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This study summarises lessons learned from the Department of Human Resources Development Canada’s (HRDC) youth programs, as well as from youth programs in other countries. John Greenwood of the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation, in cooperation with Saul Schwartz of the School of Public Administration at Carleton University, was largely responsible for the development of the methodological approach and the analysis of the existing information on youth programs.

The project team conducted the study for the Evaluation and Data Development Branch of HRDC, in support of the Ministerial Task Force on Youth. The results of the study served as an input to the development of the New Youth Employment Strategy launched by HRDC in February 1997.

A number of papers were prepared for HRDC as part of this study by the following authors:

    Gordon Betcherman and Norm Leckie, Human Resource Group, Ekos Research Associates, for the paper Profile of the Youth Labour Market

    W.Craig Riddell, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, for the paper Evidence on the Effectiveness of Youth Labour Market Programs in Canada

    David A.Long, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, for What Works? Evidence from Evaluation Research on Programs for Disadvantaged Youth in the United States

    John A. Burns and Vanessa Thomas, Centre for Public Management, Evidence on the Effectiveness of Youth Labour Market Programs in Australia and the United Kingdom

The original papers also benefited from comments provided by Audra Bowlus, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario; Harvey Krahn, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta; Lars Osberg, Department of Economics, Dalhousie University; and Marc Van Audenrode, Département d’Économique, Université Laval. We are grateful to the many people who assisted the evaluation team.

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