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© 2006
Government of Saskatchewan
Last updated December 04, 2006

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Click on the following list of related sites to find additional interesting information:

Cross-Government Initiatives

Aboriginal Canada Portal
Canada Benefits
Disability WebLinks
National Children's Agenda
National Child Benefit
The Social Union

Community-Based Organizations

Adoption Support Centre of Saskatchewan
Breakfast for Learning (Canadian Living Foundation)
Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Family Service Saskatoon
Gardiner Park Child-Care Inc.
National Anti-Poverty Organization
National Council on Welfare
Neil Squire Foundation
Parenting Education Saskatchewan
Provincial Association of Transition Houses
Public Legal Education Association
Regina Children's Justice Centre
Saskatchewan Abilities Council
Saskatchewan Association for Community Living
Saskatchewan Foster Families Association

Saskatchewan Institute on the Prevention of Handicaps
South Saskatchewan Independent Living Centre
The Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres

Children and Youth Links

Childhood and Youth Web Site
Child Welfare League of Canada
Child Welfare Resource Centre
Invest in Kids Foundation
Kid's Help Line

Kiwanis International - Young Children
National Youth in Care Network
Ranch Ehrlo Society
Safe Schools, Safe Communities, Safe Together
Saskatoon Preschool Foundation

Family Links

Child and Family Canada
Family Service Canada
Parents Help Line