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Canada Child Tax Benefit for July 2006

Beginning in July 2006, the amount of CCTB will be increased to provide extra support to low- and middle- income families with children.

Annual maximum CCTB (including NCBS) for the July 2006 to June 2007 benefit year
for families with net incomes below $20,435 in 2005

Number of Children Basic
NCBS Total
Monthly Benefit
1st child $1255 $1945 $3200
2d child $1255 $1720 $2975
3rd & each additional child $1343 $1637 $2980
  • Families that had net income below $20,435 in 2004 qualify for the maximum base benefit of the CCTB and maximum NCB Supplement.
  • Families that had net incomes between $20,435 and $36,378 in 2005 qualify for the maximum base benefit of the CCTB and part of the NCB Supplement.
  • Families that had net incomes above $36,378 in 2005 qualify for a part of the base benefit of the CCTB.

*The Alberta government has chosen to vary the amount of the basic benefit its residents receive. Details are not yet available.

To determine the amount of benefits you may be entitled to receive, visit the CRA’s Child and Family On-Line Calculator.

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