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Manitoba Conservation

Sustainable Resource Management Branch


The publications listed below are available by contacting the Manitoba Conservation and Environment Library at the address listed at the bottom of this page.

Core Strategy

  • Towards a Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitobans. 1990. This core document provided the framework for a sustainable development strategy for Manitobans.
  • "...What You Told Us": Principles and Guidelines - Towards a Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitobans. 1993. This report documented the public input received on proposed principles and guidelines of sustainable development during the public consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Component Strategies. 1994. This report summarized the public input received on the component strategies.
  • Sustainable Development Strategy for Manitoba. 1994. This strategy served as the cornerstone for Manitoba's environmental, economic and social agenda. Component strategies such as: Land and Water, Energy and Capital Region evolved from the process that was adopted.

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Land and Water Strategy

  • Workbook on Soils. 1989. This report contains draft soil policies that were adopted from nine fundamental objectives presented in the workbook. They were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • Workbook on Water. 1989. This report contains draft water policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Soil and Water. 1989. This report is an overview of the public comments received on soil and water policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's soil and water resources.
  • Workbook on Forests. 1990. This report contains draft forest policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Forests. 1991. This report is an overview of the public comments received on forest policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's forests resources.
  • Applying Manitoba's Forest Policies. 1994. This document contains Manitoba's final forest policies and provided the direction needed to apply these policies.
  • Workbook on Minerals. 1991. This report contains draft mineral policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Minerals. 1993. This report is an overview of the public comments received on mineral policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's mineral resources.
  • Applying Manitoba's Mineral Policies. 1994. This document contains Manitoba's final mineral policies and provided the direction needed to apply these policies.
  • Workbook on Natural Lands and Special Places. 1992. This report contains draft natural lands policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • Natural Lands and Special Places: Public Presentations and Submissions; 3 Volumes. 1992. This document is a result of presentations made at public hearings held by the Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. The hearings were part of the public's review of the Natural Lands and Special Places workbook.
  • "...What You Told Us": Natural Lands and Special Places - Park Lands Act Review. 1993. This report is an overview of the public comments received on The Park Lands Act. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's natural lands and special places.
  • "...What You Told Us": Natural Lands and Special Places: Policy Areas 1-5. 1994. This second volume dealt with policies that applied to all natural lands and special places, including Provincial Parks.
  • An Action Plan for a Network of Special Places for Manitoba. 1994. This Action Plan looked at Phase 1 from 1993-1995. A background and Action Plan is given for each region of the province.
  • Applying Manitoba's Natural Lands and Special Places Policies. 1995. This document contains Manitoba's final natural lands and special places policies and provided the direction needed to apply these policies.
  • Workbook on Fish. 1999. This report contains draft fish policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Fish Strategy. 2000. This report is an overview of the public comments received on proposed fish policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province’s fish resources.
  • Workbook on Wildlife. 1999.  This report contains draft wildlife policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "…What You Told Us": Wildlife Strategy. 2000. This report is an overview of the public comments received on proposed wildlife policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province’s wildlife. Available in electronic form only, print copies no longer available for distribution, but a copy is available at the library for reference.

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Energy Strategy

  • Workbook on Energy. 1990. This report contains draft energy policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.

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Education Strategy

  • Educating for Sustainable Development - Concept Paper. 1998. This report was used as the basis for public consultations by the Manitoba Round Table toward the development of a sustainable development education strategy for the Province of Manitoba.

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Urban Aboriginal Strategy

  • Urban Aboriginal News Release - May, 1998.
  • Workbook on the Urban Aboriginal Strategy. 1997.
  • Discussion Paper on an Urban Aboriginal Strategy. 1997.
  • "...What You Told Us": Urban Aboriginal Strategy. 1997.
  • Priorities for Action: Towards a Strategy for Aboriginal People Living in Winnipeg. 1998. Final Report, Conclusions, Findings, and Recommendations of the Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy Urban Aboriginal Strategy Public Consultation Process.
  • Applying Manitoba's Policies for Aboriginal People Living in Winnipeg. 1999.

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Public Sector Strategy

  • Towards Institutional Change in the Manitoba Public Sector. 1992. This report was the Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy's advice to Manitobans on sustainable development in the public sector. It was meant to be considered as a guidebook. It provided the necessary details and checklists to guide the necessary change towards sustainable development.
  • A Discussion Paper for a Sustainable Development Act. 1994. This document proposed that Manitoba should consider developing a Sustainable Development Act to ensure Manitoba's provincial laws are consistent with sustainable development; to ensure sustainable development is embodied in the mandates, management systems, structures and operations of the public sector; and to establish consultation processes which are efficient and effective, integrating economic and environmental considerations.
  • "...What You Told Us": Sustainable Development Act. 1995. This report is an overview of the public comments received on the Sustainable Development Act. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to refine the recommendations made in the "Discussion Paper for a Sustainable Development Act".
  • White Paper on the Sustainable Development Act. 1996. Printed copies no longer available for distribution, but the report is available at the library for reference.

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Demonstration Projects Strategy

  • Demonstration Projects. 1990. This is a strategy for implementing demonstration projects based on "Environmentally Sound and Sustainable Development" in Manitoba.

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Waste Minimization and Management Strategy

  • Workbook on Solid Waste Minimization and Management. 1995. This report contains draft waste minimization policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": Solid Waste Minimization and Management. 1998. This report is an overview of the public comments received on solid waste minimization and management policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's solid waste minimization resources.

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Capital Region Strategy

  • Workbook on the Capital Region Strategy. 1995. This report contains draft capital region policies that were intended to encourage comments and suggestions through a wide consultation process.
  • "...What You Told Us": The Capital Region Strategy. 1996. This report is an overview of the public comments received on capital region policies. It was prepared as a follow-up to the public consultation process and was intended to serve as a source of ideas and suggestions for managing the province's capital region.
  • Applying Manitoba's Capital Region Policies. 1996. This document contains Manitoba's final capital region policies and provided the direction needed to apply these policies.
  • Capital Region Review Interim Panel Report. 1999.

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Sustainable Development Innovations Fund (SDIF)

  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1994/95
  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1995/96
  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1996/97
  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1997/98
  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1998/99
  • SDIF - Annual Report - 1999/2000

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Other Publications and Reports

  • Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy Final Report (1988-1997) This report chronicles the work of the Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy over the past nine years, its history, objectives, accomplishments and ongoing challenges.

  • Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development Annual Report 1998-1999. Available in electronic form only, print copies no longer available for distribution, but available at the library for reference.
  • Manitoba Round Table for Sustainable Development Annual Report 1999-2000.

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To obtain a copy of any of the publications listed, please contact:

Conservation and Environment Library
Manitoba Conservation
Suite 160 – 123 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1A5
Phone: (204) 945-7125