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Saskatchewan Government Relations is a diverse department with several main areas of responsibility.

The Department promotes Saskatchewan’s interests through the management of the province’s relationships with other governments — in Saskatchewan, Canada and abroad.  The department also provides services related to protocol, honours, ceremonial and celebratory special events, Government House, the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, and the Office of French-language Coordination.

The citizenship of Saskatchewan people is enriched by:

  • creating and maintaining respectful, responsive and effective partnerships between governments in Saskatchewan, Canada and abroad; and
  • celebrating our heritage and honouring our achievements.

Key Programs and Services
Government Relations is comprised of three main streams: Intergovernmental Relations; Municipal Relations; and the Provincial Secretary.  These divisions work collectively, in an integrated fashion, to fulfill the department’s mandate through delivery of a variety of programs and services.

1. Intergovernmental Relations
Intergovernmental Relations manages inter-provincial and federal-provincial (including constitutional) relations.  Strategic management of intergovernmental partnerships within Canada advances Saskatchewan’s economic, social and constitutional interests.  In addition to this domestic or Canadian focus, the division has an international focus, including immigration, trade policy and international relations.  Immigration-related services include the promotion of economic immigration to our province — enhancing business opportunities in Saskatchewan and enabling the province to meet critical labour market needs, and facilitating improvements in settlement and integration services for immigrants and refugees.  Trade-related services include policy development and negotiation of trade policies with other governments, both domestic and international.  International relations-related services include management of the province’s interests abroad.

2. Municipal Relations
The Department works in partnership with urban, rural and northern municipalities and their related associations to strengthen local governance for the benefit of Saskatchewan residents.  Financial, advisory and technical services are provided to municipalities.  The Department is responsible for defining municipal responsibilities and powers that balance local municipal autonomy with accountability and the protection of provincial and public interests.  It also provides advice to government on property tax tools, percentages of value for revaluations and the governance and structure of, and funding for, the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency.  The Department develops related legislation, regulations and policies.  The Department is also responsible for the administration and operations of communities in the Northern Saskatchewan Administration District.

3. Provincial Secretary
The Provincial Secretary includes the Office of the Lieutenant Governor.  The Office’s mandate is to support the Lieutenant Governor in carrying out her constitutional responsibilities within our constitutional monarchy.  These responsibilities include providing Royal Assent, signing Orders-in-Council, and constitutional matters that enable the government to function.  The Office also supports the Lieutenant Governor in her goal to be accessible to the people of Saskatchewan through visits and by attending events and functions.

The Provincial Secretary also includes the Government House Heritage Property and the Department’s protocol and honours function.  Government House Heritage Property combines a museum, hospitality facility and the offices of the Lieutenant Governor in one of Saskatchewan’s premier historic sites, and is preparing a major development project to mark the provincial centennial in 2005.  The Office of Protocol and Honours is responsible for managing a comprehensive honours and awards program (including official honours of the provincial Crown and employee recognition) and for organizing a wide range of official visits from diplomats, foreign delegations and members of the Royal Family.  Government House and the Office of Protocol and Honours routinely interact with members of the public, and with organizations sharing an interest in Saskatchewan’s heritage, culture, and the promotion of the accomplishments of Saskatchewan people.  The Office of French-language Coordination (which reports to the Provincial Secretary) enhances the access of the Francophone community to the provincial government.

The Department employs nearly 200 people, with offices in Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, La Ronge and Buffalo Narrows.

Key Partners
The department typically serves as a central agency, partnering with other government departments, agencies and officials to achieve its goals.  For example, key partners in the provision of immigration, trade policy and international relations services are other Canadian governments and organizations involved in managing the intergovernmental dimensions of these files.  Key partners in the municipal sector include municipal councils and administrators, municipal associations, community planners, and property assessment appraisers.  Key partners in Francophone affairs include the Francophone community, the federal government and other provincial and territorial governments.

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