Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

The Timothy R. Parsons Medal

The Timothy R. Parsons Medal
Call For Nominations
Download PDF Nomination Form

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) established the Timothy R. Parsons Medal to recognize excellence in Canadian ocean sciences. The Timothy R. Parsons medal will be awarded to a scientist for distinguished accomplishments in multidisciplinary facets of ocean sciences either during their lifetime or for a recent outstanding achievement, while working for Canadian institutions for the benefit of Canadian science.

The award is named in honour of Dr. Tim Parsons. Dr. Parsons has had a distinguished career in Canadian and international oceanography. Presently he is a Professor Emeritus at the University of British Columbia and an Honorary Research Scientist at the Institute of Ocean Sciences in Sidney, British Columbia. His lifetime work has been to establish a new ecosystem approach for the management of fisheries using oceanographic information.

Throughout his research career, Dr. Parsons has devoted himself to obtaining a holistic understanding of ecology, and in particular understanding how pelagic organisms are interconnected in the oceanic food-web. He has made major contributions to the development of Biological Oceanography and is personally responsible for many of the standard analysis methods used in his field. Dr. Parsons’ goal has been to present an alternative method for the management of fisheries based on the measurement of dynamic relationships between fish and their physical, chemical and biological environment.

In most countries of the world, oceanography and fisheries research are funded independently of each other. Dr. Parsons has always been a proponent of ensuring close links between fisheries science and of oceanography and has repeatedly pointed out how the ever-changing environment of the oceans impacts fisheries. He was the founding editor of the journal “Fisheries Oceanography

Dr. Parsons has also worked to encourage a holistic approach to the evaluation of human impacts on the environment using his experience in biological oceanography. As such he has contributed to understanding the impacts of the construction of the Aswan High Dam, the impacts of large oil spills and has advised industry on countless occasions.

On April 27th, 2001, Dr Tim Parsons was the recipient of the 17th Japan Prize, awarded by the Emperor of Japan.

Two Timothy R. Parsons awards were presented at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) Congress in June 2005 in Vancouver. Dr. Timothy R. Parsons received the first award and the second award went to Dr. Daniel Ware.

Dr. Daniel Ware

The second medal was awarded to Dr. Daniel Ware for his outstanding contribution to the field of fisheries oceanography. Dr. Ware, who passed away just months after receiving the medal, was a nationally and internationally renowned fisheries scientist with a strong research and publication record in ecology-based multidisciplinary studies. Dr. Ware spent the first 10 years of his career at the Bedford Institute and the next 20 years at the Pacific Biological Station. In 1990, he was selected as the First Chair of the Science Board of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES). Dr Ware was a pioneer in the investigation of the inter-relationships between fish stocks and physical environmental factors. He devoted himself to quantifying the effects of environmental variability on fish communities through a combination of field and modeling research. Throughout his career, Dr. Ware challenged conventional wisdom and produced influential papers that changed the way fisheries scientists and managers view the world.

Left to Right: Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright, Assistant Deputy Minister, Science, presenting the plaque to Dr. Daniel Ware as Dr. Timothy Parsons looks on
Left to Right: Dr. Wendy Watson-Wright, Assistant Deputy Minister, Science, presenting the plaque to Dr. Daniel Ware as Dr. Timothy Parsons looks on.

Nomination instructions

The Timothy R. Parsons Medal is:

  • awarded to a scientist for distinguished accomplishments in multidisciplinary facets of ocean sciences.
  • awarded for excellence during the lifetime of the recipient or for a recent outstanding achievement, both being equally eligible. No posthumous nominations are considered.
  • awarded for accomplishments while working for Canadian institutions for the benefit of Canadian science.
  • awarded annually when, in the opinion of the Timothy R. Parsons Medal Committee, there is a meritorious candidate.

Nominations for the award may be made by any resident of Canada. Letters of support from co-nominators are welcomed but are not necessary.

The nominations should be received no later than February 28, 2006.

Each nomination should be supported by a concise, comprehensive statement indicating the merits and contributions made by the nominee to multidisciplinary ocean science. The statement should be supported by references to significant ideas, publications, teaching activities and program leadership. The supporting information should include a summary of the accomplishments of the individual and a statement indicating how these accomplishments were connected with the progress of multidisciplinary ocean science.

All communications should be addressed to:

Timothy R. Parsons Medal Committee
Strategic Science Outreach
Stn. 8W144 – 200 Kent Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0E6
Tel: (613) 991-1021
FAX: (613) 990-5113



Last updated : 2005-12-05

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