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Appendix 2 : Organizational Charts Roles and Responsabilities

Organizational Charts
Roles and Responsibilities

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Roles and Responsibilities

1. LMI Working Group

The LMI Working Group is composed of people from government departments and organizations that utilize LMI. Co-chairs from HRDC and PSEST were appointed to represent the federal and the provincial governments. Additional members include officials from Saskatchewan Economic and Co-operative Development (SECD), Saskatchewan Labour, New Careers Corporation, Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board (SLFDB), Métis Employment and Training of Saskatchewan (MET), Regional Colleges and the Saskatchewan Indian Institute of Technology (SIIT).

Co-chairs of the LMI Initiative were responsible for co-ordinating, recommending and supporting LMI projects.

Working Group members had the following responsibilities:

  • identify gaps in information most important to their organization or constituents;
  • propose projects to meet identified gaps; and
  • provide considerable support in carrying out the projects.


2. LMI Sub-Groups:

For each project, a committee consisting of volunteer Working Group members was formed to oversee its completion. At least one co-chair sat on each Sub-Group committee to assist in guiding the projects. The Sub-Groups performed the following tasks:

  • determined specific project objectives;
  • developed terms of reference with timelines to meet objectives;
  • reviewed project proposals if the projects were tendered, and choose the contractor; and
  • reviewed project reports.


3. LMI Staff and Contractors

A project coordinator was seconded from PSEST to oversee the administration and management of all LMI projects, and to keep the stakeholders updated. LMI professionals and consulting companies were contracted for several LMI projects. Although contractors or Working Group members managed LMI projects, the coordinator was still involved with all projects. The coordinator was supported by a shared administrative assistant. Prior experience in working with some of the stakeholders and a working knowledge of the LMI field and current LMI products contributed to effective coordination.

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