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Appendix F: Means and Frequencies of Variables Used in Modelling

Exhibit F.1 - Unweighted Means and Frequencies for Dependent Variables Used in the Models* Canada/PEI LMDA
Post-Intervention Dependent Variables (Outcomes) Participants Comparison Group Overall
n Percent or Mean in Category n Percent or Mean in Category n Percent or Mean in Category
Currently employed (proportion) 1,164 59% 470 69% 1,634 61%
Currently full-time employed (proportion) 1,164 29% 470 18% 1,634 26%
Currently seasonally employed (proportion) 1,164 17% 420 33% 1,634 21%
Employed three consecutive months following intervention (proportion) 1,104 74% 481 75% 1,585 74%
Percentage of weeks employed following intervention (mean) 913 68% 393 62% 1,306 66%
Percentage of Weeks looking for work while jobless following intervention (mean) 745 74% 348 61% 1,093 70%
Current weekly earnings(mean) 997 $ 328.70 416 $ 425.40 1,413 $ 357.18
Absolute change in weekly earnings from one year prior to intervention (mean) 927 $ 14.80 401 $ 47.48 1,328 $ 24.67
Percentage change in weekly earnings from one year prior to intervention (mean) 789 234% 366 307% 1,155 257%
Percentage of Weeks receiving EI in a new spell following intervention (mean)** 1,164 13.2% 485 27.7% 1,649 17.4%
Received SA benefits following intervention (proportion) 1,123 13% 485 8% 1,614 11%
* Based on survey results (unless otherwise indicated) for the full sample of participants and non-participants, less observations with missing data or outliers.
** Based on administrative data.

Exhibit F.2 - Unweighted Means and Frequencies for Explanatory Variables Entered into the Models* Canada/PEI LMDA
Explanatory/Control Variables Percent in Category or Mean
Participant Group Comparison Group Overall
Intervention type (vs. non-participant in intervention) ( n=1,649)
Employment Assistance Services (EAS) ** ** 13%
Self-Employment (SE) ** ** 6%
Target Wage Subsidies (TWS) ** ** 16%
Training/Feepayers (TFP)1 ** ** 35%
Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) ** ** 8%
Weeks since intervention ended (mean) (n=1,504) 52.2 69.2 57.7
Employment status one month before intervention (vs. not in labour force) (n=1,598)
Employed 48% 34% 44%
Unemployed 38% 57% 44%
Employed one year before intervention (vs. not) (n=1631) 81% 88% 83%
Education level (vs. less than high school) (n=1,647)
High school certificate 34% 29% 32%
At least some post-secondary 41% 39% 41%
Age group (vs. <35 years)(n=1,631)
35-44 years 29% 33% 30%
45-54 years 16% 21% 17%
55 years and over 3% 13% 6%
Male (vs. female) (n=1649) 48% 47% 48%
Mother tongue (vs. English) (n=1,647)
French 5% 4% 5.0
Other 1.5% 0.4% 1.2
Married (vs. non-married) (n=1,647) 58% 68% 61%
Minority (vs. not) (n=1,647) 9% 6% 9%
No dependents (vs. dependents) (n=1,637) 44% 9% 34%
Pre-intervention interest in:
Being trained (mean 1-7) (n=627) 5.7 4.0 5.2
Starting own business (mean 1-7) (n=1,627) 3.4 2.7 3.2
Entering labour force (mean 1-7) (n=1,639) 6.5 6.6 6.5
Number of separations, 1992-1997 (vs. 2 or less) (n=1,649)
3 to 5 separations 27% 25% 26%
6 or more separations 52% 61% 55%
No. of weeks received EI since 1992 prior to intervention (vs. 0-24 weeks) (n=1,527)
25-52 weeks 19% 19% 19%
53-104 weeks 24% 20% 23%
105 weeks and more 44% 38% 35%
Earnings in year prior to intervention (vs.< $5,000) (n=1,523)
$5,000 — 9,999 32% 35% 33%
$10,000 — 19,999 19% 33% 23%
$20,000 — 29,999 7% 13% 9%
$30,000 and over 8% 6% 7%
Received SA in year prior to intervention (vs. not) (n=1,523) 10% 7% 9%
Use of other services
Used self-serve products (vs. not) (n=1,649) 80% 53% 72%
Met with a counsellor (vs. not) (n=1,635) 43% 18% 36%
Set up an action plan (vs. not) (n=626) 19% 6% 15%
Used other services (vs. not) (n=1,643) 7% 15% 9%
* Based on survey results for the full sample of participants and non-participants, less observations with missing data or outliers.
** Applicable to total population only.
1. The Training and Feepayers component of the Canada/PEI LMDA are now contained under the title Skill Development.

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