Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

About CHS

Our Mission, Vision, Values, Motto:


Boat & chart photosTo provide clients with up-to-date, timely, and accurate Hydrographic publications necessary for safe and efficient navigation for navigable waters of Canada in the most cost effective and efficient manner and to represent Canadian hydrographic interests nationally and internationally.


To be a world leader in Hydrography, a responsive supplier of hydrographic products and services, and a valuable partner in ocean technology development and applications.


  • Responsiveness to client needs
  • Equitable treatment of employees
  • Teamwork and partnerships
  • Innovation in R&D, business, and management practices
  • High standards and consistent quality in products and services
  • Cost effectiveness


Nautical Charts Protect Lives, Property and the Marine Environment

It's only reasonable to assume that our motto should reflect our mission statement. The interests of the Canadian hydrographer and the Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS) are to produce and promote navigational information in order to protect lives, property, and the marine environment.

Nautical Charts Protect Lives:

The loss of the steamer ASIA in 1882, with 150 fatalities, was for years afterwards considered the worst marine accident in Canadian history. It was speculated that the ASIA had grounded on an "uncharted shoal" in Georgian Bay.

Since then CHS has been mandated through several legislated acts to collect, compile, publish, and distribute hydrographic charts and related nautical publications to facilitate safe and efficient navigation throughout Canadian and adjacent international navigable waters.

Nautical Charts Protect Property:

The term "property" can take on several meanings. It can refer to the boat or ship navigating the waterway, the cargo, the waterways themselves, the coastlines and shorelines, or the environment surrounding the waterway.

Hydrography has always played a vital role in the economic development of nations. With increasing standards, total seafloor coverage with the multibeam swath systems is required for large-scale surveys of Canadian ports, harbours, and interconnecting routes in general. Modern multibeam survey technology can provide the assurance that no hazards to navigation remain undetected in the shipping channels. It can also provide realistic depictions of depth in the channel.

Nautical Charts Protect the Marine Environment:

Nautical charting has a direct role in the preservation of our marine environment. The largest tanker currently afloat carries 564,000 tonnes of oil and has a draft of 28.2 metres when fully laden. Following a Brander-Smith report, named for the chair of the panel set up to assess Canada's capabilities in this area, the potential of electronic chart systems to prevent marine accidents was recognized, and it was recommended that advantage be taken of this growing technology. Canada's commitment to electronic charting is now seen as a model for the rest of the world to follow.

CHS is a respected member of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and a world leader in the production of Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs), promoting Canadian industry through technical support, partnerships, and technology diffusion.

Page last updated : 2005-12-6 10:22

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