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News Release

Charlottetown | Stratford | Summerside

February 21, 2003


SUMMERSIDE, Prince Edward Island - The Honourable Wayne Easter, Solicitor General and MP for Malpeque and Prince Edward Island Premier Pat Binns today announced their governments' respective contributions to sewage treatment and water distribution projects in Prince Edward Island.

The Government of Canada and the Province of Prince Edward Island are each contributing up to $15 million toward the following: sewage treatment projects in Charlottetown and Summerside, a water treatment and distribution project in Stratford, and a sludge management strategy for the Island. Total costs for the three projects are estimated at $43 million. The municipalities of Charlottetown, Summerside and Stratford will cover up to one third of the costs of their respective projects. Minister Easter and Premier Binns also announced that their governments would sign formal agreements for these projects confirming this commitment within the next six months.

"Through this significant investment, the Government of Canada is continuing its commitment to renew and revitalize Prince Edward Island's municipal infrastructure. These projects are essential to ensure clean and reliable drinking water for our citizens, the effective disposal and treatment of municipal wastewater, and the protection of our harbour waters," said Minister Easter. "The Government of Canada is pleased to support our Island communities through the use of enhanced green infrastructure, as we work together toward a healthy and sustainable future."

"This announcement represents the single largest infrastructure investment in the history of Prince Edward Island and through this partnership we take a significant step forward in ensuring the safety of our communities and creating opportunities for future growth and development," said Premier Pat Binns. "The Government of P.E.I. is committed to working with Island communities to ensure access to clean and safe drinking water and the protection and preservation of the natural beauty of our province for future generations to enjoy."

Minister of Industry and Minister Responsible for Infrastructure Allan Rock said, "The Governments of Canada and of Prince Edward Island have agreed that these sewage treatment and water distribution initiatives are their top joint infrastructure priorities in the province. This partnership between the Governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island, with the municipalities of Charlottetown, Summerside and Stratford, to address safe-water issues and pollution will have tremendous benefits for the people of Prince Edward Island."

Work will also begin on a Provincial Sludge Management Strategy to protect public health and the environment. This strategy will include a plan of action to ensure that all sludge, including septic tank and municipal treatment plant waste, is treated and stabilized to the highest standard before it is land applied. By 2007, this province will prohibit the land application of unstabilized sludge. The Provincial Sludge Management Strategy will result in all sludge being stabilized to the highest standard in North America.

The Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund supports large-scale projects in five categories of infrastructure which are vital to advancing Canada's social and economic objectives: highway and railway, local transportation, tourism or urban development, broadband networks and water or sewer.

Through the $2-billion Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada continues to collaborate with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as with the private sector, to invest in strategic infrastructure projects across the country. Investments made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund are directed to large-scale projects of major national and regional significance, in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and supporting an enhanced quality of life for Canadians.

In Budget 2003, the Government of Canada continued its commitment to public infrastructure through the announcement of a new $3-billion infrastructure initiative.


Scott Crawford
Office of the Wayne Easter
(902) 566-7016

Pat Dorsey
Office of the Premier
Prince Edward Island
(902) 368-4402

Jennifer Cormier
P.E.I. Dept. of Community and Cultural Affairs
(902) 368-5829

Infrastructure Canada
Communications Branch
(613) 948-1148

Selena Beattie
Office of Allan Rock
(613) 995-9001


Federal and Provincial Governments approve funding for wastewater treatment enhancements

Summerside, Prince Edward Island - Shawn Murphy, Member of Parliament for Hillsborough, on behalf of the Government of Canada and the Honourable Elmer MacFadyen, Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, on behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island today announced funding for a significant enhancement to Charlottetown's wastewater treatment capabilities. The project has an estimated cost of $16 million, cost-shared equally among the federal, provincial and municipal governments.

"Further growth and development of the City of Charlottetown would be impossible without the critical infrastructure improvements announced here today. This expansion of the existing waste treatment system will support the city's developmental needs while promoting long-term sustainability," said Mr. Murphy. "The Government of Canada is pleased to invest in strategic infrastructure that will support a strong economy and a clean environment on Prince Edward Island."

"The Government of Prince Edward Island is pleased to be able to assist the City of Charlottetown in funding this important initiative which will result in significant benefits to the community. Cleaning up the harbour will protect the health of Islanders and our environment, and encourage continued economic development," says Minister Elmer MacFadyen. "Prince Edward Island is one of the only jurisdictions in Canada that treats all its wastewater. With this upgrade to full secondary treatment, we will continue to be one of the leaders in wastewater treatment in Canada."

The wastewater treatment system servicing Charlottetown consists of a primary treatment plant that has become outdated and no longer meets current standards. The plant dates back to the 1970s.

The current standard for wastewater treatment systems in Prince Edward Island is secondary treatment with disinfection. It involves a biological treatment process that removes 90 per cent of the wastewater strength prior to discharge. With the upgrade to secondary treatment in Charlottetown, as well as upgrades to the Summerside treatment plant, all municipal, industrial and commercial wastewater treatment in Prince Edward Island will meet this standard.

A significant benefit of upgrading the treatment plants is that chlorinated effluent from municipal systems will no longer be discharged into Island waters, as other forms of wastewater disinfection will replace chlorination. Since 1999, chlorinated effluent has been listed as a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Therefore, upgrades to the wastewater treatment plants in the province's two largest cities represent a major advancement in protecting fish habitat and recreational use of Island waterways.

Through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada continues to collaborate with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as with the private sector, to invest in strategic infrastructure projects across the country. Investments made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund are directed to large-scale projects of major national and regional significance, in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and supporting an enhanced quality of life for Canadians. Under this fund the Government of Canada has committed up to $15 million for three projects in P.E.I.


Summerside, Prince Edward Island - The Honourable Lawrence MacAulay, Member of Parliament for Cardigan, on behalf of the Government of Canada and the Honourable Pat Mella, Provincial Treasurer, on behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island today announced the approval of Canada Strategic Infrastructure funding for the expansion of the municipal water system in Stratford to service growing areas of the community. The project has an estimated cost of $10.8 million cost-shared equally among the federal, provincial and municipal governments.

"Today's announcement is responding to a critical need in the Town of Stratford for clean and reliable drinking water. Further development of this community would not be feasible without this strategic infrastructure investment to connect more households to the central water system," said Mr. MacAulay. "The Government of Canada is pleased to support one of the Island's fastest-growing communities in ensuring the safety of its citizens and encouraging future growth."

"The Town of Stratford has experienced a number of water contamination problems over the past several years and this initiative will go a long way in helping to alleviate those concerns while paving the way for future development," says Minister Pat Mella. "Access to a dependable supply of safe drinking water is a basic human necessity and the Government of Prince Edward Island is committed to working with municipalities and residents in addressing the health and safety needs of our communities."

Water problems in the Town of Stratford have been a growing concern. During the past year, in some areas of the town 50 per cent of water samples were undrinkable because of high levels of total coliform or E. coli bacteria.

The problems in Stratford have been traced back to a number of sources related to poor well construction and failing sewage systems, as well as the overall density of development in the area. History has clearly shown that as an area becomes more densely populated, the likelihood of total coliform problems increases. That is why a central water and sewer system is the recommended and most sustainable method of servicing a high-density development. These concerns will be addressed with this expansion to Stratford's municipal water system to service growing areas of the community.

Through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada continues to collaborate with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as with the private sector, to invest in strategic infrastructure projects across the country. Investments made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund are directed to large-scale projects of major national and regional significance, in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and supporting an enhanced quality of life for Canadians. Under this fund the Government of Canada has committed up to $15 million for three projects in P.E.I.


Summerside, Prince Edward Island - Joe McGuire, Member of Parliament for Egmont, on behalf of the Government of Canada and Helen MacDonald, MLA for St. Eleanors-Summerside, on behalf of the Government of Prince Edward Island today announced a funding initiative to upgrade wastewater treatment capabilities in the City of Summerside. The project will cost an estimated $11.4 million and will be cost-shared equally among the federal, provincial and municipal governments.

"This project is vital to the future development and prosperity of the City of Summerside," said Mr. McGuire. "The Government of Canada is pleased to renew its long-standing commitment to the citizens of Summerside for strengthened infrastructure and the sustainable development of the city. This project is part of the Government of Canada's commitment to urban renewal."

"Wastewater treatment has been a challenge and a concern in the Summerside area for many years. Through this initiative, residents will soon be able to enjoy a clean, safe and beautiful waterfront area," says Helen MacDonald. "The Government of Prince Edward Island is pleased to be able to cooperate with the community of Summerside in this initiative which represents the final stage in a large scale plan to clean up the waterfront area."

Currently, the wastewater treatment system in Summerside consists of a primary treatment plant that has become outdated and no longer meets current standards. The treatment plant dates back to the 1970s.

The current standard for wastewater treatment systems in Prince Edward Island is secondary treatment with disinfection. It involves a biological treatment process that removes 90 per cent of the wastewater strength prior to discharge. With the upgrade to secondary treatment in Summerside, as well as upgrades to the Charlottetown treatment plant, all municipal, industrial and commercial wastewater treatment in Prince Edward Island will meet this standard.

A significant benefit of upgrading the treatment plants is that chlorinated effluent will no longer be discharged into Island waters, as other forms of wastewater disinfection will replace chlorination. Since 1999, chlorinated effluent has been listed as a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. Therefore, upgrades to the wastewater treatment plants in the province's two largest cities represent a major advancement in protecting fish habitat and recreational use of Island waterways.

Through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada continues to collaborate with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as with the private sector, to invest in strategic infrastructure projects across the country. Investments made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund are directed to large-scale projects of major national and regional significance, in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and supporting an enhanced quality of life for Canadians. Under this fund the Government of Canada has committed up to $15 million for three projects in P.E.I.

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