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Competition Bureau of Canada

Competition Bureau

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Competition Bureau’s Concerns Resolved in Procter & Gamble’s Acquisition of Gillette


OTTAWA, September 30, 2005 – The Competition Bureau will not challenge the acquisition of The Gillette Company (Gillette) by The Procter & Gamble Company (Procter & Gamble). Following a thorough review, the Bureau determined that divestitures required by United States and European competition agencies adequately resolve concerns in Canada.

The Bureau identified some concern in the oral care markets for battery powered toothbrushes and teeth whitening products.

In order to resolve competition concerns raised by the United States Federal Trade Commission, the European Commission and the Competition Bureau, Procter & Gamble has agreed to divest the Spinbrush and Rembrandt oral care lines in the United States, Europe and Canada. These measures will preserve competitive options for Canadian customers.

Over the course of the examination, the Bureau consulted with customers and competitors, and cooperated with The Competition Directorate of the European Commission and the Federal Trade Commission.

The Competition Bureau is an independent law enforcement agency that promotes and maintains fair competition so that all Canadians can benefit from competitive prices, product choice and quality service. The Bureau oversees the application of the Competition Act, the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act, the Textile Labelling Act and the Precious Metals Marking Act.


For media enquiries, please contact:
Eric Glaude
Communications Advisor
Communications Branch
(819) 953-9760


For general enquiries, please contact:
Information Centre
Competition Bureau
(819) 997-4282

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