the Aboriginal Mapping Network
newtworking the aboriginal mapping community


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IDRC Provides Funds for Re-design of AMN Website
The AMN and Ecotrust Canada have received funding from the International Development Research Center to begin redevelopment of the AMN Web site. Currently, the Web site is used by over 9000 discreet visitors (a growing number of them from overseas). The re-design will meet two primary needs the AMN is facing: to present an updated and clearly organized website reflecting the increasing international audience of users, and represent a rejuvenation of the Network through expanded, innovative functionality and services.

Taiwan: Council of Indigenous Peoples News Report
Project aiming to chart territories, borders of approximately 600 aboriginal communities in Taiwan gives status update.

Read the article here...

Satellite Imagery Online For Free
Click here to

New Data Policies Emerging Across Canada
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In other news...

  • We hosted a successful conference in Duncan B.C. "Mapping for Communities: First Nations, GIS and the Big Picture" in November, 2003.
  • In March 2004 the International Forum on Indigenous Mapping was held in Vancouver. The AMN was excited to be there and support the Indigenous Communities Mapping Iniative with this excellent conference
  • We undertook review of the AMN, talking to and surveying many of our members and users.
  • We have had two different AMN Coordinators, Steven DeRoy and Rachel Olsen, who have both moved on to pursue other endeavours.

AMN Conference marks growing power of aboriginal mapping in Canada and world

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To read the proceedings from the AMN Conference breakout sessions and discussions, click here

New Funding Sources Guide Released!
The Aboriginal Mapping Network is proud to present "A New Trail - Fundraising for Cultural Research and Land Use and Occupancy Studies - A Reference Guide For Securing Funds."
Click here to


If you would like to pass along any comments, feedback or words of encouragement please drop us an email at feedback@nativemaps.org.


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A New Trail  

A Voice On The Land
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Kla-soms Kwuth Tooqen

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Chief Kerry's Moose Online
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The Aboriginal Mapping Network
This site is facilitated and maintained by Ecotrust Canada.
Copyright © 1998-2005 - Aboriginal Mapping Network & Ecotrust Canada

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