder's Perspective)

Objectives of Capacity Self-Assessment

  • Provide AHRDA holders the opportunity to compare their performance against best practices and identify areas for development and improvement.
  • Identify gaps in capacity for human resources development.
  • Develop capacity building plans.
  • Assure all stakeholders that AHRDAs are meeting their needs.

Benefits of Capacity Self-Assessment

The Capacity Self-Assessment will help in developing a plan to:

  • Develop capabilities to respond to client needs,
  • Strengthen the human resources skills and abilities within the organization,
  • Improve and build upon existing management processes; and
  • Strengthen accountability.

View Scope of the Capacity Self-Assessment

Question and Answers

Participants should be given the opportunity to pose questions at this point. Listed below are the most commonly raised questions and issues.

How will this capacity assessment workshop benefit my organization?

Capacity assessments can be used as part of a RBA/AHRDA holder’s planning process.

Capacity assessments can contribute to the development of capacity building plans, an activity that is integral to the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreements.

Do I have to be here the whole time?

You were asked to attend the workshop because of your knowledge and experience. The questions cover all the activities and processes of RBAs/AHRDAs. Questions are answered by consensus. However, on some issues, you might be the person who knows the most. Your presence during the whole workshop is very important.

A Sample Run Using the Capacity Assessment Tool - #1

Capacity Dimension Automotive Skills
Capacity Criteria Operating a vehicle # of Issues
Issue: Can you drive on icy roads? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Knows correct stopping distance    
2 Travels safe distance when following other vehicles  
3 Knows the 3 major signage for icy conditions  
4 Knows what black ice patches look like  
5 Pumps brakes to stop  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    



A Sample Run Using the Capacity Assessment Tool - #2

Capacity Dimension Automotive Skills
Capacity Criteria Vehicle maintenance # of Issues
Issue: Do you upkeep your vehicle on a monthly basis? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Check your oil every month    
2 Clean your car upon finishing road trips  
3 Can locate your windshield washer fluid apparatus  
4 Know your service guy's first name  
5 The cigarette lighter in your car works  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    



Completing an Assessment

Keeping Copies

You are now ready to proceed with the assessment. You will need to keep a copy of the tool filled out and leave one with the RBA/AHRDA.

For you own copy, use the overhead version of the tool. Fill it out as you go, putting each page on the projector. Use indelible markers. It will be the copy you will be using to prepare your report. For the copy that will stay with the AHRDA, ask a participant to fill-out a paper copy of the tool as you go through the assessment.

Getting Started

Before you start, remind people that there is a manual explaining each issue, and that they should feel comfortable referring to it. Leave a copy in the middle of the table.

Before you go into a capacity dimension, we suggest that you provide a brief introduction to participants. You could read aloud to participants the definition of that capacity dimension that is found at the beginning of each section of the guide.

Making Sure People Understand

As you go through the tool, check people’s body language. If a question does not seem to be clear, do not hesitate to pick-up the manual and read the explanation. Some people may be embarrassed to say that they don’t understand something. If necessary say that you are not sure you understand and read from the manual.

There are a few places where we strongly recommend that people refer to the manual before answering. Those terms are identified with italics in the tool.


If you were able to compile the score cards for each capacity dimension, show them to people.

The assessment will have more value for the organization if an action plan is developed and someone is put in charge of implementing it. Offer to work with that person on developing the action plan, which will become a capacity building plan. Those plans are part of their AHRDA agreements.

At the end of the session, let participants know that you will prepare a summary of the results and send that to them shortly. Commit to a specific date. Ask someone to be in charge of presenting that report to the board with the capacity building plan.

If a photocopier is available on site, make a copy of the paper version of the filled-out tool. This will be useful if the overhead version is not always readable.


Within a week after the workshop, the facilitator will provide a report to the RBA/AHRDA summarizing the results. A template of that report follows.

Thank you very much for your participation in that process.

Capacity Self-Assessment Results

AHRDA Profile
AHRDA Holder  
Contact Name:
Location City, Province/Territory
Characteristics For example, centralized or decentralized
Cultural Affiliation Inuit, First Nations or Metis
Budget Budget for the duration of the agreement
Employees Number of full time and part-time employees
Population Served Number of people living in the communities served
Unemployment Overall unemployment rate in communities served
Programs Various types of training offered
For example, training institution, economic development corporations

Capacity Results Summary
Capacity Dimension # of Criteria # of Issues # of Indicators # of Custom Indicators # of Actual Indicators % score
Intervention 11 30 150 150 108 72%
Socio-Economic Integration 4 13 65 55 40 73%
Partnering 4 10 50 50 36 72%
Administrative 7 36 180 180 117 65%
Accountability 2 13 65 65 45 69%%
Custom Indicators: Total number of indicators from applicable issues (# of applicable issues x 5)

Actual indicators: Number of indicators ticked from applicable issues (each is worth a point)

% score: actual indicators/custom indicators

Intervention Capacity Summary
Item Maximum possible Custom Actual
Number of criteria 11 11  
Number of issues 30 30  
Number of indicators 150 150 108
% capacity (this dimension)     72%

Please note that when an issue is non applicable, the facilitator shall enter 0 in the custom column for that issue. The facilitator shall also enter a 0 in the actual column for each non applicable issue.

Capacity Criteria Personal Development and Preparedness Training (4 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA provide Effective Client Intake/Orientation? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide Employment/Career (E/C) Counselling? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide Life-Skills Support/Training Courses? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA help clients access alternative sources of funding? 5 5 4
  20 20 16
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Capacity Criteria Intervention Assessment (2 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA have a Process for Managing Training Purchases? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA Conduct Client Career Assessment? 5 5 4
  10 10 8
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness (7 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA Program offer clients pre-employment services? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA assist clients to prepare to enter the workforce? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have access to employment information resources? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have an effective placement and referral program? 5 5 3
Do youth have access to AHRDA services? 5 5 3
Do disabled people have access to AHRDA services? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA provide programming for women? 5 5 4
  35 35 22
Capacity for this criteria: 63%

Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training (7 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA provide access to occupational training? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide access to apprenticeship training? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA provide access to high technology training courses? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide access to sectoral training? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA promote programs that lead to higher education? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA offer support for seasonal employment? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA support maintaining and developing traditional skills? 5 5 4
  35 35 25
Capacity for this criteria: 71%

Capacity Criteria Training in Remote Communities (1 issue)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA provide training in remote communities? 5 5 4
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Capacity Criteria High Quality Employment Development (3 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA promote high quality employment development? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide high quality employment training programs? 5 5 3
Is AHRDA able to gage impact of quality employment initiatives? 5 5 4
  15 15 11
Capacity for this criteria: 73%

Capacity Criteria Holistic Strategies for Training Development/Assessment (2 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA approach training development holistically? 5 5 4
Do AHRDA training programs reflect community values? 5 5 3
  10 10 7
Capacity for this criteria: 70%

Capacity Criteria Client Self-Service Program Development and Access (1 issue)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Do AHRDA Programs Allow for Some Client Self-Service? 5 5 3
Capacity for this criteria: 60%

Capacity Criteria Intervention Research and Development (1 issue)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA do Intervention Research and Development? 5 5 3
Capacity for this criteria: 60%

Capacity Criteria Life Skills Training (2 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA provide life skills training? 5 5 5
Does AHRDA life skills training program address basic needs? 5 5 4
  10 10 9
Capacity for this criteria: 90%

Socio-Economic Integration Capacity Summary
Item Maximum possible Custom Actual
Number of criteria 4 4  
Number of issues 13 11  
Number of indicators 65 55 40
% capacity (this dimension)   73%  

Capacity Criteria AHRDA Economic Integration (4 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Is AHRDA having a direct impact on the local economy? 5 5 5
Does AHRDA offer programs that directly support local economy? 5 5 5
Does AHRDA involve local businesses in its programs and services? 5 0 0
Does AHRDA tie programs to economic development? 5 5 5
  20 15 15
Capacity for this criteria: 100%

Capacity Criteria AHRDA Community Integration (4 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Is AHRDA a community based organization? 5 0 0
Does AHRDA have a positive impact on the community? 5 5 4
Do AHRDA programs reflect the needs/aspirations of community? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA address "wellness/healing" issues of clients? 5 5 4
  20 15 11
Capacity for this criteria: 73%

Capacity Criteria Entrepreneurship Development (3 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA support a full range of entrepreneurial programs? 5 5 2
Does AHRDA support programs that directly assist entrepreneurship? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA participate in community entrepreneurship initiatives? 5 5 2
  15 15 7
Capacity for this criteria: 47%

Capacity Criteria Cultural Integration (2 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA reflect the local culture in its program delivery? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA support local cultural development? 5 5 4
  10 10 7
Capacity for this criteria: 70%

Partnering Capacity Summary
Item Maximum possible Custom Actual
Number of criteria 4 4  
Number of issues 10 10  
Number of indicators 55 50 36
% capacity (this dimension)   72%  

Capacity Criteria Private, Corporate and Business Sector Partnerships (2 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Is AHRDA actively involved in private, corporate and business sector? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA encourage or promote private sector partnerships? 5 5 3
  10 10 6
Capacity for this criteria: 60%

Capacity Criteria Successful HRDC Relationships (4 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA communicate effectively with HRDC? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA work closely with HRDC to achieve LMD objectives? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA provide critical data to HRDC when required? 5 5 5
Does HRDC communicate effectively with your AHRDA? 5 5 4
  20 20 16
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Capacity Criteria Programming Relationships with Province/Territory (3 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA share Aboriginal LMD programs with prov./territory? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have jurisdiction for Aboriginal LMD in prov./territory? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA regularly communicate with the prov./territory? 5 5 3
  15 15 10
Capacity for this criteria: 67%

Capacity Criteria Apprenticeships (1 issue)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA have an effective apprenticeship support program? 5 5 4
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Administrative Capacity Summary
Item Maximum possible Custom Actual
Number of criteria 7 4  
Number of issues 36 36  
Number of indicators 180 180 117
% capacity (this dimension)   65%  

Capacity Criteria Strategic and Operational Planning (6 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does your AHRDA have a long term strategic plan? 5 5 3
Does the long term strategic plan contain key elements? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA staff understand the long term strategic plan? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA have an annual operational plan? 5 5 4
Does Annual operational plan contain key elements? 5 5 4
Does your AHRDA do effective operational planning? 5 5 3
  30 30 21
Capacity for this criteria: 70%

Capacity Criteria Community Based Planning Integration (1 issue)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Do AHRDA initiatives meet planned community objectives? 5 5 4
Capacity for this criteria: 80%

Capacity Criteria Self-Sufficiency Development (6 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Is your AHRDA an Aboriginal owned and controlled institution? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have jurisdiction over Aboriginal LMD initiatives? 5 5 4
Does your AHRDA Strive to be Self-Sufficient? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA have Terms of Reference (TOR) for its Board? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA leverage its resources? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA practice capacity building/development? 5 5 4
  30 30 20
Capacity for this criteria: 67%

Capacity Criteria Operational Efficiency (6 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does your AHRDA have a policies and procedures manual (PPM)? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA have a formalized organizational structure? 5 5 4
Does your AHRDA provide staff orientation to new employees? 5 5 5
Does your AHRDA have effective client contract management? 5 5 4
Does your AHRDA have effective service contract management? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have a formal process for dealing with sub-agencies? 5 5 3
  30 30 22
Capacity for this criteria: 73%

Capacity Criteria Internal Human Resources Development (6 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does your AHRDA have an effective human resources plan? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA effectively use training plans for each employee? 5 5 4
Does your AHRDA promote team building? 5 5 3
Does Your AHRDA effectively use performance appraisals? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA use job descriptions effectively? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA properly compensate its employees? 5 5 4
  30 30 20
Capacity for this criteria: 67%

Capacity Criteria Data Systems and Management Information Systems (4 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does your AHRDA have a fully functional data system? 5 5 3
Is data system accessible to all key AHRDA personnel? 5 5 3
Is AHRDA data system secure? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA accounting software effectively manage financial data? 5 5 3
  20 20 13
Capacity for this criteria: 65%

Capacity Criteria Communications (7 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA have effective electronic communication tools? 5 5 2
Does AHRDA have sufficient electronic communication tools? 5 5 2
Does AHRDA produce effective communication materials? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA provide client’s access to employment information? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have effective communication with HRDC? 5 5 2
Does AHRDA communicate effectively with outside agencies? 5 5 2
Does your AHRDA have an effective communication plan? 5 5 3
  35 35 17
Capacity for this criteria: 49%

Accountability Capacity Summary
Item Maximum possible Custom Actual
Number of criteria 2 2  
Number of issues 13 13  
Number of indicators 65 65 45
% capacity (this dimension)   69%  

Capacity Criteria Financial Controls (7 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA maintain centralized control of its finances? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have qualified finance /accounting personnel? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA have financial safeguards in place? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA prepare regular financial statements? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA control travel expenses? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA control payroll expenses? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA prepare program budgets? 5 5 4
  35 35 24
Capacity for this criteria: 69%

Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity (6 issues)
  Maximum possible Custom Actual
Does AHRDA have clearly stated objectives for its activities/projects? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA have a way of assessing different activities/projects? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA assess its different activities/projects? 5 5 3
Does AHRDA conduct its own program evaluation? 5 5 3
Does your AHRDA evaluation include key elements? 5 5 4
Does AHRDA effectively use evaluation findings? 5 5 4
  30 30 21
Capacity for this criteria: 70%

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