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Intervention Capacity

Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Personal Development and Preparedness Training 1 of 4 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA provide Effective Client Intake/Orientation? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA receptionist addresses initial client inquiries.    
2 Clients are encouraged to review a job board postings.  
3 Clients are asked to complete a preliminary registration form.  
4 RBA/AHRDA holds scheduled orientation seminars for new clients (weekly, monthly, quarterly).  
5 Clients are referred to an employment/career counsellor.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Personal Development and Preparedness Training 2 of 4 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA provide Employment/Career (E/C) Counselling? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Clients are required to see an E/C counsellor to determine eligibility.    
2 E/C Counsellor conducts interview with client.  
3 E/C Counsellor reviews interventions available to client.  
4 E/C Counsellor determines client's commitment to intervention. (i.e. Letter of Reference)  
5 E/C Counsellor explains next steps and course of action.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Personal Development and Preparedness Training 3 of 4 Issues
Issue: 3 Does RBA/AHRDA provide Life-Skills Support/Training Courses? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take life-skills course.    
2 RBA/AHRDA addresses client literacy.  
3 RBA/AHRDA provides basic home finance/budgeting training course.  
4 RBA/AHRDA sponsors client wellness/esteem building workshops.  
5 RBA/AHRDA has a mentorship program.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Personal Development and Preparedness Training 4 of 4 Issues
Issue: 4 Does Your RBA/AHRDA Help Clients Access Alternative Sources of Funding? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA is aware of various sources of alternate funding.    
2 RBA/AHRDA requires client to make contact with alternate funding sources.  
3 RBA/AHRDA refers clients to alternate sources of funding where available.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides clients with application forms from alternate sources.  
5 RBA/AHRDA follows up with client to determine outcome of alternate funding.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Intervention Assessment 1 of 2 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA have a Process for Managing/Assessing Training Purchases? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Criteria is established for purchasing training.    
2 Purchases are based on objectives/priorities of RBA/AHRDA/community.  
3 Purchases are assessed for cost effectiveness.  
4 Anticipated results and measurement are clearly defined.  
5 A proposal review form is completed and assessed by management.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Intervention Assessment 2 of 2 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA Conduct Client Career Assessment? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Clients are required to self-assess their skills, interests and abilities.    
2 EC counsellor uses assessment tools to determine client options.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has access to advisors who counsel clients.  
4 RBA/AHRDA has a process to help clients assess self-employment options.  
5 Client has access to career/training information to assess options.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 1 of 7 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA Program offer clients pre-employment services? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA provides clients with employment and career counselling.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take up-grading classes.  
3 RBA/AHRDA offers basic computer training.  
4 RBA/AHRDA offers clients assistance in preparing their résumés.  
5 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to attend a life-skills training course.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 2 of 7 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA assist clients to prepare to enter the workforce? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Clients are required to develop a career plan.    
2 Clients are required to research their desired job/industry.  
3 Clients are required to prepare a personal résumé.  
4 Clients are required to complete a detailed client profile form.  
5 Clients are required to sign a contract outlining their obligations.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 3 of 7 Issues
Issue: 3 Does RBA/AHRDA have access to Employment/Career Information Resources? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA has an on-site information resource centre.    
2 RBA/AHRDA provides client Internet access to career information.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has resource books & videos available for clients to review.  
4 RBA/AHRDA has post-secondary course guides/calendars available on site.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is able to refer clients to an outside information resource centre.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 4 of 7 Issues
Issue: 4 Does RBA/AHRDA have an Effective Placement and Referral Program? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA actively seeks out jobs through employer & community contacts.    
2 RBA/AHRDA matches clients to job orders.  
3 RBA/AHRDA assists with paper work associated with wage subsidy program.  
4 RBA/AHRDA assists with development of job creation proposals and programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA supports functions for client networking with potential employers.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 5 of 7 Issues
Issue: 5 Do Youth have access to RBA/AHRDA services? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA offers programs to help youth get experience.    
2 RBA/AHRDA has a formal network for identifying youth opportunities.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has wage assistance/sharing programs in place for youth.  
4 RBA/AHRDA has employment criteria established for wage assistance program.  
5 RBA/AHRDA conducts promotions targeting youth.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 6 of 7 Issues
Issue: 6 Do Disabled People have access to RBA/AHRDA services? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA offers programs to help disabled people get experience.    
2 RBA/AHRDA has a formal network for identifying opportunities for disabled people.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has wage assistance/sharing programs for disabled people.  
4 RBA/AHRDA facilities and services are accessible to disabled people.  
5 RBA/AHRDA conducts promotions directed to disabled people.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Employment Readiness 7 of 7 Issues
Issue: 7 Does Your RBA/AHRDA provide Specific Programming for Women? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA offers programs to help women get experience.    
2 RBA/AHRDA has a formal network for identifying opportunities for women.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has wage assistance/sharing programs in place for women.  
4 RBA/AHRDA has employment criteria established for wage assistance program.  
5 RBA/AHRDA conducts promotions directed for women.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 1 of 7 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA provide access to occupational training? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports occupational training programs/initiatives.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take occupational training.  
3 RBA/AHRDA co-ventures with others on occupational training projects.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides client referrals to occupational training programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is pro-active in securing occupational opportunities.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 2 of 7 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA provide access to Apprenticeship training? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports apprenticeship programs/initiatives.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take apprenticeship training.  
3 RBA/AHRDA co-ventures with others to provide apprenticeship training.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides client referrals to apprenticeship programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is pro-active in securing apprenticeship opportunities.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 3 of 7 Issues
Issue: 3 Does RBA/AHRDA provide access to high technology training courses? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports high tech training programs/initiatives.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take outside high tech training.  
3 RBA/AHRDA co-ventures with others on high tech training projects.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides client referrals to high tech training programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is pro-active in securing high tech training opportunities.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 4 of 7 Issues
Issue: 4 Does RBA/AHRDA provide access to sectoral training? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports sectoral training programs/initiatives.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors clients to take outside sectoral training.  
3 RBA/AHRDA co-ventures with others on sectoral training projects.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides client referrals to sectoral training programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is pro-active in securing sectoral opportunities.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 5 of 7 Issues
Issue: 5 Does RBA/AHRDA Promote Programs that Lead to Higher Education? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports Aboriginal youth Astay-in-school program.    
2 RBA/AHRDA partners with local education institutions where possible.  
3 RBA/AHRDA sponsors post-secondary and/or vocational training courses.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides client referrals to education programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA is pro-active in promoting programs that lead to education.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 6 of 7 Issues
Issue: 6 Does Your RBA/AHRDA offer Support for Seasonal Employment? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA supports training opportunities for seasonal workers.    
2 RBA/AHRDA targets training to meet skills required by seasonal employers.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has special program/budget allocation for seasonal workers.  
4 RBA/AHRDA supports skills development for seasonal workers for other jobs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA supports wage assistance programs for seasonal workers.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Sustainable and Emerging Occupational Training 7 of 7 Issues
Issue: 7 Does Your RBA/AHRDA Support Maintaining and Developing Traditional Skills? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA funds programs that support the maintenance of traditional skills.    
2 RBA/AHRDA supports evolution of traditional skills for emerging opportunities.  
3 RBA/AHRDA provides grants to support cultural/economic self-sufficiency.  
4 RBA/AHRDA offers support for development of local cottage industries.  
5 RBA/AHRDA provides referrals for assistance from other government agencies.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Training in Remote Communities 1 of 1 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA provide training in remote communities? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA delivers training courses in remote communities.    
2 RBA/AHRDA sponsors remote clients to train in an urban programs.  
3 RBA/AHRDA provides access to training via satellite/Internet.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides training programs via correspondence.  
5 RBA/AHRDA co-ventures with local trainers to provide remote training.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria High Quality Employment Development 1 of 3 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA promote high quality employment development? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA assists community to target quality occupations needed.    
2 RBA/AHRDA provides training reflecting targeted quality occupations.  
3 RBA/AHRDA sponsors internships with companies providing quality jobs.  
4 RBA/AHRDA sponsors management training programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA provides wage subsidies for high technology training.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria High Quality Employment Development 2 of 3 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA provide high quality employment training programs? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA provides access to apprenticeship programs.    
2 RBA/AHRDA provides access to internship programs.  
3 RBA/AHRDA provides access to sectoral training programs.  
4 RBA/AHRDA provides access to computer training programs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA provides access to management training programs.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria High Quality Employment Development 3 of 3 Issues
Issue: 3 Is RBA/AHRDA able to gage the impact of quality employment initiatives? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA receives community feedback on success of initiative.    
2 RBA/AHRDA monitors long term impact on client's development.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has access to local labour market information.  
4 Client testimonials provide evidence of migration to quality jobs.  
5 RBA/AHRDA receives feedback from employers.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Holistic Strategies for Training Development/Assessment 1 of 2 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA Approach Training Development Holistically? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Training development reflects views/needs of all stakeholders.    
2 Decisions on training development are made by consensus.  
3 Training development involves input from community.  
4 Training is multi-faceted involving more than one intervention.  
5 Client case files remain open for duration of RBA/AHRDA Agreement.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Holistic Strategies for Training Development/Assessment 2 of 2 Issues
Issue: 2 Do RBA/AHRDA Training Programs Reflect Community Values? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA training programs are culturally sensitive.    
2 RBA/AHRDA training reflects spiritual, emotional, physical and mental needs of clients.  
3 RBA/AHRDA training programs are available in local language.  
4 RBA/AHRDA training programs support employment equity standards.  
5 RBA/AHRDA training programs reflect community philosophy/principles.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Client Self-Service Program Development and Access 1 of 1 Issues
Issue: 1 Do RBA/AHRDA Programs Allow for Some Client Self-Service? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Clients can access program information at reception desk.    
2 Clients can research their own career goals/interests on-line.  
3 Clients can do their own job search using Job Bank/job postings.  
4 Clients can find their own outside training to be RBA/AHRDA funded.  
5 Clients can find their own wage subsidy employer opportunity.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Intervention Research and Development 1 of 1 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA do Intervention Research and Development? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA researches existing LMD interventions it could use/modify to fit.    
2 RBA/AHRDA designs and tests new interventions before adopting them.  
3 RBA/AHRDA actively seeks feedback on its programs for future changes.  
4 RBA/AHRDA is constantly looking for ways to improve interventions.  
5 RBA/AHRDA encourages creativity/innovation in intervention design.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Life-Skills Training 1 of 2 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA Provide Life-Skills Training? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Life-skills training is made available to clients who need it.    
2 Life-skills training is mandatory with certain training programs.  
3 Life-skills is jointly sponsored/cost shared by employer.  
4 RBA/AHRDA conducts its own regularly scheduled life-skills training program.  
5 RBA/AHRDA refers clients to outside life-skills training courses.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Intervention Capacity
Capacity Criteria Life-Skills Training 2 of 2 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA Life Skills Training Program Address Basic Life-Skills? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Life-skills training addresses communication skills.    
2 Life-skills training addresses problem solving skills.  
3 Life-skills training addresses basic living skills.  
4 Life-skills training addresses basic job readiness skills.  
5 Life-skills training addresses healthy living skills.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Score Card
Intervention Capacity
Total Score Capacity Dimension Capacity Criteria Capacity Issues Capacity Indicators
/ 150 Intervention 1 Personal Development & Preparedness Training 1 20  
2 Intervention Assessment 2 10  
3 Employment Readiness 7 35  
4 Sustainable & Emerging Occupational Training 7 35  
5 Training in Remote Communities 1 5  
6 High Quality Employment Development 3 15  
7 Holistic Strategies for Training Development / Assessment 2 10  
8 Client Self-Service Program Development & Access 1 5  
9 Intervention Research & Development 1 5  
10 Life-Skills Training 2 10  
      Total 30 150  

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