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An Accord Between the Government of Canada And The Voluntary Sector

December 2001

Table of Contents

Message from the Prime Minister

Foreword: Minister and Voluntary Sector Representative

Letter of Transmittal from Accord Table Co-chairs


    The Parties to this Accord
    Scope of the Accord
    Reason for the Accord - Why and Why Now
    Process Leading to an Accord

The Accord

  1. Purpose of the Accord
  2. ValuesDemocracy

    Active Citizenship
    Social Justice
  3. Principles

    Co-operation and Collaboration
    Accounting to Canadians


  4. Commitments to Action

    Shared Commitments
    Government of Canada Commitments
    Voluntary Sector Commitments


  5. Taking the Accord Forward



Annex A - Reference Group of Ministers on the Voluntary Sector
Annex B - Voluntary Sector Steering Group
Annex C - Joint Accord Table

Message from the Prime Minister

Throughout their history, Canadians have worked together to build a strong, just, inclusive and caring society. The result of our efforts is a country like no other, a welcoming nation that recognizes diversity, and believes in sharing opportunity as well as prosperity.

Today, more than ever before, Canada depends on the combined strength of its private, public and voluntary sectors. While each of these contributes to our quality of life and deserves recognition, we are showcasing today the special value of the voluntary sector. A sector that engages Canadians across the country in the life of their communities, providing services and giving voice to shared concerns. A sector that is, in short, essential to our collective well being.

The Government of Canada and the voluntary sector have long worked side-by-side. Now, the Accord between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector marks the launch of a new era of co-operation and respect.

I believe that this Accord is the blueprint for a strong and vibrant relationship between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. As such, it will show us how we can continue to work together to build a better country. This has always been the Canadian Way, and it is a tradition our government is proud to carry into the 21st century.


Minister and Voluntary Sector Representative

The Government of Canada and the voluntary sector have a long history of working together for the common good of Canadians. We share a commitment to improving the quality of life in Canada and to fostering the development of vibrant, healthy communities. Our relationship is built on a sound foundation of trust and mutual respect.

Over a year ago, we launched the Voluntary Sector Initiative, a joint endeavour to better serve Canadians by strengthening the capacity of the voluntary sector and enhancing the relationship between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. The Reference Group of Ministers on the Voluntary Sector provided oversight on behalf of the Government of Canada. A Voluntary Sector Steering Group performed a parallel function on behalf of the voluntary sector. A key element of the Initiative has been the joint development of this Accord, a document to guide the relationship, making it clearer, making it better.

The joint process that led to the Accord reflects the strong links between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. The work of the Joint Accord Table, which was responsible for drafting the document and consulting across Canada, was open and respectful. The Accord itself will, we believe, encourage everyone to continue on this path.

We view the Accord as a step toward the enhancement of the relationship between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada. We must now take the next step and put this agreement into practice. It will be judged a success when it results in a more effective working relationship based on the shared values and principles outlined in the Accord.

We look forward to continuing our shared journey on the basis of this Accord and to building the next stage of our relationship for the benefit of Canadians.

The Honourable Lucienne Robillard
Chair, Reference Group of Ministers on the Voluntary Sector1
Marlene Deboisbriand
Chair, Voluntary Sector Steering Group1

1List of members included in Annex


Letter of Transmittal from Accord Table Co-chairs

It is with great pleasure that we present this Accord Between the Government of Canada and the Voluntary Sector.

The purpose of the Accord is to strengthen the ability of both the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector to better serve Canadians. We believe that this Accord moves the two sectors toward greater mutual understanding and provides the framework within which the relationship can develop and evolve.

The Accord document was written by a working group, the Joint Accord Table, comprising fourteen individuals from the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector. The Table members were selected to reflect a cross-section of federal government departments and the voluntary sector.

To ensure that a broad range of viewpoints was heard, the Joint Accord Table held two rounds of consultations during the summer and fall of 2001. People from a wide range of voluntary sector organizations and from the departments and agencies of the Government of Canada offered their views. Special effort was also made to reach rural Canadians and visible minorities. Provincial and territorial officials and representatives from Aboriginal groups, the private sector, labour unions and the academic community were consulted.

What emerged was a remarkable consensus about the content of the Accord and the values, principles and commitments necessary for a stronger relationship between the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector.

We want to thank the more than 2,000 Canadians who participated in the consultation process. It is our hope that the Accord will lead not only to more effective and fruitful relations between the voluntary sector and the Government of Canada, but also to a greater understanding of the important contribution made by the voluntary sector to our quality of life.

We also wish to thank the staff members, from the Voluntary Sector Initiative Secretariat and the Voluntary Sector Task Force of the Privy Council Office, who provided content and logistical support to the Joint Accord Table. They carried out their work in a professional manner, displaying the spirit of collaboration that the Accord hopes to build.

The Joint Accord Table will dedicate the coming months to developing recommendations to implement the Accord. This includes a plan for monitoring and reporting on progress and draft codes or standards of good practice to help guide future interactions.

Since the consultations indicated wide acceptance and support for the content and purpose of the Accord, we are proud to commend it to the Government of Canada and the voluntary sector.

Lynne Toupin
Sector Co-chair
Joint Accord Table 2
Bill McCloskey
Government Co-chair
Joint Accord Table2

2List of Table members included in Annex

[ Table of Contents ]  

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