Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Standing Committee Reports and Government Responses





To Her Excellency
The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, C.C., C.M.M., C.D.
Governor General of Canada
Rideau Hall
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A1

May it please your Excellency:

       In accordance with Section 10 of the Fisheries Development Act, I have the honour herewith, for the information of Your Excellency and the Parliament of Canada, to present the Annual Report on the administration of the Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001.

Yours sincerely,

The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, P.C., M.P.


The Honourable Herb Dhaliwal, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Fisheries and Oceans
Room 121, East Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
KlA 0A6

Dear Mr. Dhaliwal: 

       I have the honour to submit herewith the Annual Report of Operations under the Fisheries Development Act for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2001, pursuant to section 10 of the said Act.

Yours sincerely,

Wayne G. Wouters




Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring (CFAR)

Office of the Commissioner for Aquaculture Development

Fisheries Access Program


Under the provisions of the Fisheries Development Act administered by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO),

  1. the Minister may undertake projects for:
    • the more efficient exploitation of fishery resources and for the exploration for, and development of, new fishery resources and new fisheries;
    • the introduction and demonstration to fishermen of new types of fishing vessels and fishing equipment and new fishing techniques; and,
    • the development of new fishery products for the improvement of the handling, processing and distribution of fishery products.
  2. The Minister may enter into an agreement with any province providing for the undertaking jointly with the government of the province or any agency thereof of any project that the Minister is authorized to undertake under 1, above.
  3. The Minister may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, enter into an agreement with any province providing for the payment to the province of contributions in respect of the cost of any project that is undertaken by the government of the province or any agency thereof and that the Minister is authorized to undertake under 1, above.
  4. The Minister may enter into an agreement with any person for the joint undertaking of any project that the Minister is authorized to undertake under 1, above, or for the payment to any person of contributions in respect of the cost of any such project undertaken by that person.
  5. For the purpose of assisting in the formulation and assessment of fisheries development projects, the Minister may undertake economic studies alone or jointly with the government of any province or agency thereof or with any university, educational institution or person, and may coordinate any such studies with similar studies undertaken in Canada.

In the fiscal year 2000-2001, the federal expenditure under the Act was valued at $130.2 million.


  1. Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring (CFAR): The Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Program (CFAR) is a set of conservation, adjustment and restructuring measures undertaken on both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts to put harvesting capacity in balance with resource availability and ensure the long-term sustainability of the fishing sector.

    The Department’s 2000-2001 budget for CFAR was $104.7 million, including $32.6M for Pacific initiatives and $72.1 for Atlantic initiatives. The majority of these resources, $84.2 million, were for contribution programs related to fisheries adjustment and restructuring.

    In the Atlantic regions, expenditures in 2000-2001 amounted to $26.8 million, with $25.5 million used to retire groundfish licences and $1.3 million for administration. The unused portion, $45.3 million, has been reprofiled to 2001-02 fiscal year to address the completion of the Atlantic Groundfish Licence Retirement Program.

    In the Pacific Region, expenditures amounted to $27.0 million with $5.6 million reprofiled to 2001-02 fiscal year. Resources were used for the Pacific Licence Retirement Program ($0.5M), Pacific Salmon Resource Rebuilding Program ($18.3M), selective fishing ($5.5), fisheries development ($1.7M) and ocean-based tourism ($1.0M).
  2. Office of the Commissioner for Aquaculture Development: The 1998 Federal Budget set aside $2M in funding, in each of the next four years, for the Office of the Commissioner for Aquaculture Development. Appointed by the Governor-in-Council, the Commissioner functions as a champion for the aquaculture industry. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans announced the appointment of Yves Bastien, of Gaspé, Quebec, to the newly created position of Commissioner for Aquaculture Development on December 17, 1998.

    Expenditures of $2.3 million were made in 2000-2001, as the Commissioner provided support to various aquaculture organizations, consulted with stakeholders, and undertook scientific studies. Accomplishments for 2000-2001 included a review of the legal framework governing aquaculture in Canada, with 36 recommendations presented to Minister Dhaliwal. In addition, through its solid working relationship with DFO, the office contributed to planning and developing the Program for Sustainable Aquaculture announced in August 2000.
  3. Fisheries Access Program: The Fisheries Access Program is designed to provide fisheries access for Aboriginal groups in order to provide them with the opportunity to pursue a moderate livelihood. The Department’s 2000-2001 budget of $104.7 million for the Fisheries Access Program included $75 million under Phase I, and $29.7 million under the Long Term Response. Expenditures of $74.1 million in 2000-2001 were used to provide opportunities to increase earned income by Aboriginal groups without compromising viability within the existing commercial fishery. Retiring commercial licences including vessels and gear, constructing vessels and gear and purchasing or retiring fishing effort achieved this. An unused portion of $9.2 million has been reprofiled to 2001-02 fiscal year as part of the commitment to the Long Term Response of the Fisheries Access Program.


Last updated : 2004-08-18

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