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7. Conclusions

The objective of the Small Weeks Pilot Project, 1998-2001, is to encourage individuals to accept small weeks of work under Employment Insurance (EI). Based on the evidence available from our analysis, we conclude that the Project has accomplished this mission. These results show up in the descriptive statistical analysis of raw data, and are also confirmed by more sophisticated econometric estimates.

The results show that a large number of EI claimants benefited from the Project. In the 31 Small Weeks regions, 9.0 and 17.8 percent of the male and female claimants were program participants. For these claimants, the Project has approximately increased their total weeks of work by 2.1 and 2.4 weeks for male and female claimants, respectively, in the 26 weeks prior to their job separations. The additional weeks of work, along with their earnings, would also bring in other benefits.

When the participants became unemployed, their benefit rates would be higher and their weeks of benefits entitlement would also be longer. The study estimates that the Small Weeks Pilot Project increased the total income (additional employment earnings plus additional EI benefits) of an average female participant by $658, and of an average male participant by $820.

In conclusion, the Project encouraged many individuals to accept small weeks of work in range of “$0 to $150” per week. It eliminated penalty in the form of EI benefits for these small weeks. It subsequently generated increased incomes for many claimants in high unemployment regions where every dollar meant something to the recipients. These results are consistent with the findings of Professor Friesen's evaluation of the 1997-1998 Small Weeks Adjustment Pilot Projects. This is not surprising, since the designs of the two consecutive Small Weeks Projects are almost identical to each other.

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