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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)

Career Services (CS)

Compact Disc (CD)

Dumont Technical Institute (DTI)

Economic Development Input Output Model (EDIOM)

Electronic Mail (E-Mail)

Evaluation Working Group (EWG)

Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN)

First Nation Client Tracking System (FNCTS)

Gabriel Dumont Institute (GDI)

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Human Resources Career Centres (HRCC)

Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC)

Information Technology (IT)

Labour Force Development Agreement (LFDA)

Labour Market Information (LMI)

Local Area Network (LAN)

Métis Employment and Training of Saskatchewan Inc. (METSI)

Métis Employment Strategy (MES)

Métis Nation of Saskatchewan (MNS)

National Labour Market Information System (NLMIS)

New Careers Corporation (NCC)

Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training (PSEST)

Provincial Economic Model of Saskatchewan (PREMOS)

Regional Colleges (RC)

Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technologies (SIIT)

Saskatchewan Indian Training and Assessment Group (SITAG)

Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST)

Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board (SLFDB)

Strategic Initiatives (SI)

University of Regina (U of R)

University of Saskatchewan (U of S)

Wide Area Network (WAN)

Work/Study (W/S)

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