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Accountability Capacity

Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 1 of 7 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA Maintain Centralized Control of its Finances? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Financial accounting records are maintained at central location.    
2 Program expenses are sent to central accounting for approval.  
3 Cheques are issued from central accounting.  
4 RBA/AHRDA maintains one general ledger.  
5 Copies of Signed Contracts are kept at central accounting.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 2 of 7 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA have Qualified Finance /Accounting Personnel? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Top financial manager has professional accounting designation.    
2 Top financial manager has at least 5 years related experience.  
3 Bookkeeper has at least three years bookkeeping experience.  
4 All accounting staff are trained in RBA/AHRDA's accounting software.  
5 All accounting staff understand RBA/AHRDA accountability framework.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 3 of 7 Issues
Issue: 3 Does RBA/AHRDA have Financial Safeguards in Place? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Accounting software is accessible by authorized password only.    
2 Cheques require at least two authorized signatures.  
3 Purchases are made by way of purchase orders.  
4 Contract payments are supported by copy of signed contract.  
5 Expenditure reports are checked/verified by Program Manager  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 4 of 7 Issues
Issue: 4 Does RBA/AHRDA Prepare Regular Financial Statements? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA financial statements are prepared and produced monthly.    
2 RBA/AHRDA variance reports show actual versus planned expenditures.  
3 RBA/AHRDA statements/spreadsheets are checked against general ledger.  
4 RBA/AHRDA year-end financial statements are audited.  
5 Annual reports/audited financial statements are made public.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 5 of 7 Issues
Issue: 5 Does RBA/AHRDA Control Travel Expenses? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Travel advances require approval by program head/supervisor.    
2 Travel claims are supported by expense receipts/activity reports.  
3 Budgets for travel are established at beginning of the year.  
4 Travel claims are checked/approved by program head/supervisor.  
5 Travel advances are reconciled prior to settlement of claim.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 6 of 7 Issues
Issue: 6 Does RBA/AHRDA Control Payroll Expenses? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Employees fill out payroll time sheets.    
2 Overtime is pre-approved by program head/supervisor.  
3 Sick leave and doctor appointments are recorded on time sheet.  
4 Holidays are pre-approved in advance by Program Manager.  
5 Payroll reports are checked/verified by Program Manager.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Financial Controls 7 of 7 Issues
Issue: 7 Does RBA/AHRDA Prepare Program Budgets? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA establishes annual budget prior to start of fiscal year.    
2 Budgets are set for each department/sub-agreement/program.  
3 RBA/AHRDA Board and Management establish budget priorities.  
4 Budgets are reviewed quarterly by management and staff.  
5 RBA/AHRDA staff have input into planning program budgets.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 1 of 6 Issues
Issue: 1 Does RBA/AHRDA have clearly stated objectives for its activities/projects? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA has clearly stated objectives for each client.    
2 RBA/AHRDA has clearly stated objectives for each project/intervention.  
3 RBA/AHRDA has clearly stated objectives for its community.  
4 RBA/AHRDA has defined success indicators specific to its clientele.  
5 RBA/AHRDA collects data to support its specific success indicators.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 2 of 6 Issues
Issue: 2 Does RBA/AHRDA have a way of assessing different activities/projects? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Clients are asked for feedback on their intervention midway.    
2 Clients are asked to fill-out an evaluation form at the end of a training activity.  
3 Trainers/employers are asked for feedback on activities/projects midway.  
4 Trainers/employers are asked to fill-out an evaluation form at the end of interventions.  
5 RBA/AHRDA follows-up with client 12 weeks after intervention completion.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 3 of 6 Issues
Issue: 3 Does RBA/AHRDA assess its different activities/projects? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA compiles client evaluation training forms.    
2 RBA/AHRDA compiles feedback from employers and trainers.  
3 RBA/AHRDA compiles results from client 12-week follow-up.  
4 RBA/AHRDA analyses information collected from clients/employers/trainers.  
5 If necessary, RBA/AHRDA changes programs/activities/projects.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 4 of 6 Issues
Issue: 4 Does RBA/AHRDA Conduct its Own Program Evaluation? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 RBA/AHRDA establishes an evaluation committee (EC).    
2 EC develops evaluation plan. `
3 EC defines evaluation issues and indicators. 
4 RBA/AHRDA has staff capable of monitoring an external evaluation.  
5 EC reviews results and follows up recommendations with management.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 5 of 6 Issues
Issue: 5 Does Your RBA/AHRDA Evaluation Include Key Elements? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Performance objectives to be measured reflect the operational plan.    
2 Performance indicators reflect performance objectives.  
3 Program success indicators reflect LMD targets.  
4 Performance measurement reflects RBA/AHRDA objectives.  
5 Evaluation includes quantitative and qualitative data, as appropriate.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Capacity Dimension Accountability Capacity
Capacity Criteria Evaluation Capacity 6 of 6 Issues
Issue: 6 Does RBA/AHRDA Effectively Use Evaluation Findings? Yes N/A
Indicators 1 Evaluation results are reviewed by the Board.    
2 Evaluation findings are communicated to stakeholders/staff.  
3 Feedback from stakeholders is reviewed by Board and Management.  
4 Management is asked to develop an action plan in response to evaluation results.  
5 If necessary, changes are made to the program.  
Record total number of capacity indicators identified for this issue or check N/A.    




Score Card
Accountability Capacity
Total Score Capacity Dimension Capacity Criteria Capacity Issues Capacity Indicators
/ 65 Accountability 1 Financial Controls 7 35  
2 Evaluation Capacity 6 30  
      Total 13 65  

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