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Urban Transportation Showcase Program

Case Study Library

The UTSP Case Study Library offers profiles of how Canadian communities are implementing sustainable urban transportation initiatives.

Case Study Library Categories

Public transit - Service and operations

Public transit - Promotion and support

Active transportation

Efficient motor vehicle use

Goods movement

Monitoring & measures

Outreach & education


Land use & development

Road planning & design

Long-range planning & policy

Advanced technologies

Service delivery innovation



Additional Information

















Public transit - Service and operations

Fuel Sense: Making Fleet and Transit Operations More Efficient
Edmonton, Alta.
GoTime: Real-time Passenger Information and Transit Management
Halifax, N.S.
GO Shuttle Service
Mississauga, Ont.
Transit Priority Program: Putting Buses First
Ottawa, Ont.
O-Train Light Rail Project
Ottawa, Ont.
Taxibus: Public Transportation for Smaller Cities
Rimouski, Que.
Intelligent Transportation Systems in 98 B-Line Rapid Bus Service: Advanced Technology at Work
Greater Vancouver, B.C.
Navigo and TeleBus: Improving User Information
Winnipeg, Man.
Transit Priority System: Planning and Pilot Project Deployment
York Region, Ont.

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Public transit - Promotion and support

Early Transit Phase-In Policy: Promoting Transit in Growing Communities
Brampton, Ont.
Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation
Kelowna, B.C.
Greater Montreal, Que.
Village de la Gare: Transit Oriented Residential Development
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Que.
GTA Fare Card: A Seamless Fare Collection System
Greater Toronto, Ont.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.
Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others
Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post-secondary Students
Victoria, B.C., London, Ont. and Halifax, N.S.
Free Transit on Smog Days: Clearing the Air
Windsor, Ont.
EcoPass: Employer-Sponsored Transit Passes
Winnipeg, Man.
Green Commuting Initiatives
Winnipeg, Man.
Employee Transit Discount Program
York Region, Ont.

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Active transportation

Active Transportation Infrastructure Program: Making Sustainable Transportation Choices Easier

Saanich, B.C
In Town Without My Car!
Montreal, Quebec
Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation
Kelowna, B.C.
Greater Montreal, Que.
BikeShare: A Community Bicycle Lending Program
Toronto, Ont.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.
Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others
Green Commuting Initiatives
Winnipeg, Man.

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Efficient motor vehicle use

Biodiesel in Transit and Municipal Fleets
Halifax, Brampton, Saskatoon
Car Sharing in Canada: Making More Sustainable Personal Travel Choices
Montreal, Quebec City, Vancouver
Fuel Sense: Making Fleet and Transit Operations More Efficient
Edmonton, Alta.
Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation
Kelowna, B.C.
Towards an Idle-Free Zone
Mississauga, Ont.
Greater Montreal, Que.
Taxibus: Public Transportation for Smaller Cities
Rimouski, Que.
Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others
Green Commuting Initiatives
Winnipeg, Man.

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Goods movement

Downtown Transportation Plan

Vancouver, B.C.

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Monitoring & measures

Monitoring Progress Toward Sustainable Urban Transportation

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Outreach & education

In Town Without My Car!
Montreal, Quebec
You Can Clear The Air: Sending TDM Back to School
Region of Waterloo, Ontario
Fuel Sense: Making Fleet and Transit Operations More Efficient
Edmonton, Alta.
TravelSmart: Planning for Sustainable Urban Transportation
Kamloops, B.C.
Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation
Kelowna, B.C.
Towards an Idle-Free Zone
Mississauga, Ont.
Greater Montreal, Que.
Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others
Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post-secondary Students
Victoria, B.C., London, Ont. and Halifax, N.S.
Free Transit on Smog Days: Clearing the Air
Windsor, Ont.
EcoPass: Employer-Sponsored Transit Passes
Winnipeg, Man.
Green Commuting Initiatives
Winnipeg, Man.
Employee Transit Discount Program
York Region, Ont.

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Urban Transportation Pricing Options
GTA Fare Card: A Seamless Fare Collection System
Greater Toronto, Ont.
Universal Transit Passes in Canada: A Smart Move for Post-secondary Students
Victoria, B.C., London, Ont. and Halifax, N.S.
Free Transit on Smog Days: Clearing the Air
Windsor, Ont.
EcoPass: Employer-Sponsored Transit Passes
Winnipeg, Man.
Employee Transit Discount Program
York Region, Ont.

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Land  use & development

Southeast False Creek Transportation Study: Sustainable Transportation for a Sustainable Community
Vancouver, B.C.
Early Transit Phase-In Policy: Promoting Transit in Growing Communities
Brampton, Ont.
Village de la Gare: Transit Oriented Residential Development
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Que.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.

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Road planning & design

Traffic Calming in Canadian Urban Areas
St. George Street Revitalization: "Road Diets" in Toronto
Toronto, Ont.
Village de la Gare: Transit Oriented Residential Development
Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Que.
Country Lanes: Greening Local Transportation
Vancouver, B.C.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.

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Long-range planning & policy

Southeast False Creek Transportation Study: Sustainable Transportation for a Sustainable Community
Vancouver, B.C.
TravelSmart: Planning for Sustainable Urban Transportation
Kamloops, B.C.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.

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Advanced technologies

GoTime: Real-time Passenger Information and Transit Management

Halifax, N.S.
Transit Priority Program: Putting Buses First
Ottawa, Ont.
GTA Fare Card: A Seamless Fare Collection System
Greater Toronto, Ont.
Downtown Transportation Plan
Vancouver, B.C.
Intelligent Transportation Systems in 98 B-Line Rapid Bus Service: Advanced Technology at Work
Greater Vancouver, B.C.
Navigo and TeleBus: Improving User Information
Winnipeg, Man.
Transit Priority System: Planning and Pilot Project Deployment
York Region, Ont.

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Service delivery innovation

Central Okanagan TDM Program: Partnering for Sustainable Transportation

Kelowna, B.C.
GO Shuttle Service
Mississauga, Ont 
Greater Montreal, Que.
Taxibus: Public Transportation for Smaller Cities
Rimouski, Que.
BikeShare: A Community Bicycle Lending Program
Toronto, Ont.
GTA Fare Card: A Seamless Fare Collection System
Greater Toronto, Ont.
Off-Ramp: A Secondary School Vehicle Trip Reduction Program
Greater Vancouver, B.C. and others
Green Commuting Initiatives
Winnipeg, Man.

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Case Study Authors

Case Studies were researched and written by Culbridge Marketing, Noxon Associates Limited and the Verdant Group.

Information on Portable Document Format (PDFs)

These case studies are available in PDF format and may be viewed using version 3.0 or higher of the Adobe® Acrobat Reader.  This reader may be downloaded free of charge by visiting the Adobe® web site.  These case studies range in size from 176.51KB to 758.84KB, and range in download times from 55 to 237 seconds on a 28.8K.  Approximate download times on a 28.8K...are as follows:

100KB - 31 seconds
200KB - 62 seconds
400KB - 125 seconds
600KB - 187 seconds
800KB - 250 seconds
1000KB - 312 seconds

Last updated: 2006-02-09 Top of Page Important Notices