
Welcome to the Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories is a land of remarkable beauty and tremendous opportunity. It is home to our original peoples - the Inuvialuit, Dene, Metis - and to many other people who have chosen to make the North their home. Respect for traditions and cultures, a powerful attachment to the land, and an indomitable spirit define our people.

These are indeed exciting times as the people of the Northwest Territories forge a new chapter in our history. I invite you to visit this website to learn more about the work of this government, and my office in particular, in helping Northerners achieve their dreams.

Premier Joe Handley

Recent Events

Premier Handley and Deputy Premier Roland meet with AOC

Committee on Accountability and Oversight Meeting on Cost of Living

Premier Joe Handley and Deputy Premier Floyd Roland met with the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight on January 19, 2006 at the Legislative Assembly to discuss cost of living issues in the Northwest Territories.   Links to the opening remarks by Premier Handley, the presentation and the cost of living framework can be found in the photo gallery along with photos from the meeting.