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Saskatchewan News Release

Debt and Tax Relief Welcomed!
  • CTF Declares Victory on Increase in Basic Personal Exemption
REGINA: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation CTF) today applauded Premier Wall's announcement of substantial income tax relief and debt repayment.

"Not since the provincial tax reforms of 2000 have Saskatchewan taxpayers had so much to celebrate," said CTF Saskatchewan Director Lee Harding. "For years, the CTF has pressed for aggressive debt repayment and a substantial rise in the basic personal exemption. This summer, CTF supporters were especially vocal, since Premier Wall had asked for input regarding what to do with windfall revenues. This announcement is a victory for CTF supporters and a victory for all Saskatchewan taxpayers."

On October 21, the province announced that the basic personal exemption and spousal exemption would rise from $8,945 to $12,945. As well, the province has earmarked an additional $1 billion toward the provincial debt. By March 31 of next year, the provincial debt will have dropped from $6.8 billion to $4.2 billion ...full article

Increasing Efficiency in Municipal Governments

As part of your CTF’s ongoing effort to dig deeper into municipal issues, we are pleased to offer a series of articles on municipal efficiency. Rather than simply complain about ever-increasing municipal taxes, your CTF has sought-out government-relations and business development specialist Bruce Hollands to provide some concrete examples of where and how municipalities can save literally billions!
A second look at global warming

Climate change is taking place; it always has. Yet the media and politicians present the view that climate change is bad and humans are solely responsible for destruction of the Earth without any critical analysis or competing theories. Your CTF is a taxpayer, not science advocacy organization. But as long as the world is presented one viewpoint of so-called global-warming 'science' no tax-funded cost will be deemed inappropriate if it involves saving Mother Earth. Governments are now spending billions of tax dollars not only on questionable policy objectives of little measurable result but increasingly on alarmist propaganda. Please have a look at this Canadian-based website for more thoughtful information.
  • NEW: Thirty years of warmer temperatures go poof

  • Poll shows public frustration with politicians over global warming debate and policies
  • Understanding Cap and Trade
  • Under-achieving B-team players fumbling on climate change too
  • Global warming or cooling?
  • Sun makes history: First spotless month in century
  • Arctic sees massive gain in ice covering
  • NASA is out of line on Global Warming
  • Global Warming as Mass Neurosis from the Wallstreet Journal
  • 31,000 scientists reject 'global warming' agenda
  • Scientist: Forget Global Warming, Prepare for New Ice Age
  • Perhaps the climate change models are wrong
  • Cool news about global warming
  • Temperature monitors report wide-scale global cooling
  • Forget global Warming: Welcome to the new Ice Age
  • China is the real environmental story
  • Cold or hot, it's always our fault
  • In 2008, a 100 Percent Chance of Alarm
  • A Warmer Arctic? Blame Mother Nature
  • It's the sun, stupid
  • Kyoto Update – Nothing the Taxpayers Federation Hasn’t Said, Twice Before
  • Save our kids


    Let’s Talk Taxes 

     October 22, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: British Columbia
    Olympic security-cost reality means diet time
    The federal government has finally confirmed what most people assumed all along -- the $175 million 2010 Olympic security budget was a fantasy. The federal government now says the Games' security costs will be more than $400 million but less than $1 billion. Keeping the athletes safe is important, no question there. The question is, however, where is that money going to come from?
    ...Full Article

     October 21, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Alberta
    Taxpayers shouldn't cover health region SERP liabilities
    Much has been made over the past couple of weeks about $5.9-million the provincial government has spent on severance packages for fired CEOs of the former regional health authorities. If these generous packages aren't enough to get the blood boiling, left-over deficits, bonuses and unfunded liabilities in the executives' supplementary pension plans should be.
    ...Full Article

     October 17, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Ontario
    Playing Pan Am Games with Deficits
    With the Ontairo Minister of Finance suggesting the province may go into deficit, it is the wrong time to commit $1.7 billion of taxpayers money to the Pan Am Games.
    ...Full Article

     October 16, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Manitoba
    Praise for the Premier
    Premier Doer took his fair share of lumps in the media during the past session at the legislature. They were well deserved as his government watered down the Balanced Budget Act, introduced a vote tax and passed unfriendly agriculture legislation. However, it is equally important to praise the government for the initiatives that it got right.
    ...Full Article

     October 16, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Saskatchewan
    The Urban Reserve Advantage
    The first business is set to open on Regina's first urban reserve. Last March, eleven vacant lots at 1101 Angus Street in North Central Regina (coined by MacLean's as "Canada's Worst Neighbourhood") became the reserve land of Piapot First Nation. But what is obviously good news for Piapot is bad news for non-Aboriginal businesses, and, to a lesser extent, residents in the area.
    ...Full Article

     October 13, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: British Columbia
    The folly, and lesson, of B.C.'s carbon tax
    The unpopularity of British Columbia's carbon tax helped boost the opposition NDP above the ruling Liberals in the polls for the first time in years. With B.C.’s May 12th fixed-election date quickly approaching, the premier hit the panic button. The result is a confusing mix of policies and propaganda. If the premier were smart, he’d cut his losses and get rid of the carbon tax altogether.
    ...Full Article

     October 10, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Federal
    Sound Economic Planning is No 30-Day Exercise
    Amidst opposition cries that the incumbent government has no plan to deal with the economy, the Conservative Party released a platform in the dying days of the campaign. It includes modest spending and tax relief measures, but nothing too flashy or too risky over the next few years.
    ...Full Article

     October 03, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Manitoba
    Careful With Our Dimes During Uncertain Times
    Across the country, Canadians are watching their pennies and wondering what impact the financial crisis in the United States will have on our lives. Although many economists are optimistic that the Canadian economy can weather the slowdown that our largest trading partner is experiencing, only time will tell to what extent we'll be affected. For this reason, it is especially important that taxpayers have a say before half a billion tax dollars are used for optional government mega projects.
    ...Full Article

     September 29, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Ontario
    Artists Versus Arteaucrats
    Artists have been criticizing arts funding cuts by the federal government. The facts show funding has increased during Prime Minister's Harper's tenure. With lower taxes invididuals could choose for themselves whether and how to spend money on the arts.
    ...Full Article

     September 26, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Saskatchewan
    Right to Know Falls Short
    Even where good laws exist, governments can still erode transparency through generous interpretation of exemption clauses, moving slowly on requests, charging exorbitant fees, cutting funding to information offices, or by insisting a document doesn’t exist.
    ...Full Article

     September 26, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Federal
    Fiscal Discipline and Liberal DNA
    The plan's whole layout is rather unorthodox. Rather than present year-by-year numbers as per government budgets and annual public accounts, the Liberal platform offers an accumulated four-year projection of how a majority Liberal government would introduce new taxes, cut existing taxes, and spend billions on a wide array of people, projects, and programs all the while balancing the books.
    ...Full Article

     September 22, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Alberta
    Identify, don’t gag citizens during elections
    Musings by Premier Stelmach coupled with a report by Alberta’s chief electoral officer have added up to a rare consensus among two of Alberta’s chief political rivals. When political enemies line-up in agreement it can often spell trouble. Last spring it was the Alberta NDP joining PC MLAs to approve political pay hikes, and this fall it appears the Liberals will be helping the government legislate a monopoly for politicians during election campaigns.
    ...Full Article

     September 10, 2008
    Let's Talk Taxes: Saskatchewan
    Bovine Belching Latest Tax Sinkhole
    Federal and provincial tax dollars are going towards research into measuring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from cows. The ultimate destination is carbon taxes, carbon credits, and increased regulation
    ...Full Article

    In the Media: 

    The following links will take you to radio, television and paper interviews with CTF directors on variety of subjects.

    British Columbia

  • BC director Maureen Bader is interviewed on a proposed retractable roof for BC Place.
  • Provincial director Maureen Bader discusses why Premier Gordon Campbell’s energy self sufficiency proposal is a bad idea for B.C. -- CHNL, Aug 30, 2007.
  • Provincial director Maureen Bader discusses ICBC car insurance rates. ICBC average auto insurance rates are rising while average rates are falling in provinces with private auto insurance -- CKNW World Today Vancouver August 21, 2007
  • Provincial director Maureen Bader debates the fiscal merits of P3s (private-public-partnerships) on CKNW radio.

    Federal Budget
  • CBC interview with Federal Director John Williamson and Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on the federal government's $14 billion surplus. Note: John Williamson is in the second part of the interview (clip position -- 21:00).
  • Click here to listen to CTF federal director John Williamson discussing the August 2007 federal cabinet shuffle on CJAD radio (5 minutes).
  • Click here for an interview with CTF Federal Director John Williamson on CTV.
  • Listen to Saskatchewan Director David MacLean on CKRM radio discussing the Federal budget.

  • Alberta director Scott Hennig being interviewed on the Charles Adler show concerning Alberta’s spending addiction being fuelled by non-renewable resource revenues.
  • Mike Blanchard interviews Alberta director Scott Hennig on the Alberta teachers’ pension unfunded liability: AM 770 CHQR – Calgary Today
  • Grant Farhall of Western Standard Radio interviews Alberta director Scott Hennig on Municipal Taxing Powers and the Unfunded Liability in the Teachers’ Pension -- June 18, 2007.

    Gun Registry
  • CTV panel discussion
  • A Channel News
  • CBC News Coverage (Needs Real Player)

  • Vancouver Sun Op-Ed on choice in health care.

  • Ontario Director Kevin Gaudet interviewed on The Right Side about the Caledonia standoff.
  • Ontario Director Kevin Gaudet interviewed on The Right Side on Toronto's plans to introduce up to 10 new taxes.

  • No Carbon Taxes Petition


  • Cut Gas Taxes
  • Increase Basic Personal Exemption
  • Stop Corporate Welfare
  • End Gun Registry

    British Columbia
  • No New TransLink Taxes
  • Fight the Carbon Tax Grab
  • Property Tax Cap
  • End ICBC Monopoly

  • Fixed Election Dates
  • Abolish Health Care Premium tax
  • Abolish the 3% Insurance Tax

  • School Tax Relief
  • Retail Liquor Competition

  • Axe the Vote Tax
  • School Tax Reform
  • Winnipeg Business Tax

  • No New Municipal Taxes
  • Property Tax Reform
  • Honour Tax Pledge

    Gas Tax Petition

    Running on Empty? Send a message to Ottawa by signing our petition calling for lower gas taxes to make pump prices more affordable: Waste Watch

    For too long, public money was spent hand over fist in Ottawa on travel and hospitality by politicians, their staff, and senior government appointees with zero accountability or transparency to YOU the taxpayer. . Now you can be a watchdog from the comfort of your own living room.
    Are Income Taxes Illegal?
    Alberta PC leadership donations

    Looking for the donor lists for Alberta’s PC leadership candidates? Click here for the link to see who has disclosed.

    Click here if you would like see a brief slide presentation of our Gas Tax Honesty campaign over the previous years.
  • Federal News Release
    $52.4-Million in MP Pension Lottery
    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation reminds taxpayers of just how rich the MP pension plan is with its latest pension and severance estimates following the 2008 federal election. Shed no tears for retiring or defeated MP's because taxpayers will look after them for years to come.   ...Full Article
    British Columbia News Release
    Tackle the Debt! CTF presents pre-budget recommendations
    VANCOUVER: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation presented its pre-budget recommendations to the Budget 2009 Select Standing Committee calling for: a debt elimination plan; a lower, flatter and simpler income tax system; elimination of the carbon tax; elimination of green corporate welfare spending; health care reform; and competition in two sectors currently dominated by government monopolies.   ...Full Article
    Federal News Release
    CTF Launches
    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation has launched an online petition campaign and YouTube video at, as part of its continuing campaign to oppose carbon taxes and carbon trading schemes.   ...Full Article
    Manitoba News Release
    Third Time's A Charm?
    After attending the convention centre expansion announcement, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is hoping that the saying "third time's a charm" will ring true for taxpayers. With three projects now vying for over half a billion tax dollars, the CTF is hoping for public forums and a referendum on the proposals.   ...Full Article
    Manitoba News Release
    No More Spa Days
    Efforts by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation resulted in a halt to future "spa days" by agencies that receive funding from the Department of Family Services and Housing.   ...Full Article
    Federal News Release
    Promises, promises, and more promises...
    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation releases results of a national public opinion poll showing that by a two-to-one margin, Canadians are more likely to accept the validity of Bigfoot than they are promises on the campaign trail.
      ...Full Article
    British Columbia News Release
    Bureaucrat Pay Blowout Modified by Election Timing
    The Canadian Taxpayers Federation says the moderation in senior bureaucrat pay increases is more a reflection of the upcoming election, rather than a rethink of taxpayers ability to fund an ever expanding, highly paid bureaucracy.   ...Full Article
    Manitoba News Release
    CTF Recommends Rapid Transit "Light"
    Concerned with the high cost of the governments' $327 million "hail mary" bus rapid transit (BRT) proposal, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) today recommended the city follow its original plan for their active transit signal priority pilot project down Pembina Highway.   ...Full Article