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The spring sun transit season has begun. From February 22 through until March 7, outages or degradation in service can be expected as the sun passes behind the satellite we use, from the perspective of Iqaluit, Yellowknife, or Ottawa.

The peak of the degradation will be February 26 through February 28 for northern communities, with a second peak on March 2 and 3 when
Ottawa is most affected.

These transits will occur between 12:30PM MST and 1:00PM MST. For precise calculations for your community,
please refer to the following web page:


For most accurate results, please do a calculation for your community, Yellowknife, and Ottawa. The results will give you an overview of the precise times at which degradation in service can be expected in your community. In the form on this page, please enter the following data:

Satellite: Anik F2
Location: Iqaluit, Yellowknife, or Ottawa
Prediction Year: 2006
Season: Spring
Frequency Band: C
Antenna Diameter: 4.5

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
Ed Maruyama



Now Available!

July 6th, 2005

Your state-of-the-art, affordable, wireless broadband service in Iqaluit is finally available!

Since we have a LIMITED number of modems per week, Nunanet is reserving one in your name if you let us know you are interested! Give us a call at 979-0772 or just drop by our office in front of Navigator Inn! We're at the Baffin Gas Bar building... It's just as simple as that!

Why sign up with Nunanet’s new broadband service? click here to find out why.

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