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News Release

May 12, 2005



MAGDALEN ISLANDS, Quebec– The governments of Canada and Quebec are proud to announce that they have signed a $13.8-million agreement to fund the installation of fibre-optic cables between the Gaspé Peninsula and the Magdalen Islands. The Honourable John Godfrey, Minister of State (Infrastructure and Communities), Claude Béchard, Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, together with Claude Vigneau, President of the Réseau intégré de communications électroniques des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (RICÉÎM), also confirmed the availability of broadband access on the Islands

“Broadband is a vital tool for economic development and allows Canadian businesses to be innovative in areas such as health and education,” said Minister Godfrey. “This initiative is an excellent example of the type of partnership that can exist between governments in order to foster sustainable community development that benefits residents, and fits well into the New Deal for Cities and Communities.”

The Government of Canada, through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF), and the Government of Quebec, through its public infrastructure modernization budget, are each contributing $6.9 million to the project.

“Thanks to the determination and leadership of local stakeholders, the Magdalen Islands can now rely on a modern and effective communication infrastructure. Innovation and new technologies provide a solid foundation that Quebec businesses can build on in order to meet the challenges of globalization and increase their competitiveness,” said Mr. Béchard.

Underwater fibre-optic cables, spanning 225 km, have been installed between Anse-à-Bourgot, on the Islands, and Anse-à-Beaufils, on the Gaspé Peninsula.

“A milestone in the history of the Magdalen Islands has been reached with the development of this electronic broadband connection. Equipped with this wonderful development tool, we can now advance into the future with pride and confidence,” said the President of RICÉÎM, Claude Vigneau. “Our next challenge is to take full advantage of this new infrastructure by upgrading our land-based network and outfitting the entire Magdalen Islands community with new information technologies.”  

According to estimates, this broadband infrastructure will provide the local population with a sustainable development tool, since it will give Islanders access to a high-speed telecommunication network, which will, among other things, improve their access to on-line public services. The underwater cables are expected to meet the Islands’ capacity requirements for at least 25 years.

About the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund (CSIF)

Through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund, the Government of Canada works with provincial, territorial and municipal governments, as well as the private sector, to meet strategic infrastructure needs throughout the country. These investments are directed toward large-scale national and regional projects in areas that are vital to sustaining economic growth and improving the quality of life for Canadians. Since 1994, the Government of Canada has contributed $12 billion to infrastructure, which should generate over $30 billion in investments from all partners. For further information on the CSIF, visit

About the provincial investment

As laid out in its budget tabled on April 21st, the Government of Quebec has identified infrastructure modernization and development as one of its priorities.  In 2005-06, the Government of Quebec expects to undertake $4.9 billion worth of infrastructure investments.  It is anticipated that these investments in public infrastructure will be made in partnership with the federal government, municipalities, and in certain instances, with the private sector.

About the RICÉÎM

Established in January 2003, the Réseau intégré de communications électroniques des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (RICÉÎM) is a non-profit organization that brings together the main drivers of the Magdalen Islands’ local development. Its mission is to establish underwater fibre-optic broadband connections between the Islands and mainland, and upgrade the land-based network.  

Chaired by the Mayor of the Magdalen Islands Municipality, the RICÉÎM consists of representatives from the School Board, the Centre d’études collégiales, the Local Development Centre (LDC), the Community Futures Development Corporation (CFDC), the Chamber of Commerce and the Centre hospitalier de l’Archipel.

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On July 8, 2005, the Réseau intégré de communications électroniques des Îles-de-la-Madeleine (RICÉÎM) inaugurated officially the installation of broadband on Magdalen Islands. This installation was made possible thanks to a federal-provincial investment of close to $14 million made through the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund. From left to right we see: Mr. Vincent Guimond, Vice President, sales and business solutions, Télébec, Mr. Jacques Lévesque, President of IT International Telecom, the Honourable Claude Drouin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, responsible for rural communities, Ms Nathalie Normandeau, Québec Minister of Municipal Affairs and Regions, and Minister responsible for the Gaspésie/Magdalen Islands region, and His Worship Claude Vigneau, Mayor of the Magdalen Islands Municipality and President of the RICÉÎM.



Infrastructure Canada
(613) 948-1148

Pierre Choquette
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade, Claude Béchard
(418) 691-5650

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Updated : 2005-07-12
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