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This study summarizes lessons learned on innovative workplaces based on information that the Department of Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) has on the topic, as well as from information available from other sources. In addition, new research was conducted to bring this information up to date. The study is based on a report prepared by Gordon Betcherman of Ekos Research and Associates for, and under, the direction of the Evaluation and Data Development Branch of HRDC. In addition, a series of technical papers, prepared by Norm Leckie and his team at Ekos and Arlene Wortsman of the Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre (CLMPC), were used as the basis for this study. The original work was done in support of the Ministerial Collective Reflection on the Changing Workplace. The results of the study served as an input to the Report of the Advisory Committee on the Changing Workplace published in June of 1997. The project team also included a working group with members from various HRDC branches; principally people from both Labour and Strategic Policy, in addition to people from Industry Canada (Entrepreneurship Small Business Office). The technical reports produced for HRDC as part of this study are available upon request.

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