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ATPC (Area Transportation Planning Committees)
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Area Transportation
Planning Committees (ATPC)

One of the most important issues Saskatchewan road authorities are facing today is the rapidly changing grain handling network. Grain elevator consolidation and rail line abandonment are placing an increased burden on our road network in an era of government restraint and debt reduction. It is because of this that the government has invested in a strategic partnership. "Governments at all levels must do more to involve local people in the planning of our transportation system.

This approach to transportation planning brought about the formation of Area Transportation Planning Committee’s (ATPC’s), which generally include representation from rural and urban municipalities, Regional Economic Development Authorities, Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA), Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM), Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation (DHT), and other major stakeholder groups in the area. These committees are established at the local level to look strategically at transportation and make recommendations to the provincial or municipal governments based on social and economic goals of the area and the province.

ATPC Events

Department contacts:

Athabasca Basin Transportation Planning Committee
North Central Transportation Planning Committee
North East Area Transportation Planning Committee
North North West Area Transportation Planning Committee
North North East Transportation Planning Committee
South Central Transportation Planning Committee
South East Transportation Planning Committee
South West Transportation Planning Council, Inc.
West Central Municipal Government Committee
Central Area Transportation Planning Committee
East Central Transportation Planning Committee
Area Transportation Planning Committee Map
Area Transportation Planning Committee Contacts
Area Transportation Planning (Department Contacts)

Did you know:

The first ATPC was formed in 1995. Today there are 11 committees across the province.

ATPCs cover the entire province except for the Prince Albert National Park and an area north of Prince Albert.

ATPCs assist in the establishment of school bus routes, planning for economic development projects, grain logistics and traffic management initiatives.

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