Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Acts, Orders and Regulations

(Proposed Regulatory Amendments in 2005)*

*The proposed regulatory amendments are being published on the website for information purposes only and are subject to change.



Alberta Fishery Regulations, 1990

Remedy Terms and Conditions of Licence Problems plus annual amendments

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985

Amendments to section 93.3 (mandatory release of species (Groundfish) caught in gear and response to SARA requirements

Fisheries Management
(613) 990-0090

Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985

Repeal Scallop notification provision (s. 67.2)

Fisheries Management
(Maritimes Region)
(902) 426-2473

Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985

Redefine Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 22 and 24 for better management and control of the fishery

Fisheries Management
(Gulf Region)
(506) 851-3760

Atlantic Fishery Regulations, 1985

Swordfish and Shark Amendments – Permit closure by gear type, by vessel class and species

Maritimes Region (Fisheries Management)
(902) 426-2473

Contraventions Regulations

(Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990)

Add Schedule of offences and fines to Contraventions Regulations (decriminalize offences, reduce & simplify prosecutions)

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Contraventions Regulations – Phase I

(Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations)

Add new schedule of offences and fines to the Contraventions Regulations to decriminalize offences and to reduce and simplify prosecutions

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Contraventions Regulations – Phase II (Atlantic Fishery Regulations, Pacific Fishery Regulations, Fishery (General) Regulations)

Add new schedules of offences and fines to the Contraventions Regulations to decriminalize offences and to reduce and simplify prosecutions

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Fish Health Protection Regulations

To bring regulations into compliance with International Standards

Science Sector
(613) 993-4933

Fishery (General) Regulation

MOU – Nova Scotia Implementation (Variation Order Power to Nova Scotia)

Fisheries Management
Maritimes Region
(902) 426-2473

Fishing and Recreational Harbours Regulations

To reflect the continuation of the divestiture of Small Craft Harbours as directed by a February, 1995 Ministerial announcement (93 sites to be removed from the harbour schedule). This amendment will also add 1 new harbour to the same schedule.

Corporate Services
Small Craft Harbours
(613) 993-2972

Marine Mammal Regulations

Regulate Whale Watching

Fisheries Management
Resource Management (Pacific, Arctic and Inland)
(613) 990-0193

Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987

Seasonal Adjustments and Technical Amendments for the 2005 Fishing Season

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987

Amendment to prohibit possession of invasive species

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations

Possession of Live Fish – Stop fishers from releasing live fish (not possession) to provide better control of the fishery

Maritimes Region
(902) 426-5433

Maritime Provinces Fishery Regulations

Individual must stop fishing immediately upon reaching daily limit (s.64)

Gulf Region
(506) 284-2312

Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations

Seasonal Adjustments and Technical Amendments for 2005 Fishing Season

Central & Arctic
(867) 669-4921

Nunavut/Northwest Territories Fishery Regulations/Marine Mammal Fishery Regulations

To establish new Nunavut and Northwest Territory Fishery Regulations

Policy (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989

Amendment to prohibit possession of invasive species

Policy (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989

Seasonal Adjustments and Technical Amendments for the 2005 Fishing Season

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Ontario Fishery Regulations, 1989

Seasonal Adjustments and Technical Amendments for the 2006 Fishing Season

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Pacific Fishery Management Area Regulations

Rewrite, describe Areas/Subareas using coordinates

Fisheries Management
Pacific Region
(604) 666-6408

Quebec Fishery Regulations, 1990

Seasonal Adjustments and Technical Amendments for the 2005 Fishing Season

Policy Sector (LRA)
(613) 993-2361

Seismic Mitigation Regulations (Oceans Act)

Establishment of Standards and Guidelines governing seismic activity in the marine environment

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 992-2283

Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Development of Regulations (Orders to add species to SARA Schedule 1)

Science/Policy/Fisheries Management
(613) 990-9325

Basin Head Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of Basin Head MPA to protect a unique strain of Irish Moss and the ecosystem that supports it.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Gilbert Bay MPA to conserve and protect the most genetically distinguishable population of Atlantic cod within the range of northern cod and its habitat.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Musquash Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Musquash MPA to protect one of the last ecologically intact and biologically diverse salt marsh complexes in the Bay of Fundy.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Eastport Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Eastport MPA to conserve and protect local lobster populations

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Manicouagan Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Manicouagan MPA to conserve and protect the highly diverse and productive estuary and marine ecosystems of the Manicouagan Peninsula.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Tarium Niryutait Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Tarium Niryutait MPA to conserve and protect important beluga whale and anadromous fish habitat and protect portions of Canada’s largest Arctic estuary.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935

Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area Regulation

Establishment of the Bowie Seamount MPA to conserve and protect a productive, and diverse seamount ecosystem and conserve significant populations of rockfish, sablefish and halibut.

Oceans Sector
Marine Ecosystems and Conservation Branch
(613) 991-5935


Last updated : 2005-02-28

Important Notices